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Outfitting Rotos - The godkiller

Outfitting Rotos - The godkiller

Oct 13, 2021, 21:2210/13/21

Outfitting Rotos - The godkiller

I wanted to get opinions on the best Rotos build. I've had Rotos in Retribution Gear and Currently with Savage Gear.

With Savage, I believe you get straight up the best damage on a 1:1 hit all things being equal.

However, with Retribution gear, you might do a but less damage, but if the extra turn procs, you get tons more damage "and" a turn cool down on skills.

I was wondering what others thought the best build for Rotos would be for Areana and CB. 

Oct 13, 2021, 21:4410/13/21

He is a top tier arena champ. Not sure what use he would be in clan boss teams, maybe someone can correct me on that though.

I would think savage+cruel or crit damage would let him nuke pretty hard.

Oct 13, 2021, 22:2910/13/21

his first attack on clan boss then health damage attack on boss  does alot damage

rotos is god like in relentless set

Oct 14, 2021, 08:1910/14/21

I'd drop in Savage and Cruel. Nothing like ignoring 30% of a target's defense and then 90% on his A3.

Oct 14, 2021, 18:1910/14/21

I  think  the  ideal  build  for  Rotos  is  Relentless  +  Immortal.

The  problem is  I  think  it  is  very  hard  to  pull  off  the  above  set  up.

The  Best  Relentless  Gear  is  won  from  placing  number  1  in  tournaments.

The  Best  Immortal  Gear  is  acquired  from  UNM  Clan  Boss.

You  are  looking  at  6  Gear  Pieces  which  are  Non-Farmable.

Obviously,  A  lot  of  people can't get  the  Ideal  Build.

A lot  of  people are  forced  to  settle  with  something  else.

I  have  seen  people try  the  following gear  sets:

-  Savage

-  Cruel

-  Lifesteal

-  Regeneration

-  Stalwart

-  Accuracy

-  Perception

It  just  depends on  what  gear  you  have  +  what  you  plan  to  use  him  against.

Oct 14, 2021, 18:2810/14/21

Stats > Sets

All things being equal, for Tag Arena (especially defense) I would want relentlesss just for the extra rng procs.  I know I love it whenever I have 4 left against rotos at full health and he gets 17 turns in a row killing all.  LOL   

Oct 14, 2021, 19:5010/14/21

Rotos is almost completely useless against CB. Don't waste your time with him there. There are far better choices for CB teams - all he brings is DEF down, which a million other champs can provide. Also, his A1 extra turn mechanics will completely throw off your rotations.

As for arena - there's quite a few ways to build him. Throwing one out there for you to consider - all of his skills scale on HP as well as ATK, and they scale roughly proportionally. That means you can run him on a defensive team just as well as you can on a speed nuke one.

Personally - the team he's going on for me is my 3rd/4th string 3v3 team. Gorgorab lead, Umbral Enchantress speed tuned to go right after Gorg, then two of [Rotos/Royal Huntsman/Bloodgorged] depending on affinity. Since that team runs ATK up, I'll probably focus on gearing him for ATK. But he could just as easily fit on my DEF/RES lineups, since he can just stack HP gear and still put out crazy amounts of damage.