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Next Blue Shard Event

Next Blue Shard Event

Oct 16, 2021, 10:3510/16/21

Next Blue Shard Event

Hi guys I've been saving my blue shards up for a event like a 2x event. But i can't find any links or information on when they will be or if there is a event for blue shards. Can someone tell me when or if there will be a event. Thanks I hope i havent been holding onto these shards for nothing lol

Oct 16, 2021, 10:4210/16/21

They're in a cycle of one 2x event every two weeks, in the order Ancient-Sacred-Void. Since this weekend is the 2x sacred, that means we'll have voids 2 weeks from now, then ancients 2 weeks after that. Inbetween the 2x weekends, there are 10x events, which sound better but aren't (they don't improve the odds of pulling a legendary/epic from a sacred/ancient/void shard, unlike the 2x, but they do increase the odds that IF you get lucky and pull one, it'll be one of a few selected champions). 

Oct 16, 2021, 11:0910/16/21
Oct 16, 2021, 11:12(edited)

My prediction is that it'll be on the 12th of November.  Below is a chart I have in Excel of the 2x events since April, along with the fragment/fusion that took place for each


Edit: For those that might have noticed, the dates in the left hand column are in the correct sequence of day, month and then year, as opposed to the American incorrect month, day and then year format!

Oct 16, 2021, 11:1110/16/21

oh cool thanks for the information :) so blue shard event in 4weeks time :) im bound to save a few more by then. I seem to be getting a few from stage 6 of the white keep . Thanks again

Oct 16, 2021, 21:1510/16/21

 The dungeons will drop ancient shards but it's at a very low rate. It sounds like you're getting lucky with RNG right now but don't divert too much of your energy into dungeons just to chase the shards. I was farming Spider for the recent tournament and didn't get a single ancient shard in hundreds of runs. My favorite way to farm ancient shards is to farm gems and then buy the 11-packs in the shop. It's 900 gems so that's potentially a lot of energy but my account is new enough there's still a few key rares and epics I'm trying to get so I justify it that way. In the long term the top chest for nightmare/ultra nightmare clan boss is the most efficient shard farm. This game will actually give you tons of resources in the long run, you just need some patience and strategy. 

Oct 17, 2021, 19:0310/17/21

My prediction is that it'll be on the 12th of November.  Below is a chart I have in Excel of the 2x events since April, along with the fragment/fusion that took place for each


Edit: For those that might have noticed, the dates in the left hand column are in the correct sequence of day, month and then year, as opposed to the American incorrect month, day and then year format!

Your charts are awesome. :D

(Psssstttt.....even if you put the date in the incorrect format, Rose.)

Oct 17, 2021, 20:2610/17/21

Your charts are awesome. :D

(Psssstttt.....even if you put the date in the incorrect format, Rose.)

Thanks!  Sometimes I think I take this game way too seriously!

Oct 18, 2021, 02:2410/18/21

Thanks!  Sometimes I think I take this game way too seriously!

No way! I'm totally cribbing all your work so I can get all the fusions from now on. Tired of skipping every other. :D

Oct 18, 2021, 19:2610/18/21

I have spreadsheets that are insanely overdone. I do it to help myself help others. I have been asked a million times, so I refer them to the spreadsheets. and I also have fusion guides. The shard calendar I made was nice till they changed the dates to one of them and threw the rotaion off lol


Where did you get your value data? Is this personal opinion or based off of one of the others?