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Looking for clan boss advice please

Looking for clan boss advice please

Oct 22, 2021, 18:1810/22/21

Looking for clan boss advice please

Hi all

Currently i run a budget unkillable on UNM, its a two key (but not affinity friendly) 

FB, Draco, Fatman, Painkeeper, Maneater... i sometimes swap fb for aox for affinity.

And on nm i usually 1 key it running vizier, fatman, sandlashed, brogni, draco (unless it is spirit- then i bring in jareg for vizier as its too hard to keep up the debuffs due to vizier weak hits and he is unbooked)

Brutal is an easy 1 key regardless of team.

I just pulled one ancient 'just so i can have a quick adrenaline rush from gambling' and pulled geomancer.

Is he worth rebuilding my UNK for? and is he worth slotting into my non-unkillable team? 

I am contemplating using him as the slo boi instead of FB.

EDIT - if slow boi ill never keep hp burn applied ?

I am struggling to work out a team using him, i guess i could just keep him as an alternative to draco for force affinity on my non-unkillable?


Oct 22, 2021, 18:3410/22/21
Oct 22, 2021, 18:39(edited)

You want to share your builds? And some screens of your damage?

I would think you wouldn't need FB/Draco/Fatman together if you want to try and rework to slot in Geo for more damage. But, would want to see some of the team to see what you might wanna replace.

I've recently built some teams for people with Fatman, Draco and Geomancer. Geomancer and Fatman are interesting because they only play nice if you get the HP burn set up properly for reflect.

Geo hits even harder than before when using in an UK team, so I think, even without seeing all that stuff, he'd be a big improvement over FB. Draco brings so many poisons already, and Fatman brings some more here and there.

Oct 22, 2021, 18:3810/22/21

I used my last key about ten mins ago :( 

My budget unkillable does about 38-40 million (not amazing but it does the job)

On nm i vary between 39 million (force, a bad run) and 49 million (spirit)- 99 times out of 100 i one key it

An upgrade for me would be being able to comfortably 2 key / 1 key regardless of affinity.

The main problem i foresee using Geo instead of FB is i have FB as the slo boi, if geo is running that slow i dont see how i keep the hp burn applied as it has to be his?

Oct 22, 2021, 18:4110/22/21
Trevor Wilson

I used my last key about ten mins ago :( 

My budget unkillable does about 38-40 million (not amazing but it does the job)

On nm i vary between 39 million (force, a bad run) and 49 million (spirit)- 99 times out of 100 i one key it

An upgrade for me would be being able to comfortably 2 key / 1 key regardless of affinity.

The main problem i foresee using Geo instead of FB is i have FB as the slo boi, if geo is running that slow i dont see how i keep the hp burn applied as it has to be his?

I've seen Geo run as the slow boi yes. Seems to still hit like a bus. Slap him in refresh gear and accessories and cycle of magic + debuff extends.

Oct 22, 2021, 18:4910/22/21

Thanks, extend might help yeh

These are the three teams i run depending on affinity and difficulty ... i have demy as well, but i am waiting for cvc to book her. I was going to play with demy in the team as well (i was contemplating building the new team with fushan and demytha but now i just dont know !)

I know i am getting 6 chests a day and should be pleased, but- its always nice to improve at the end of the day.

Thanks- advice always appreciated.




Oct 22, 2021, 19:2910/22/21

Speaking of Demytha, here's the Demytha team I just built someone. Hits like a bus. Also one keys with Fatman in place of Draco.


Oct 22, 2021, 19:3110/22/21

I know you kept all the fusion epics Trevor so maybe just do what I did and do a complete rebuild and use the myth heriess team? I don't know if you have deacon and seeker but I assume you do.

It gives the luxury of being affinity friendly and is pretty easy to gear for. My old team only did 38-42 million per key now I've gone as high as 58 million, and still have a lot of room to improve.

I don't have to time when I use keys anymore as I don't have to worry about missing void affinity.

It's a pain rebuilding but affinity friendly really is much better and the extra damage doesn't hurt either.

Oct 22, 2021, 19:3810/22/21
Oct 22, 2021, 19:45(edited)

Thanks both- i dont have deacon (its a running joke in my guild because i pulled 50 shards for him when he was on 10x and didnt get him) 

I do have all the champs on that 85 million run posted by harlequin however (except heiress but she is farmable)...

Yes i completely get you on being affinity friendly, i do have aox for when its spirit, but generally i try to run void, and my clan has UNM cleared within a few hours.

@harlequinn, i have all those champs, are the speeds online? the myth heiress on youtube uses deacon as mentioned by evil.

EDIT, just found 'mythfu' on youtube, going to build this :) thanks all.

Oct 22, 2021, 19:4610/22/21
Trevor Wilson

Thanks both- i dont have deacon (its a running joke in my guild because i pulled 50 shards for him when he was on 10x and didnt get him) 

I do have all the champs on that 85 million run posted by harlequin however (except heiress but she is farmable)...

Yes i completely get you on being affinity friendly, i do have aox for when its spirit, but generally i try to run void, and my clan has UNM cleared within a few hours.

@harlequinn, i have all those champs, are the speeds online? the myth heiress on youtube uses deacon as mentioned by evil.

EDIT, just found 'mythfu' on youtube, going to build this :) thanks all.

Deadwoodjedi did a video with the fushun lead earlier this week, I'm sure he has the speeds listed in the video. 

Oct 22, 2021, 21:1710/22/21
Trevor Wilson

Thanks both- i dont have deacon (its a running joke in my guild because i pulled 50 shards for him when he was on 10x and didnt get him) 

I do have all the champs on that 85 million run posted by harlequin however (except heiress but she is farmable)...

Yes i completely get you on being affinity friendly, i do have aox for when its spirit, but generally i try to run void, and my clan has UNM cleared within a few hours.

@harlequinn, i have all those champs, are the speeds online? the myth heiress on youtube uses deacon as mentioned by evil.

EDIT, just found 'mythfu' on youtube, going to build this :) thanks all.

The speeds are there, but it required a ton of tweaking to work properly, and you need specific ratios of your Seeker and your slow DPS for this to work. And Fushan needs to be at 186 versus Seeker's 184.

When using the calculator in DWJs video, make sure you adjust the Godseeker/Demytha's base speeds to 102 instead of whatever is listed.

Here's how the ratios work out for this to work on Spirit:

Heiress > 282.90
Dem > 1.5 * Seeker
DPS < ( 7.15 / 7.8 ) * Seeker

Oct 22, 2021, 21:1810/22/21

Let me know how the build is going Trevor. This is a crazy fun team. The one I posted Fushan isn't booked AT ALL. And it still hits that hard. 0_0

Oct 23, 2021, 14:5910/23/21

Let me know how the build is going Trevor. This is a crazy fun team. The one I posted Fushan isn't booked AT ALL. And it still hits that hard. 0_0

Will do thanks, wont be till after cvc though as i only book in cvc

The fushan team looks really good fun, only downside is i have him really nicely kitted as a nuker and use him in a fair bit of content (back up nuker for classic and tag team nuker and sometimes to speed through DT)