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Banned from chat for talking about my account having a bug?

Banned from chat for talking about my account having a bug?

Oct 16, 2021, 09:5410/16/21

Banned from chat for talking about my account having a bug?

I did absolutely nothing wrong, and recieved a ban from chat and comments of another one bites the dust.

The problem I was having was I kept having to go to normal difficulty level and back up to hard to recieve hard experience, though the drops were right the experience I was recieving was half about or less than normal. I have double exp stacked for over two and a half weeks, and not only was I only recieving normal experience but it was normal without the times two bonus.

So I go into chat and discuss the issue, saying absolutely nothing wrong or hostile or profane or anything of the nature, and am hit with a chat ban???

Does plariumplay really treat its players like that???

seriously upset

Oct 16, 2021, 10:1010/16/21

When you try to type in chat what is the message that pops up? It should have a reason for your ban my guess is that it was probably the spam bot accidentally banning you, it happens. You can either submit an unban request through the RSL discord in #chat-reports or you can send Quinn or myself your UM# in a DM on here and we can request it. 

Oct 16, 2021, 10:2310/16/21
Oct 16, 2021, 14:31(edited)

When you try to type in chat what is the message that pops up? It should have a reason for your ban my guess is that it was probably the spam bot accidentally banning you, it happens. You can either submit an unban request through the RSL discord in #chat-reports or you can send Quinn or myself your UM# in a DM on here and we can request it. 

I didn't read the message other than I was banned. It was a shock and so I didn't believe it and closed the popup, then noticed I really was bannned.  There was no justifiable reason for banning me.

Oct 16, 2021, 10:3110/16/21
My Huntress

I didn't read the message other than I was banned. It was a shock and so I didn't believe it and closed the popup, then noticed I really was bannned.  There was no justifiable reason for banning me.

People have been getting banned randomly from the in-game chat for years (and sometimes from these forums too). It's the bots doing all that, no reason to get offended, just contact an actual mod and they'll sort it out as Harbby said. 

Oct 16, 2021, 10:3310/16/21

I don't have a clue how to contact an actual mod. I sent in a game bug report upon it. Still banned. Was hoping people here would resolve it for me. I'm not exactly savy in such things.

Oct 16, 2021, 10:4310/16/21
My Huntress

I don't have a clue how to contact an actual mod. I sent in a game bug report upon it. Still banned. Was hoping people here would resolve it for me. I'm not exactly savy in such things.

Yeah, Harbby will sort it out. You can also contact him through the forum messaging system in the top right corner (in case you'd get a ban on the forums, for instance). 

Oct 16, 2021, 10:4410/16/21

If Harbby will sort it out for me, I'll be fine.

Oct 16, 2021, 14:3110/16/21

Quinn and I are real mods :P 

You can see the ban message any time you try to send a message in chat, I submitted your unban request. I'm going to delete your messages with your um in them. 

Oct 16, 2021, 17:5810/16/21

the problem has not been fixed :(

Oct 16, 2021, 18:0010/16/21

hopefully it can be resolved as I am a major part of the guild I'm in and will have to step down if it isn't

Oct 16, 2021, 20:4310/16/21

Still says I'm banned, the reason box pops up but closes before I can get the number.

Oct 16, 2021, 20:5510/16/21

I got simmilar problem ... banned for 24 hours for spamming ( no clue why).

In ban message was some customer support where i can writte- actually a page with error message .

i sent message to Customer Support and get automatiq answer   than afte almost 72 hours ( 48 hours after banned was finishing) I was getting finnaly answer from Support real person - asking print screen and other proves :))) . if he simply read my initial message he could understand that after 72 hours Ban was ...history already.

To be honnest i am really terified about this new "anti-hacking" system that might be implemented ... who will be unlucjy and get account banned probably will have to w8 a really long time until situation will be solved ( prey to be wrong but....)

Oct 16, 2021, 21:0010/16/21

I got simmilar problem ... banned for 24 hours for spamming ( no clue why).

In ban message was some customer support where i can writte- actually a page with error message .

i sent message to Customer Support and get automatiq answer   than afte almost 72 hours ( 48 hours after banned was finishing) I was getting finnaly answer from Support real person - asking print screen and other proves :))) . if he simply read my initial message he could understand that after 72 hours Ban was ...history already.

To be honnest i am really terified about this new "anti-hacking" system that might be implemented ... who will be unlucjy and get account banned probably will have to w8 a really long time until situation will be solved ( prey to be wrong but....)

Mine says for a week, now that I submitted repeatedly, but I'm a deputy and the one responsible for recruting for the guild, a week of them not knowing anything that is going on is an absolute game killer for me.

It would be nice to not be banned from chat for no reason whatsoever.

Still waiting for this to be resolved.

I'm also recieving a fraction of experience leveling characters up that I should be. I spent thousands of energy points on more difficult settings than normal, but recieved normal experience. Even worse than that, my times two leveling bonus didn't even apply, so far less than normal experience for me. The drops were correct, but not the experience.

I mention that in chat, and I'm hit with a week long ban. Again, as a very active guild member, this is beyond detrimental. 

Oct 16, 2021, 21:0210/16/21

I got simmilar problem ... banned for 24 hours for spamming ( no clue why).

In ban message was some customer support where i can writte- actually a page with error message .

i sent message to Customer Support and get automatiq answer   than afte almost 72 hours ( 48 hours after banned was finishing) I was getting finnaly answer from Support real person - asking print screen and other proves :))) . if he simply read my initial message he could understand that after 72 hours Ban was ...history already.

To be honnest i am really terified about this new "anti-hacking" system that might be implemented ... who will be unlucjy and get account banned probably will have to w8 a really long time until situation will be solved ( prey to be wrong but....)

The site going down repeatedly during cvc is absolutely nothing compared to this.

Oct 16, 2021, 21:1510/16/21
Oct 16, 2021, 21:15(edited)

The support team doesn't work weekends, and they're the only ones who can unban you. But your appeal is in their queue. 

Oct 18, 2021, 17:2410/18/21

I think I'm still banned, and am afraid to try to type in game chat as everytime I do I think it may restart the ban with a longer ban time. I am generally unable to see how long the ban is as the ban message only blinks on the screen for a second and instantly closes.

I checked both my email and here to see if there is news about the ban being lifted.

Again, the length of the ban is a game killer for me. 

Last I knew I was banned for a week, and I tried to type many times after that to see if it had been lifted or not. I have no way of knowing when its lifted. This is beyond a serious problem.

Oct 18, 2021, 17:4910/18/21

The support team doesn't work weekends, and they're the only ones who can unban you. But your appeal is in their queue. 

Have you heard anything back from them?

Oct 18, 2021, 23:5710/18/21

still nothing, not a response email, not even a response here in forums

perhaps nobody works mondays

Oct 19, 2021, 00:1110/19/21

I was sleeping, they'll get to you asap. There are a lot of people in the unban queue. 

Oct 19, 2021, 01:2910/19/21

I was sleeping, they'll get to you asap. There are a lot of people in the unban queue. 

Okay, its just that I am a very active guild member, and I've gone from being around for everyone to being non-esistent.

I am also quite confused about how the chat ban system works. Does it increase ban time every time you type something in to check it, as long as the ban is active? I just found it weird that people talk about one to three day bans, while I was slapped with a week for what would have been a first offence if I had actually done a thing wrong other than maybe type too fast in conversation.

Oct 19, 2021, 02:3310/19/21
My Huntress

Okay, its just that I am a very active guild member, and I've gone from being around for everyone to being non-esistent.

I am also quite confused about how the chat ban system works. Does it increase ban time every time you type something in to check it, as long as the ban is active? I just found it weird that people talk about one to three day bans, while I was slapped with a week for what would have been a first offence if I had actually done a thing wrong other than maybe type too fast in conversation.

It stacks per ban. Not sure why yours jumped to a