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So is this the format for fusions from now on?

So is this the format for fusions from now on?

Oct 28, 2021, 12:5410/28/21

So is this the format for fusions from now on?

Looking at the guide to this fusion on hellhades

Yet again you cant skip champ chase OR summon rush, doing so gives 95 fragments

Is this going to be the format every time going forward, even for rubbish fusions?

Oct 28, 2021, 13:1010/28/21

Should be able to complete it by doing *all* events and getting the 20 from champ chase and 5 from summon rush, at least. But yeah. Not impressed, especially for an unimpressive lego.

Oct 28, 2021, 13:2410/28/21

looks like it - once they realised that folk were storing their epics for the old style fusion they changed it, soon every fusion needed new champs - I guess that didn't make them enough money so now fusions are all fragment based

Oct 28, 2021, 13:3110/28/21

looks like it - once they realised that folk were storing their epics for the old style fusion they changed it, soon every fusion needed new champs - I guess that didn't make them enough money so now fusions are all fragment based

I thought i could maybe win a tournament, but they have put me - an ftp player in with a guy who after 2 hours has scored 9.5k points in spider

That surely isnt even possible without cheating?

Oct 28, 2021, 13:4010/28/21
  1. So you should be able to get a "free" void legendary without doing either shard event?
  2. Fragment fusions are way easier than the other format
  3. If the champ is rubbish, no reason to complain.  Enjoy the break from Raid!

How easy should fusions be, seriously?  Enter promo code VLAD?  We'd complain that we had to type to many letters... lol

-- Your friendly forum troll :)

Oct 28, 2021, 13:4410/28/21
  1. So you should be able to get a "free" void legendary without doing either shard event?
  2. Fragment fusions are way easier than the other format
  3. If the champ is rubbish, no reason to complain.  Enjoy the break from Raid!

How easy should fusions be, seriously?  Enter promo code VLAD?  We'd complain that we had to type to many letters... lol

-- Your friendly forum troll :)

I think having to do summon rush OR champ chase would be fine

Normally there are 120 frags excluding tournament win bonus's

This time there are 115

Oct 28, 2021, 13:4710/28/21
Trevor Wilson

I think having to do summon rush OR champ chase would be fine

Normally there are 120 frags excluding tournament win bonus's

This time there are 115

hmm, I just quickly read the news.  Maybe I missed a change from prior, I was just happy training starts right away during chase.  Greens during chase/summon makes it easier for f2p for sure.  Not for f2c :)

Oct 28, 2021, 13:5510/28/21

hmm, I just quickly read the news.  Maybe I missed a change from prior, I was just happy training starts right away during chase.  Greens during chase/summon makes it easier for f2p for sure.  Not for f2c :)

Fragment events with 120 fragments are easier than others- you can skip one shard event and go all out on the other shard event

My greens are back up to 1k now, but not sure thats enough to make it up.

Like you say might be best to enjoy the break- its not as if i want the champ particularly

Oh - about how 'easy' these fusions are, i think all of them require a ridiculous amount of time logged into the game to complete.

I got all the epics in the last fusion, but it felt like i was permenantly logged into the game either on my phone or laptop...

I dont think they are 'easy' at all, i think they require unreasonable amounts of time to be honest.

Of course no-one makes us play, if not happy with the time requirements we can quit and as ftp i doubt plarium would even notice 

Oct 28, 2021, 13:5710/28/21

It's not so much the style that bugs me (I won't be doing it, better things to do) but I've just looked at the first event - Dungeon Divers, 5 fragments on offer and 2500 points to get 5

IMO both those statements are saying if you're FTP and haven't saved huge resources just don't bother

Oct 28, 2021, 14:0010/28/21

It's not so much the style that bugs me (I won't be doing it, better things to do) but I've just looked at the first event - Dungeon Divers, 5 fragments on offer and 2500 points to get 5

IMO both those statements are saying if you're FTP and haven't saved huge resources just don't bother

I say easy (and easier this time for sure) because we have super raids for all the dungeon events.  Multibattles on level 20 overnight while sleeping will get frags for all DD events and dungeon tournaments.  Autoclick 12.3 for training and DD too.  My PC will be busy, but I won't :)

Oct 28, 2021, 14:0310/28/21

I say easy (and easier this time for sure) because we have super raids for all the dungeon events.  Multibattles on level 20 overnight while sleeping will get frags for all DD events and dungeon tournaments.  Autoclick 12.3 for training and DD too.  My PC will be busy, but I won't :)

Does your auto clicker swap food in and out?

Champ training is the one i have to manually run (and this makes it the one i hate)

Oct 28, 2021, 14:1610/28/21

woke up this morning and noticed that you will need to do 2 champion summoning events for the fusion.

Got to admire plarium, ultimate trolls. After all the crap about one fusion epic last time around they doubled down and did it again.

Maybe they will have lower requirements for how many shards you gonna need to pull, doubt it. I will still get the fusion done. I broke my f2p record thanks to madame serris(congrats plarium you won), so I have zero voids going into this fusion, pulled last couple other day with a dream of siphi. 

How hard should fusions be is a good question. I still find them easy as I always have resources saved up, and if you can auto level 20 dungeons over night its not bad. The champ training ya trevor has a point I sit around for hours on end pushing replay. I was lazy last one during sigmound and burnt hundreds of pots and chickens and didn't do one single campaign battle rofl. 

Oct 28, 2021, 14:2810/28/21

Aside from when you have to complete two shard events -it isnt hoarding resources i find hard, its time.

I think i am just fed up of constantly having my laptop or phone tied up - i would like to actually play other games occasionally, but its like a full time job. Even dailies take a lot of time up

And as evil mentioned champ training (to my knowledge) cant be automated

The game is what it is however, and nothing is stopping me from just not logging in.

Oct 28, 2021, 14:4010/28/21
Trevor Wilson

Aside from when you have to complete two shard events -it isnt hoarding resources i find hard, its time.

I think i am just fed up of constantly having my laptop or phone tied up - i would like to actually play other games occasionally, but its like a full time job. Even dailies take a lot of time up

And as evil mentioned champ training (to my knowledge) cant be automated

The game is what it is however, and nothing is stopping me from just not logging in.

"- i would like to actually play other games occasionally "

Plarium doesn't want this.  SOT = SOW

So while we harp on the time suck factor, this is where they really say FU to us.  If your device spends any time on another game, your $$$ could follow.  In order to keep the paying players money, the game is designed to maintain 100% of your gaming time.  They could reduce the time suck immediately but CHOOSE not to.  I think I will finish Ramantu and then bid adieu :)

Oct 28, 2021, 14:5110/28/21

"- i would like to actually play other games occasionally "

Plarium doesn't want this.  SOT = SOW

So while we harp on the time suck factor, this is where they really say FU to us.  If your device spends any time on another game, your $$$ could follow.  In order to keep the paying players money, the game is designed to maintain 100% of your gaming time.  They could reduce the time suck immediately but CHOOSE not to.  I think I will finish Ramantu and then bid adieu :)

Very true, they want your money, as much as they can get by any means possible,  it's aimed at new players who are more likely to spend money, mid game start to realise it's wasted money and end game unless they are whales probably won't spend - I'm in that category, I spent small amounts early on, realised it was a waste and now am FTP, I'm end game, I get shards/books from UNM, steady G4,  I do the quests but I don't NEED any more champs, nice when I get one from shards but they aren't going to be the 'game changer' an early/mid game is hoping for and will spend in the game hoping for

Oct 28, 2021, 15:1810/28/21
Trevor Wilson

I think having to do summon rush OR champ chase would be fine

Normally there are 120 frags excluding tournament win bonus's

This time there are 115

It appears they dropped one of the classic arena (obviously easiest frags) from the fusion.  Tournament starts tomorrow, but if it does not have frags that would explain the drop from 120 to 115.  It does appear intentional and I concur an added degree of difficulty.