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Oct 30, 2021, 02:1210/30/21


Can we see the power change as well with the artifact changes in the dressing room?

Oct 30, 2021, 03:1110/30/21

I expected something completely different when I entered this thread

Oct 30, 2021, 09:5310/30/21

The player power is total irrelevant, exept for the daily quest to beat an arena opponent with higher power. But I guess you don't change equip every day just for that quest.

The dressing room doesn't show the total power, only the change in single stats. Maybe this pic helps to estimate the outcome of your player power.


Oct 30, 2021, 18:2810/30/21

Im not talking about player power im talking about the champions power as armor is put on an removed...i put on items i think will raise it andit costs alot of silver to do this for it to only drop it id like to see the champions power in the dressing room as items are tried on...and please dont tell me it dont matter,,,maybe to you it doesnt but to me it does

Oct 31, 2021, 01:2510/31/21

That chart can also be used to show you the power of a champion too. And for me, it is showing that Champion Power does not actually matter very much. As you can see, Resistance and Crit Rate are heavily heavily weighted, but important things like Speed and Accuracy are not worth much at all.

Just build your champs for the speed, accuracy and other stats you need and you'll get more use out of them than trying to build for champ power. Very very few situations and champs need resistance over speed and accuracy. Going first and going more means winning more!

Oct 31, 2021, 10:1710/31/21
Oct 31, 2021, 10:20(edited)

Im not talking about player power im talking about the champions power as armor is put on an removed...i put on items i think will raise it andit costs alot of silver to do this for it to only drop it id like to see the champions power in the dressing room as items are tried on...and please dont tell me it dont matter,,,maybe to you it doesnt but to me it does

Obviously the chart shows the champions power, even if it's named not 100% accurate as player power. I didn't create this chart, I just found it somewhere in the depths of the internet.

The champions power is completetly irrelevant. If you equip your (attack based) main damage dealer with a resistance chest, the champions power will increase. If you equip your main damage dealer with an atk% chest instead, the real usefullness of the champ will increase, even if the champions power is much lower than it would be with the resistance chest. The best thing you can do with the champions power in Raid is to forget about it.

Equip your champs with the stats they need, not with the stats that would give higher bonus to champions power. Damage dealers need critrate, critdamage and the stat increasing their damage (in most cases atk). Debuffers need accuracy. Healers and revivers need survivability (hp, def, resistance), they should be the last man standing, it doesn't make any sense when the dedicated reviver dies first. All champions need speed. Speedbuffers (like High Khatun) need even more speed.

Oct 31, 2021, 14:3310/31/21

The player power is total irrelevant, exept for the daily quest to beat an arena opponent with higher power. But I guess you don't change equip every day just for that quest.

The dressing room doesn't show the total power, only the change in single stats. Maybe this pic helps to estimate the outcome of your player power.


I saw this graphic on reddit a few weeks ago.  Someone said it was debunked and incorrect.  The same person or someone else said it came from HH, if my memory is correct.  I did not want to comment here till I had time to run the numbers myself and verify.

It is total bunk!!!

I ran these number across 4 champs, 1 from each roll (att, def, hp, support).  The numbers predicted by this grpahic run from 116K to 124K PP.  The observed P of my champions run from 53K to 79K.  The % deviance runs form 156% to 231% (overestimated).  That means at best these numbers would give you a PP more than 1/2 again as great as the actual, at worst, more than 213% as great.  FWIW the greater deviances were on the DEF and HP champs.

But even if the numbers were accurate, they demonstrate the point that you and so many have made, that P is meaningless.

E.g., all you have to do is look at crit rate.  By these numbers, a champ with 100% crit rate would have 10,900 P based on that stat.  A champ with 70% would have 7,630.  That statement holds true even if the champ has a skill that gives an additional 30% crit rate or not (coldheart)!!  Also, a champ with 130% crit rate would have 14,170 PP.  And we know that going over 100% is worthless. (Ignoring the fact that NOONE would build a champ with 130% crit rate.)

Another example, ATT vs. CDmg.  At some point there is a trade off.  A champ that has 4000 ATT and 50% CDmag, verses a champ that has 1000 ATT and 250% CDmag?  The value of increases in stats would change.

There is also the issue of useless, or unneeded stats for certain champs.  What value is ACC for a champ that has no debuffs?  What value is ATT for a champ that hits like a wet noodle?  All of these stats values are situational.  I don't believe there is any way for Plarium to devise an accurate algorithem for champ P; it would have to be different for every champ and also have to scale rather than be lineal.  Even then, to put 4 champs together and use there additive P to come up with TP is another issue entirely.

I think most players understand the basics of all this, but I hope thinking about the numbers and the whys will help people understand that champ and team p are pretty meaningless.

Oct 31, 2021, 16:4710/31/21

Even if I close my eyes to the fact that there is no division by type of heroes...

The speed is in fifth place....


Whoever made the list didn't play the game, so I hope this list has nothing to do with the current list in the game.