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Ultra-Nightmare speeds help

Ultra-Nightmare speeds help

Oct 31, 2021, 10:2710/31/21

Ultra-Nightmare speeds help

Hey folks I  am  able  to  do  a  easy  2  key  nightmare  now  I  think  I  am  ready  for  UNM  just  wondering  what  speed  should  I  run  my  champs  with .  Currently  doing  a  Skullcrusher  counter  attack  team

Skullcrusher:  171  speed

Ninja:  181  speed

Frozen  banshee:  185  speed

Tayrel:  189  speed

Aox:  188  speed

what  speed  should  I  adjust  it  so  I  can  possibly  do  both  NM  and  UNM  but  with  my  gear  most  likely  I  could  only  do  UNM 

Oct 31, 2021, 15:2910/31/21

Honestly you shouldnt really need to adjust your speeds much at all for UNM. Personally, I run comparable speeds to those on NM and UNM just fine. Use the speed calc to verify, but I expect your speeds won't need to change.

As an aside - I would strongly recommend you work on getting Rhazin to replace Tayrel. You already have ATK down from Aox, and you have DEF down from Ninja. You're missing Weaken at the moment, which is a big damage loss, and Tayrel doesn't contribute anything other than insurance.

Also - your Ninja is *really* fast. I would definitely check the speed tuner to make sure that you won't throw your rotations out of sync with his passive.

Nov 1, 2021, 01:4811/01/21

Honestly you shouldnt really need to adjust your speeds much at all for UNM. Personally, I run comparable speeds to those on NM and UNM just fine. Use the speed calc to verify, but I expect your speeds won't need to change.

As an aside - I would strongly recommend you work on getting Rhazin to replace Tayrel. You already have ATK down from Aox, and you have DEF down from Ninja. You're missing Weaken at the moment, which is a big damage loss, and Tayrel doesn't contribute anything other than insurance.

Also - your Ninja is *really* fast. I would definitely check the speed tuner to make sure that you won't throw your rotations out of sync with his passive.

this one is for UNM is it an auto or I need to manual for set up in UNM?


this one is for NM i am not sure if its unsycned because of Ninja's speed


Nov 1, 2021, 01:5611/01/21
Nov 1, 2021, 01:57(edited)

Both of those two rotations look worrisome. In an optimal rotation your turn order should basically not change after your initial setup phase. For your UNM rotation, on turn 2 Ninja is 4th, on turn 5 he's 2nd, and on turn 8 he's 1st. I can't see the rest of them, but I can almost guarantee he'll eventually be in a spot where he's out of rotation, and thus not protected by Skullcrusher's ally protect.

Same goes for your NM rotation. On turn 2 Ninja is 3rd, on turn 5 he's 2nd, and on turn 8 he's 4th.

My suggestion is to try with a much slower Ninja - usually sub-150 speed, to make sure his A1 doesn't cause him to suddenly jump ahead of other people.

Also - I just noticed you have no stun blocker, which means someone is eating the stun. Guessing that's probably Aox, but if for whatever reason it shifts to someone else, that could completely mess up your rotations as well. I suggest you look to add a stun blocker to the team - Brogni is MVP here, but if you don't have him, you can run Sepulcher Sentinel in a pinch, or any number of other champs.

Nov 1, 2021, 02:0711/01/21
Nov 1, 2021, 02:10(edited)

Both of those two rotations look worrisome. In an optimal rotation your turn order should basically not change after your initial setup phase. For your UNM rotation, on turn 2 Ninja is 4th, on turn 5 he's 2nd, and on turn 8 he's 1st. I can't see the rest of them, but I can almost guarantee he'll eventually be in a spot where he's out of rotation, and thus not protected by Skullcrusher's ally protect.

Same goes for your NM rotation. On turn 2 Ninja is 3rd, on turn 5 he's 2nd, and on turn 8 he's 4th.

My suggestion is to try with a much slower Ninja - usually sub-150 speed, to make sure his A1 doesn't cause him to suddenly jump ahead of other people.

Also - I just noticed you have no stun blocker, which means someone is eating the stun. Guessing that's probably Aox, but if for whatever reason it shifts to someone else, that could completely mess up your rotations as well. I suggest you look to add a stun blocker to the team - Brogni is MVP here, but if you don't have him, you can run Sepulcher Sentinel in a pinch, or any number of other champs.

this is Ninja with 151 speed it doesn't look right for some reasons, PS: ninja is my nuker for arena which is why im kinda hesitant to change his speed until I get genbo fully lvled or I can get another good damge dealer to replace him in CB but i dont have rhazin


Nov 1, 2021, 12:1711/01/21

So I plugged the numbers in, and it does appear you're correct - even at 181 speed he seems to be okay, Skullcrusher is consistently last despite him jumping around in turns occasionally. So I think I'll have to retract my previous statement, though I'll have to admit I'm surprised to see this.

Nov 1, 2021, 12:3111/01/21

So I plugged the numbers in, and it does appear you're correct - even at 181 speed he seems to be okay, Skullcrusher is consistently last despite him jumping around in turns occasionally. So I think I'll have to retract my previous statement, though I'll have to admit I'm surprised to see this.

oh thanks! how about for UNM can I straight auto? I probably have to get my defences up for banshee tho her defence is only 2.8k

Nov 1, 2021, 12:4311/01/21

Looks like you should be able to UNM straight auto after the first CB stun. 2.8K is a bit on the lower side, but not by much. You should basically gauge how far you last, and whether she is dying significantly earlier than the rest of your team, as she contributes the most to your team damage.

Nov 1, 2021, 13:2911/01/21

NM and UNM should run with same speeds with Skull last at around the speed u have.  I always had Skull around 173/174 with a cleanser (Doompriest at 186) or a block debuff (Jarl, Mage, ...) at 172/173 (one slower than SC).  The other 3 at 176-179 (I think) to stay in CA/ally protect.  The AI just needs to be offset one turn to account for CB speed diference from NM to UNM.  

Nov 3, 2021, 12:0511/03/21

NM and UNM should run with same speeds with Skull last at around the speed u have.  I always had Skull around 173/174 with a cleanser (Doompriest at 186) or a block debuff (Jarl, Mage, ...) at 172/173 (one slower than SC).  The other 3 at 176-179 (I think) to stay in CA/ally protect.  The AI just needs to be offset one turn to account for CB speed diference from NM to UNM.  

what if I replace tayrel with doompriest so my team consist of ninja, doompriest, aox, frozen banshee and skullcrusher will that be better?

Nov 3, 2021, 12:1211/03/21

Tayrel is indeed spurious on that team - he brings ATK down, but Aox does that, and he brings DEF down, but Ninja does that one.

Doompriest might help, since you will be able to remove the stun, but I wonder whether just having Ninja eat the stun would work as well. What you're really missing on that team is Weaken. Do you have Rhazin? I would bet putting Rhazin in for Tayrel, and just having Ninja eat the stun would suffice.

That being said - you shouldn't mess with your team much. If it's working, it's working. You say you're able to 2-key NM easily. If you're able to boost the gear a bit and take that to 1-key NM and 3-key UNM, that should be your priority. Worry about tweaking the comp after. 

Nov 3, 2021, 12:1911/03/21

Tayrel is indeed spurious on that team - he brings ATK down, but Aox does that, and he brings DEF down, but Ninja does that one.

Doompriest might help, since you will be able to remove the stun, but I wonder whether just having Ninja eat the stun would work as well. What you're really missing on that team is Weaken. Do you have Rhazin? I would bet putting Rhazin in for Tayrel, and just having Ninja eat the stun would suffice.

That being said - you shouldn't mess with your team much. If it's working, it's working. You say you're able to 2-key NM easily. If you're able to boost the gear a bit and take that to 1-key NM and 3-key UNM, that should be your priority. Worry about tweaking the comp after. 

thanks for the advice yeah I am able to 2 key nightmare just gotta boost the defence of all the champs im assuming 

skullcrusher: 3.5k def

ninja: 1.8k def

frozen banshee: 3.2k def

aox: 3.5k def

tayrel: 3.5k def

should i boost all to hit 4k before i try hit unm? I did like a test run (wasted a key lol) on UNM only did like 14.5 mill or something like that kinda weak sauce

Nov 3, 2021, 13:2211/03/21

You should basically evaluate when your champs are dying to determine that. Ninja seems on the lower end for defense, so he would be a good metric. What turn does he die on? Does the rest of your team live significantly longer? Is he the first to die?

Nov 3, 2021, 14:3911/03/21

Post your roster.  I think you need to go all DEFENSE.  Drop both Ninja & Banshee.  You have CA, so Banshee or Aox (I keep aox for the sustain) is enough poison.  I don't think eating the stun is a great strategy without unkillable or significant healing.