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its without success to get lengendary characters for normal player

its without success to get lengendary characters for normal player

Oct 29, 2021, 20:5910/29/21

its without success to get lengendary characters for normal player


in my opinion you have to change the dirrection to get more legendary heroes!

for me its not possible to get fragments for all legendary characters here, i am an 48 player, but i cant get fragments because i cant get some of them, because it give so much more people here, they are stronger that iam....

your dirrection in the first time of the game are correct, but now, its unbelievebal for me to get some fragments...

you have to change this in my opinion, for all players the same chance to get a new character!!!

best wishes


Oct 29, 2021, 21:1210/29/21

Save your resources! If you can't complete the actual fragment event for Vlad, don't open shards now. The worst thing you can do, really slowing down your progress, is to participate in a row of events you can't finish anyway.

Save your shards for the summmon rush of the next fragment legendary. Save your XP brews for the champion training of the next fragment legendary. Pre-level the champs to get Relickeeper for the champion chase of the next fragment legendary. Don't use your stuff now if you know you can't finish the event.

Oct 29, 2021, 22:3810/29/21
Oct 29, 2021, 22:41(edited)

for more of 2 years i and my gilrfriend play almost f2p, and for this time we pull almost the same number from Void Shards.....countless rare duplicates, 4 for me and she get 5 epics...and just 0 legendary heroes..ZERO, nada, nothing, almost nirvana...i mean, exept Visix from daily and Arbiters from, whats my point....if "normal"mean free-to-play, seem to my experience, progress will stop aroung 80-90 level and only reason will be fussions....even then, i start think about search for something new...seems here f2p already is just routine...and even new fussions often are paywall-ed, most often whit summoning case with Demythia, where f-2 player must "save and conserve" for at least 2-3 monts...other way is, get shards, get some of 3 champs who have mass CS, get some infinity shield dwarf or some fairy dutches and if you can two maneathers and go on UNM CB and be victorious...more of other legos i have (non-void) come from Ancient shards...i dont even remember when was last time to get lego from really not sure for Mercy system...may be it exist in some dimmension, most probably close, but not enough... 

Oct 30, 2021, 00:5310/30/21

What about Ninja? Everyone got him 🤔

Oct 30, 2021, 03:1910/30/21

Skadi is right.  You cannot participate in these types of events as a FTP without actually planning for them and saving up resources.  I started a second FTP account which is currently level 53 and it has been able to successfully complete 2 of these fragment events so far, and is currently doing this one (which I should also be able to comfortably complete).

It isn't that FTP accounts cannot do these events.  It's just that you cannot throw away your resources left and right and expect to do them.  This doesn't just apply to shards, but also energy, silver, chickens/food champions and other fusions (e.g. relickeeper, broadmaw, rhazin, etc.). 

If you cannot participate in this one then skip it, and start to think about how much resources you will need for the next one in 4 weeks time.  Save up to about 20 million silver.  Have about 8k energy available somehow (i.e. through free energy pots or clan gold shop).  Buy every mystery shard that you come across with the goal to get about 1.5K.  

If you start to think like this then these events are actually not very hard at all.  My main FTP (about level 75) account can participiate in every one of these events and I haven't spent a dollar.

Oct 30, 2021, 03:2110/30/21

i understand the issue is the percentage's of pulls for legendary epic etc but they've already addressed they aren't going to bump the rates