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Next to LVL UP

Next to LVL UP

Oct 21, 2021, 14:1210/21/21

Next to LVL UP


So got a new question or something around that line , and that is who to lvl up next to 60 , i hit recently the 30 day login mark and got myself HIGH Khatun ( got it to 40 ) , i got Ninja to 60 , Athel to 60 , and Warmaiden , Kael , Pyxnel to 50 , who  should i focus on now . or should i go other heros , i do ussualy campaign , now im farming on 12.3 hard i read something on the forum that 12.3 hard is the best farming point , and that brutal aint that great , and clan boss and some arenas ...





Oct 21, 2021, 14:4510/21/21

Personally, i would raise up a healer next. out of your collection your best options are either steelskull or mausoleum mage. of the two, steelskull is the more useful, particularly in clan boss, but mausoleum mage can be quite useful in arena. if you don't want to go that route, high khatun is a pretty useful champion and excellent for arena (though you could probably just leave her at 50 for the time being) and fayne and aox are both great for cb. of your champions at 50, i wouldn't raise any of them to 60 at the moment. pyxniel is an extremely niche champion, warmaiden, like high khatun, can likely perform her role at 50 for now, and kael doesn't really bring anything that athel and ninja don't save for being a good cb poisoner and you have a surfeit of better options (fayne, aox, steelskull, frozen banshee).

also, whoever said that brutal isn't worth farming was 100% wrong. as long as you have a champion who can solo it efficiently, you should absolutely be running brutal.

Oct 21, 2021, 14:4710/21/21


1. Farm 12.3 Brutal with Athel or Ninja whichever is faster.  Brutal better than hard

2. Maus Mage (needs books) is your next 60

3. HK to 50 

I would see where you are at with Dragon at that point and if you pull anything new.  People will tell you Frozen Banshee, I think you should wait on her.  

Oct 21, 2021, 15:2310/21/21

My bad , i re-read that post and yes Brutal wins 



I see a slight problem with the beginning of your post. The most energy efficient way to level up monsters is by doing the following:

Once you farm a 1* on 12-3 brutal twice, you can then run them on hard once to get them to level 10. You will save 2 energy this way.

Once you farm a 2* on 12-3 brutal 9 times, you can then run them once on normal to get them to level 20. You will save 4 energy this way.

Once you farm a 3* on 12-3 brutal 23 times, you can then run them once on normal to get them to level 30. You will save 4 energy this way.

That is the most efficient way to level up food. However, concerning the rest of your post, about mystery shards and 2* food drop rate... I found that extremely interesting.
Have you posted this on the reddit forums? You would get a much better discussion there than on these forums. 

Oct 21, 2021, 17:4010/21/21

I  say  Frozen  Banshee  because  you  look  like  a  man  with  no  Epic  or  Leggo  Books

Oct 21, 2021, 17:5410/21/21

i only have 10 epics and 3 legendary books , i keep them for a best hero situation , i didnt invest in ninja or pyxnel or any other hero , only the normal books a few on Kael and 1 more xD

Oct 21, 2021, 18:2910/21/21

You can put the epic books into Maus Mage if you take him to 60, and your legendary books into Ninja. Pyxniel is indeed not worth the far too many books she needs, but Ninja doesn't need so many and becomes a lot better with them. Sure, you might pull some other lego who is even better than Ninja soon... but it's more likely that you won't, as legos are very rare and Ninja is really very good even if he's not absolutely god tier. 

Oct 21, 2021, 18:3410/21/21

Also, I don't know why you leveled Athel over Kael... but ok, so be it, probably continue with her then. She's not going to be putting a lot of weakens with that low accuracy and her crit rate/damage is pretty bad too - I hope that that means Ninja has your best gear instead? 

Oct 21, 2021, 19:0610/21/21



Oct 21, 2021, 19:1610/21/21
P. Gabriel



Better crit rate, at least... but yeah, not great either, though obviously it'll still get better once you fully ascend him and get an amulet and banner on him. Honestly, you might be better off combining the best pieces of both on one champ, so at least you've got one solid nuker who can do the farming and main nuking in arena/dungeons. 

Oct 22, 2021, 09:5110/22/21

Also, I don't know why you leveled Athel over Kael... but ok, so be it, probably continue with her then. She's not going to be putting a lot of weakens with that low accuracy and her crit rate/damage is pretty bad too - I hope that that means Ninja has your best gear instead? 

Levelling Athel instead of Kael was a very wise decision from the thread opener

  • Athel puts out weaken, not easy to get at the start
  • Athel's A1 hits 3 times, good for Fire Knight progression at early stages
  • Athel can buff herself and deals a lot more damage in early teams, that don't have a propper atk buffer yet

The only reason to chose Kael would be his poison, but with FB at the same account that argument is not valid.

Oct 24, 2021, 12:0110/24/21
Oct 24, 2021, 18:33(edited)

Heya , so got some new heroes ...

Basileus , Romero , SkullCrusher , Pharsalas , Woad-Painter , Crimson Slayer , SiegeBreaker, Solaris. Anax and rock breaker.

 I lvl up Mausoleum Mage to 50 going for 60 , got Mordecai to 40 maybe to 50 soon and now im lvling food ....

Oct 25, 2021, 01:1110/25/21

Heya , so got some new heroes ...

Basileus , Romero , SkullCrusher , Pharsalas , Woad-Painter , Crimson Slayer , SiegeBreaker, Solaris. Anax and rock breaker.

 I lvl up Mausoleum Mage to 50 going for 60 , got Mordecai to 40 maybe to 50 soon and now im lvling food ....

Skull  Crusher  is  who  I  would  level if  I  was  you.