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Why are the CvC individual rewards only available to those who win?

Why are the CvC individual rewards only available to those who win?

Oct 15, 2021, 14:3710/15/21

Why are the CvC individual rewards only available to those who win?

We all understand the idea of reward v achievement, but when you have have a a system where you get nothing depsite spending a huge amount of time, effort and resouces, you have to wonder if this isn't just another cynical ploy to try and get us to spend more.

There is no reason not to offer some thing for personal rewards if your clan loses e.g reward - 1 level

Oct 15, 2021, 14:4810/15/21

It's absolutely a ploy to get you to spend more. But that shouldn't in and of itself make it a bad thing. CvC as a whole is absolutely designed for spenders. Just don't spend, and accept your free rewards.

Oct 15, 2021, 17:3010/15/21

it's a move that I have seen not even one person like. it doesn't matter if someone score 100k, 300k, 500k, 1 million points. if your clan even lose by 10k points. you won't get anything. such a BS.

Oct 15, 2021, 17:3310/15/21

Agree it needs alot of work kind of like when Clan Quests came out.

I had 90K points this time but we lost by 500 points so no rewards , which is no loss this time as Teir 1 rewards were aweful

Oct 22, 2021, 21:4210/22/21

We won our last CvC and got Tier 1 rewards.  In that the rewards are based on individual vs. clan achievement, we should get them individually for performance regardless of whether the clan wins or loses.  This would provide an incentive to individuals to perform and not ride on the coat tails of others..

Oct 23, 2021, 22:2110/23/21

I'm not sure how it's a ploy to get more spending.  How does this make anyone want to spend?  Beyond me.

Not saying it's right or wrong, but the the way I see it is that CvC is a group effort.  Without everyone pulling their weight, it's meaningless.  So the personal awards are only gravy on top of the group effort.  Many competitions work this way.  If your team loses, there are no individual awards.

Oct 26, 2021, 00:4310/26/21

There has been a lot of negative feedback since they first mentioned this feature months ago. As usual they have remained silent and pushed it out without taking any feedback into consideration.

The only reason for this, like everything else they implement, is that how they test if a feature "works"is based on spending when it launches.

If the analytics show that this CvC has generated more spending thatn before, you can bet this feature is here to stay no matter how broken it is.

The only chance things will change, and they come out in a few weeks saying "we have taken your feedback into consideration..." is if people actually stop throwing money at them during this CvC.

Sadly I think spending is gonna go up mainly because of the crazy 10x void.

Oct 26, 2021, 00:5910/26/21

 I agree that individual rewards to should be based solely on individual performance and you should get them whether your clan wins or loses, otherwise they aren't really individual and they don't really do much to encourage players to participate. If everybody knows they'll for sure at least get their individual rewards more people are going to try to max out their contributions and that's a win for everybody.

Oct 26, 2021, 11:5610/26/21
Oct 26, 2021, 11:57(edited)

I'm not sure how it's a ploy to get more spending.  How does this make anyone want to spend?  Beyond me.

Not saying it's right or wrong, but the the way I see it is that CvC is a group effort.  Without everyone pulling their weight, it's meaningless.  So the personal awards are only gravy on top of the group effort.  Many competitions work this way.  If your team loses, there are no individual awards.

It definitely is a ploy to encourage spending and to encourage peer pressure to do so (in top clans)

Oh and i agree with the other poster, the only feedback they have any interest in is the effect on revenue during cvc

Oct 28, 2021, 20:4610/28/21

Every time think plarium can't be more nauseous, they allways surprise me.  

Hiding fusion champs behind the paywall.

Tok the monthly sacred shard away.

Now, i was using all my  reserved resources, i made the most points at the cvc. And got nothing because we lost with few thousand points.

Dear plarium, just give back all my money i ever paid, and lets forget each other.

Coz it's sure i will never give you a single cent again.

Oct 28, 2021, 23:4710/28/21

so that those who lose that want to get the joy spend $$$$$$$$$ to try get the win next time always a hidden agenda 

Oct 29, 2021, 01:2110/29/21

Yeah, I understand not liking tying the rewards to winning. We've already provided that feedback to Plarium, but I will also share this as well.

Oct 29, 2021, 06:5910/29/21

Yeah, I understand not liking tying the rewards to winning. We've already provided that feedback to Plarium, but I will also share this as well.

It causes so much friction in clans.

I am generally chilled, but i clocked up 220k in cvc and wanted the personal rewards and i got quite irritated at clan members who hadnt even broken 50k

Which is bad since they probably had legitamate reasons for not being able to play much.

Oct 29, 2021, 11:1510/29/21

It's interesting if you drop your individual Tier when it's impossible for Clan to win CvC and you don't reach as high individual points as if you went for a win.