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Was CB loot nerfed?

Was CB loot nerfed?

Oct 27, 2021, 10:5710/27/21

Was CB loot nerfed?

But after 20 days of getting not book or shard from NM CB and 2 weeks of no sacred shards, I begin to wonder if I am on the bad streak of luck or whether they nerfed the rewards at least from NM.

Edited by moderator - Harbs

Changed title to fit the topic. 

Oct 27, 2021, 11:3710/27/21

My feeling is that they nerfed the chances of drops on NM/UNM

Maybe is just bad luck on me but i get only garbage stufs ( in 2 weeks just few blu shards and 2-3 epic books - on minimum 2 NM and 1 brutal/UNM/day

But as I said - is just a felling 

Oct 27, 2021, 12:4510/27/21

I just set up a spreadsheet to track CB rewards.  This morning I recieved 2 ancient, 1 sacred, 1 epic book.  By the end of November I will be able to start running monthly stats.

Oct 27, 2021, 13:2510/27/21

Nothing changed, just a bad streak.  My luck has been crazy good with sacreds of late (up to 16 saved for fusion events!), though I would prefer books lol.

Oct 28, 2021, 10:2110/28/21

I am still on a terrible run (and in the last 2 weeks i only got 4 lego books - the previous 2 weeks before that i had 7)

That is with 2 x unm 2 x nm 2 x brutal chests every day

But i suspect it is just bad luck, so many people chart everything to do with this game that i suspect it would be quickly spotted if there were changes made.

OracleCommunity Manager
Oct 28, 2021, 13:3610/28/21

Hi! Please consider changing the title of your topic so that it reflects the question you would like to raise, not just contains part of it.

Regarding your question itself - I can confirm right away that there have been no nerfs of chances of any items recently on the Clan Boss on any difficulty level. It seems that it has been just a poor luck, don't worry

Oct 28, 2021, 13:4210/28/21
Trevor Wilson

I am still on a terrible run (and in the last 2 weeks i only got 4 lego books - the previous 2 weeks before that i had 7)

That is with 2 x unm 2 x nm 2 x brutal chests every day

But i suspect it is just bad luck, so many people chart everything to do with this game that i suspect it would be quickly spotted if there were changes made.

I don't even know the drop rates, but 11 lego books a month seems good?

Oct 28, 2021, 13:5610/28/21

I don't even know the drop rates, but 11 lego books a month seems good?

I look at it between cvc events, and 7 vs 4 was a noticeable difference

But as i said, i dont think anything has been changed.

Oct 28, 2021, 15:5110/28/21

i don't believe they issued another nerfed

Oct 30, 2021, 00:5010/30/21

You are probably just one unlucky player --> welcome in my club 😂. There is always some balance -> luck vs unluck. Maybe you will switch to "other side" soon. 👍

Oct 30, 2021, 04:2210/30/21

My secondary account started hitting NM almost month ago, I am now on my way to 2keying.

Almost a month of double NM chests I got:

3 sacred shards, 11 ancient shards, 3 epic and 2 legendary books.