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PvP matchmaking - again

PvP matchmaking - again

Oct 27, 2021, 13:0410/27/21

PvP matchmaking - again

Well it's been a few months, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised that the Arena Matchmaking is broken, again. 

This is something I see on my main in Arena fairly often in Gold 4, 135k power team, and over 2 million player power if not more


Now - this, is my constant Gold 1, under 100k, somewhere around 1.3 million power alt that I'm about ready to try sabotaging my player power to see if it helps matchmaking


So, yet again, because I can't get to Gold 3, and can't farm medals to upgrade stats, I can't complete missions for Arbiter, or improve my great hall cause I need to save what I have because you guys made the cost of hall upgrades thoroughly ridiculous. If you were earning the equivalent of the 4 gold 4 medals, off 25 wins per day (so basically, the 10 you likely start with, your 1 bag refill, and 5 from buying something in the shop) it wil take you 43 days to max out the great hall. With 24 to max, that's 2.8 years to max the Grat Hall IF you get the equivalent of Gold 4 wins 25 times a day every day. If you went back to the old numbers, that are here, it would still take at that rate take around a year to max out the great hall - but would leave space that players can build it PROPERLY and not hard focus trying to get Arbiter because of how insane the costs are. And that's a year again, assuming Gold 4 with 25 wins a day. Even if you did those numbers +50% that would be a dramatic improvement for new and old players. And if your so concerned that no one will do PvP once they fill their great hall - although you have now tournaments mixed in to fusions and could make it worthwhile for CvC - then add a store or some other way to spend excess medals, which could be good too for anyone that has excess Bronze/Silver's already they can't spend. 

You guys really need to seriously find some kind of solution that puts an end to this nonsense for good, not just every 6-10 months or so. You also seriously need to either lower the cost in the great hall, or you need to add some way to earn the medals in PvE so if were getting screwed in PvP we still have some way. Bonus in potion dungeons based on what floor, campaign, whatever. But it frustrating that months ago, my team on that alt was in Gold 4, I have spent the last month making the team faster, with my High Khatun at 260 speed, which is getting close to if not already faster than my main's Arbiter, increasing crit rate and damage, accuracy, etc on the various champs just trying to make something work, and my team is still not fast enough, or it is, but my opponent apparently has all the stuff so all my crits are negated, they get to counterattack off my attack and then usually have RNG kick in for extra turns just to make it complete when I have exactly 0 of those accessories. 

I'm not looking for things to be so easy that I can get Arbiter in 2 months and max my GH in 3. I just want something that resembles a fair fight, and the ability to actually have at least a semi built GH after 22 months on my main that has 1 at 10 and most others at 3 save a couple from missions, and my alt that has other than again for missions, only 1 level in things after about lets call it 18 months. Atbiter to still be work, but not an absolute freaking chore because MM keeps breaking and the rewards are paltry vs the cost of upgrades. Cause even with that fixed I still have to do things like get past Spider 19 and a team that can beat 20, as well as other teams that I'm not quite there yet on my alt, and for my main start gainign an ability to actually do more end game content, which having a great hall would go a long way. 

Oct 27, 2021, 13:3110/27/21

They could end it tomorrow if they ceased trying to 'matchmake' and just pick ten random opponents from the tier you're in.  In all their protestations they have never managed to explain to anyones satisfaction why they won't do that - apart from their usual 'the arena is not meant to be easy' - maybe not, but that should not mean you make it artificially harder.  If teams are in your tier you play them, simple no?

Oct 27, 2021, 15:3410/27/21

What am I missing the second ss looks like a page full of free wins.

Oct 27, 2021, 15:4910/27/21
Oct 27, 2021, 15:57(edited)
Now - this, is my constant Gold 1, under 100k, somewhere around 1.3
million power alt that I'm about ready to try sabotaging my player power
to see if it helps matchmaking 

No, it will not influence your matchmaking. They pointed out in official statements, that player- or accountpower only influences the matchmaking in Bronze in Silver. In Gold 1, you are not affected anymore.

And "proving" a broken matchmaking with a Gold 1 pic showing 3 of 4 opponent teams are built totally wrong and easy victories while the Gold 4 opponents (exept the lvl 1 defense) have good teams and where probably just to slow in the speed race is not very convincing.

Oct 27, 2021, 17:2210/27/21

Mwwwwahahaha  I  can't help,  but  to  laugh.

Your  complaining  about  Arena  Defense  teams  that  are  using  C.  Rate  &  Accuracy Aura's

Easy  Wins

If  you  can't beat  those  players,  your  not even  trying  to win  in  arena.

Oct 27, 2021, 17:2810/27/21
Player J

Mwwwwahahaha  I  can't help,  but  to  laugh.

Your  complaining  about  Arena  Defense  teams  that  are  using  C.  Rate  &  Accuracy Aura's

Easy  Wins

If  you  can't beat  those  players,  your  not even  trying  to win  in  arena.

^^^ 100% agree.  Though I would have said it more harshly... lol

Oct 27, 2021, 17:3710/27/21

What am I missing the second ss looks like a page full of free wins.

Indeed. They're not bots, but they're not much better than them. Even a cookie-cutter team a month into the game would win with Khatun/Spirithost/Warmaiden/Kael.

Oct 27, 2021, 17:3910/27/21
Now - this, is my constant Gold 1, under 100k, somewhere around 1.3
million power alt that I'm about ready to try sabotaging my player power
to see if it helps matchmaking 

No, it will not influence your matchmaking. They pointed out in official statements, that player- or accountpower only influences the matchmaking in Bronze in Silver. In Gold 1, you are not affected anymore.

And "proving" a broken matchmaking with a Gold 1 pic showing 3 of 4 opponent teams are built totally wrong and easy victories while the Gold 4 opponents (exept the lvl 1 defense) have good teams and where probably just to slow in the speed race is not very convincing.

What you and Evilzed seem to be missing is that these aren't easy victories, in fact more and more of these teams are popping up that as I say below the picture, 

"my High Khatun at 260 speed, which is getting close to if not already faster than my main's Arbiter, increasing crit rate and damage, accuracy, etc on the various champs just trying to make something work, and my team is still not fast enough, or it is, but my opponent apparently has all the stuff so all my crits are negated, they get to counterattack off my attack and then usually have RNG kick in for extra turns just to make it complete when I have exactly 0 of those accessories."

That 137k power team yeah I went first - and basically all the crits that Zargala and Rae got were nullified and pretty much the whole team was counter attacked since I use Fahrakin to get the C.DMG up even higher, at which point Rae is basically a glass cannon and got wrecked once they finally started getting their turns, and the rest of the team followed a bit after especially between stuns and provokes. The team with Martyr even at 260 with a 19% boost that damned Martyr went first. And they managed to tank and resist to wear the team out. Third team without a speed lead even with 60% Decrease Defence, 25% Weaken, Rae's A2 with 2700 attack and 224% crit damage wasn't enough to one shot Scyl, she weak hit the 2 force affinities anyway - so Ninja got picked back up and one shot Rae, did a ton to the others, that then got moped up since HK and Fahrakin were frozen anyway. 

Much as I would have loved to show the wall I see at times of Duchess, Arbiter and Lysandra leads with 2-3 other lego's and sometimes together that's not what I had when I finally got to my breaking point from those 3 losses much as I've had dozens more like them the last few weeks

Oct 27, 2021, 17:5710/27/21
Player J

Mwwwwahahaha  I  can't help,  but  to  laugh.

Your  complaining  about  Arena  Defense  teams  that  are  using  C.  Rate  &  Accuracy Aura's

Easy  Wins

If  you  can't beat  those  players,  your  not even  trying  to win  in  arena.

Okay lets for go for a minute that part of those screenshots is the more the massive difference in power of what I'm seeing G4 on my main vs G1 on my alt and that if you actually read below that my bigger issue is that normally 260 speed isn't fast enough when 220 used to be more than and that even without speed leads some of these other champions still exceed a 260 speed with 19% speed boost. And the part where I point out that these slower teams have accessories or what not that seem to 100% of the time nullify my critical hits and then counterattack me. 

Speed lead high Khatun with 260 speed, Fahrakin who is admitededly built for CB but that build has 220 speed to go second on the team with accuracy for debuffs, and still a decent C.Rate and DMG, in to Zargala who is built to Arena and was my go second for AoE decrease Def and traded C.Rate when I added Fahrakin for C.Damage which goes up to 177% with the buff from Fahrakin though her attack is a bit lower than I'd like at 1800 cause yes I haven't got her to rank 6 yet while I try and get my CB team up so I can do more UNM/NM but that didn't matter a few months ago when the weaker iteration of this team was in Gold 4, which leads in to Rae, who makes up 1/3 of my teams power rating with 2700 attack which will go up when I get the last 4 levels and with the buff gets up to 224% C.Damage currently, and manualling to make sure nothing weird happens and she uses her A2 when they all have DEF down. 

SO tell me where in there I'm not trying to win in arena? 

Oct 27, 2021, 18:5810/27/21

The massive difference in team power has nothing to say. Team power is irrelevant. Here, some fights I did just a few minutes ago. Opponent's team power: 217k, 194k, 263k.




Oct 27, 2021, 20:3910/27/21
Oct 27, 2021, 20:46(edited)

Im not sure how long you have been playing, but - 6 months ago when i was in S4 i would have been overjoyed to see those teams, before i got arbiter i was struggling to get out of S4 and every opponent had an arbiter lead.

Here is how G1 and S4 used to look, everyone in the lineup had an arbiter or kymar, in low gold and in silver



Your shots dont look anything like that, either the G1 or G4 shot you posted?

I totally sympathise with people struggling in arena as i have been there and GH is vital to progression, but honestly for what is effectively the top tier, i am not seeing an issue?.

Oct 27, 2021, 23:4810/27/21

Okay lets for go for a minute that part of those screenshots is the more the massive difference in power of what I'm seeing G4 on my main vs G1 on my alt and that if you actually read below that my bigger issue is that normally 260 speed isn't fast enough when 220 used to be more than and that even without speed leads some of these other champions still exceed a 260 speed with 19% speed boost. And the part where I point out that these slower teams have accessories or what not that seem to 100% of the time nullify my critical hits and then counterattack me. 

Speed lead high Khatun with 260 speed, Fahrakin who is admitededly built for CB but that build has 220 speed to go second on the team with accuracy for debuffs, and still a decent C.Rate and DMG, in to Zargala who is built to Arena and was my go second for AoE decrease Def and traded C.Rate when I added Fahrakin for C.Damage which goes up to 177% with the buff from Fahrakin though her attack is a bit lower than I'd like at 1800 cause yes I haven't got her to rank 6 yet while I try and get my CB team up so I can do more UNM/NM but that didn't matter a few months ago when the weaker iteration of this team was in Gold 4, which leads in to Rae, who makes up 1/3 of my teams power rating with 2700 attack which will go up when I get the last 4 levels and with the buff gets up to 224% C.Damage currently, and manualling to make sure nothing weird happens and she uses her A2 when they all have DEF down. 

SO tell me where in there I'm not trying to win in arena? 

That team is just badly built. The entire point of fatman is to use champs with AOE abilities A1 that don't require activators. Zargala's A1 does nothing useful for you, and Rae's A1 is very unimpressive on its own, despite being AOE.

If you want that team to work better - drop Zargala and replace her with someone with a better AOE A1. Sinesha, Skullcrown, Big'Un, etc. Then make sure that Rae is placed in the correct order so that her A1 DEF down hits before the other nuker does on the ally attack. And of course make sure Rae is fully booked on her A1.

Oct 28, 2021, 00:1510/28/21

Okay lets for go for a minute that part of those screenshots is the more the massive difference in power of what I'm seeing G4 on my main vs G1 on my alt and that if you actually read below that my bigger issue is that normally 260 speed isn't fast enough when 220 used to be more than and that even without speed leads some of these other champions still exceed a 260 speed with 19% speed boost. And the part where I point out that these slower teams have accessories or what not that seem to 100% of the time nullify my critical hits and then counterattack me. 

Speed lead high Khatun with 260 speed, Fahrakin who is admitededly built for CB but that build has 220 speed to go second on the team with accuracy for debuffs, and still a decent C.Rate and DMG, in to Zargala who is built to Arena and was my go second for AoE decrease Def and traded C.Rate when I added Fahrakin for C.Damage which goes up to 177% with the buff from Fahrakin though her attack is a bit lower than I'd like at 1800 cause yes I haven't got her to rank 6 yet while I try and get my CB team up so I can do more UNM/NM but that didn't matter a few months ago when the weaker iteration of this team was in Gold 4, which leads in to Rae, who makes up 1/3 of my teams power rating with 2700 attack which will go up when I get the last 4 levels and with the buff gets up to 224% C.Damage currently, and manualling to make sure nothing weird happens and she uses her A2 when they all have DEF down. 

SO tell me where in there I'm not trying to win in arena? 

Your  entire  thread  proves  to  me  that  your  not  trying  to  win.  Lol

A  -  Your  logic  to  sabotage  player  power  demonstrates  a  lack  of  matchmaking  knowledge.

B  -  Your  set  up  is  completely  bad.

C -  Your  hero  builds  are  completely bad.

D  -  Your  ATK  vs.  C.DMG  Ratio's  are  completely bad.

A  -  Skadi  already  explained  in  Previous comment.

B  -  Fahrakin the  Fat  shouldn't be  on  your  team  with  Zargala  &  Rae.

Fahrakin  the  Fat  is  only  used  in  Area  on  Blender  teams.

Your  team  isn't a  Blender  Arena  Team.

Your  team  is  trying to  imitate a  Classic  Arena  Team,  but  you  failed  to  do  so  because you  have  no  Increase  Atk  Buffing  hero.

C  -  Your hero  builds are  bad.

Your  Zargala  should  have  250  min.  ACC.

Your  Rae  should  have  4k  min.  ATK.

D  -  The  rule  of  thumb  is,  for  every  500  ATK  points  you  own,  you  want  25%  C.DMG.

An  Ideal  Damage  build for  a  F2P  player  is  4k  ATK  with  200%  C.DMG.

Players  with  stats  above  4k  ATK  +  200%  C.DMG  are  flexing  with  very  strong  gear.

They  either  spent  money  to  buy  the  gear  or  got  very  lucky  drops  in  dungeon.

Your  Rae  has  2,700  Atk  with  225%  C.DMG.

You  think  with  those  stats  your  Rae  is  strong,  but  you  have  crippled your  Rae's  Damage.


Everything  I  have  said  explain's  why  you  lose.

I  have  never  seen  any  of  your  fight  replays.

Yet,  I  can  see  your  fight  play  itself  out  in  my  mind.

Your  defeat  is  so  crystal  clear  to  me.

-->  Your  High  Khatun  goes  first  boosting  TM

-->  Your  Fahrakin the  Fat  goes  second  boosting  C.Rate +  C.DMG  +  Rally  Atk.

Your  Buffs  are  useless  because your  Champion's  are  built  with  No  ATK.

Your  Rally  Atk  is  pointless  because your  team  isn't  a  Blender.

-->  Your  Zargala goes  third  and  tries  to  do  Defense  Down.

She  probably gets  resisted  because you  have  no  ACC  Banner

-->  Your  Rae  goes  fourth  and  tries  to  Kill  Enemy.

Rae  doesn't  kill  them

Why?  Because  she  has  wrong  buffs  due  to  Fahrakin the  Fat  +  your  debuffer  failed  to  debuff  due  to  no  ACC  Banner  on  Zargala +  your  Rae Damage Build  is  utter  trash  due  to  improper  ATK  vs. C.DMG  ratio's.

Once,  your  team  fails  to  kill  the  enemy  team,  your  team  will  get  slaughtered.

The  enemy  team  might  kill  you  by  way  of counter  attack  due  to  mastery  retribution or they   may  just  take their  turn  due  to  full  turn meter.

Either  way,  your  squishy  team  will  not  survive.

Your  Alt  can't  win  because you  didn't put  in  the  same  degree  of  effort  into  it  as  you  did  with  your  main  and  the  only  one  to  blame for  it  is  yourself.

Oct 28, 2021, 09:1810/28/21
Oct 28, 2021, 09:29(edited)

What you and Evilzed seem to be missing is that these aren't easy victories, in fact more and more of these teams are popping up that as I say below the picture, 

"my High Khatun at 260 speed, which is getting close to if not already faster than my main's Arbiter, increasing crit rate and damage, accuracy, etc on the various champs just trying to make something work, and my team is still not fast enough, or it is, but my opponent apparently has all the stuff so all my crits are negated, they get to counterattack off my attack and then usually have RNG kick in for extra turns just to make it complete when I have exactly 0 of those accessories."

That 137k power team yeah I went first - and basically all the crits that Zargala and Rae got were nullified and pretty much the whole team was counter attacked since I use Fahrakin to get the C.DMG up even higher, at which point Rae is basically a glass cannon and got wrecked once they finally started getting their turns, and the rest of the team followed a bit after especially between stuns and provokes. The team with Martyr even at 260 with a 19% boost that damned Martyr went first. And they managed to tank and resist to wear the team out. Third team without a speed lead even with 60% Decrease Defence, 25% Weaken, Rae's A2 with 2700 attack and 224% crit damage wasn't enough to one shot Scyl, she weak hit the 2 force affinities anyway - so Ninja got picked back up and one shot Rae, did a ton to the others, that then got moped up since HK and Fahrakin were frozen anyway. 

Much as I would have loved to show the wall I see at times of Duchess, Arbiter and Lysandra leads with 2-3 other lego's and sometimes together that's not what I had when I finally got to my breaking point from those 3 losses much as I've had dozens more like them the last few weeks

Just reading through this, have you tried keeping it simple?


Opponent running a speed lead and want to out speed them, maybe run 

turn meter+ buff-> second turn meter (or control)-> debuff->nuke

Opponent running a tanky build?

maybe try 

turn meter+buff-> debuff-> nuke (or control with nuke)-> second nuke

Hedgemon/Tormin/Leoriuos/Skullcrown/valk can complicate things, but i would just avoid them if you want to keep it simple.

Oh and fahrakin can be good, but he is usually used to trigger attacks from champions that are slow and with maxxed out crit damage with AOE on their A1.

Nov 9, 2021, 23:2711/09/21
Trevor Wilson

Just reading through this, have you tried keeping it simple?


Opponent running a speed lead and want to out speed them, maybe run 

turn meter+ buff-> second turn meter (or control)-> debuff->nuke

Opponent running a tanky build?

maybe try 

turn meter+buff-> debuff-> nuke (or control with nuke)-> second nuke

Hedgemon/Tormin/Leoriuos/Skullcrown/valk can complicate things, but i would just avoid them if you want to keep it simple.

Oh and fahrakin can be good, but he is usually used to trigger attacks from champions that are slow and with maxxed out crit damage with AOE on their A1.

Delayed because a 24 hour ban and needed to cool my heels anyway with the people not actually reading. 

The problem with the first suggestion vs speed teams, is if I lose the speed battle at 260 + 19% lead, it's I lose that my High Khatun never even gets a turn to get the boost and buff to get to a second boost. And some of them it's not even an obvious speed team it's actually a tank team that somehow beats my speed team. 

I've also tried the second option to the best of my ability - and the issue is the tanky teams in particular have those freaking crit canceling accessories and they ALWAYS trigger. Or if I do get past that, it's still not enough because in Gold 1 they have what has to be 50-60k HP on top of what likely starts out at 3000 DEF or more before I use the Decrease DEF. 

Believe it or not - my team set up is very simple. I use Fahrakin only cause I don't have Helmut yet who does the same thing and he's already built to go 4:3 against higher level CB so he ends up second on my team - which has the benefit that between Rae having an AoE a1 that thanks to masteries will lower the enemy turn meter, same with HK and Zargala with their A1's if I want someone in particular to have it lowered. But it's basically an 'upgraded' version of the low level Apoc/HK, Warmaiden, Kael team. I have as much speed as I can crank in to HK at the moment, I managed to get to 271 with what I got which is that much closer to my 280-290 Arbiter on my main, that would likely beat some of these teams, but more over decimates what is practically cannon fodder that constantly pops up vs my main that my alts team here would also just rip apart. Zargala almost never misses a Decrease Defence, when it does it is a massive fluke on a spirit champion that all of them were weak hits. Followed up by Rae to nuke, with her A2, at 3000 ATK and with the buff from Fahrahkin it was 224% crit damage. My main got through all this to get to Arbiter with a 240 Apoc, a Kymar really just as a speed lead then reset, and both Tayrel and Rhazin, with around 2500 DEF and maybe 100% crit damage - and that was before the last time they 'fixed' matchmaking cause people were up in arms. And the only reason my Abbess on my main is 'better' than my alts Rae, is the 50% attack because I have Arbiter - but only 150% Crit Damage. Which before it's asked yes - I tried increase attack in the alt team as well. 

These are teams geared well beyond even my main account, ones that these guys likely do DT on Hard and complain it's too easy. The last reset my main actually had some trouble getting the couple wins back to Gold 4 when I woke up because the insane teams and once back in to gold 4, back to teams that barely have 100 power or look like bot teams most of the time.

This isn't 'lack of trying' as some of the others want to say, I'm throwing in everything I learned from my main account and working with what I have, which is better than what I had for my main other than a lower speed lead - that I can't fix unless RNG says 'heres a Kymar/Arbiter/some other high speed lead.

Nov 10, 2021, 00:3511/10/21

I mean - you lost the fight right off the bat. 260 speed is far too slow to win against anything, not to mention the speed aura makes you even slower. You can beat the bot teams no problem, and from your screenshot, you should have no trouble beating any of those teams, but you'll not reach G4 with that team.

Your best bet is to just not bother. Get yourself as far advanced as you can, and when you reach the point where you need to advance to G4 for arbiter, just grit your teeth and spend a pile of gems refreshing your page until you get the bot pages, clear those out, and hope that you can advance far enough to stay in G4 to complete the mission.

Nov 12, 2021, 16:1511/12/21

I mean - you lost the fight right off the bat. 260 speed is far too slow to win against anything, not to mention the speed aura makes you even slower. You can beat the bot teams no problem, and from your screenshot, you should have no trouble beating any of those teams, but you'll not reach G4 with that team.

Your best bet is to just not bother. Get yourself as far advanced as you can, and when you reach the point where you need to advance to G4 for arbiter, just grit your teeth and spend a pile of gems refreshing your page until you get the bot pages, clear those out, and hope that you can advance far enough to stay in G4 to complete the mission.

Firstly - source on what is supposed to be a 19% speed increase makes you slower?

Secondly - before the last time they fixed it, I was going first with slower champions that were very much not bot teams on my main, even this team when it was at lower stats managed to get to Gold IV, what I'm seeing is very much like the last time 'dead accounts' started flooding lower tiers. Hell, a worse team on my main got me to Arbiter against actual teams, not bots.

Thirdly - What you see is not what you get. None of those teams were beatable hence why I finally snapped. These and all the other teams I get are teams of champs stacked for Hard Doom Tower where Martyr and the like don't need a speed lead they have 300+ speed I'm guessing by how much they beat me by. Even the ones I do they have crit-cancelling accessories and the like. So I could have 10000% crit damage and still not do the needed damage.

Fourth - If I could find at least 1 bot per page, I'd be fine, if I could find a bot page I'd be ecstatic - except there are none, not in Gold 1 on my alt while my main in G4 has plenty to fight which was the main point of showing those screenshots - the ridiculous nature of G4 having so many bots with actual freaking teams in G1. I've tried the whole 'just keep refreshing' thing to no avail, because 

Fifth - I'm at the point in order to advance I need to get to Gold 3, and then get enough medals to get a GH upgrade to 8, which requires another 160 wins or so. Which if I can get past this nonsense, the only things stopping me, are the stupid medal grinds, and spider 20 more because I still need to get past 19 and I almost have that problem solved. 

Nov 12, 2021, 16:2511/12/21

You misunderstood. I mean the fact that you have an 18% speed aura means your overall speed will be even further away from an identically geared champ with a 30% speed aura. Assuming a base speed of 100, the 30% aura gives you an extra 12 speed over the 18% one.

To your second point - no you weren't. If you were going faster, then you were playing against bots or even more poorly geared teams.

Third - if none of those teams were beatable, the problem is your teams, not the system. They should all be more than beatable with properly geared teams and a 260 speed lead.

Nov 12, 2021, 18:3011/12/21

Martyr and other team-counterattack champs can be handled with block buffs from champs like Uugo, Fenax, Abyssal. The AI doesn't notice and they use their counterattack skill even if all teammembers have block buffs, so they waste one turn and bring their counterattack skill in cooldown.