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CVC Personal Rewards bad joke?

CVC Personal Rewards bad joke?

Oct 12, 2021, 13:1710/12/21

CVC Personal Rewards bad joke?

Coming from a early midgame player, the rewards seem weak at best.

At 15k CVC points you only get 30 energy not even enough to run a dugeon twice and 30k silver not enough to even remove a 5 star item, and this only if your clan wins 😂

While I understand they try to do these thing to entice us to spend more money, for me at least it does the oppisite because the rewards are so weak I ignore them.

I think it should have started much lower like 5k points and worked up, and the rewards should have been double what they are.

Oct 12, 2021, 14:0510/12/21

I think it's just intended to be icing. If you win, you get a few more candies.

Oct 12, 2021, 14:3910/12/21

I  am  not  even  getting  get  CvC  tournament  to  appear  on  initial  screen.  I  have  clean  iPad  as  well  as  logged  out  and  then  back  in.  I  can  not  even  make  an  assessment  of  the  knew  features.

Oct 12, 2021, 15:2910/12/21

The  Clan  vs  Clan  icon  disappeared off  my  screen  overnight  &  it  appears  my  clan  cannot  participate    no  information  as  to  why.    I  have  rebooted  my  device  but  still  nothing  &  i  am  not  getting  any  tournament  points for  anything  i  do.

Oct 12, 2021, 23:4810/12/21
Oct 12, 2021, 23:49(edited)

I feel kind of #Blessed that I'm in a crappy four-member clan consisting of myself, an alternate version of myself, and two n00bs who have been inactive for, respectively, eleven and forty-eight days as of this writing.

There are times when I'd like to join a "real" Clan, but I had to pay real gems to start this one back in eighteen dickety six when I started playing.  

Anyway, my thinly-peopled organization is too small, and always has been, to even participate in CvC, so I've never known from personal experience what all the whining is about.  

Incidentally, if you want to help bring my team up to the minimum threshold for CvC participation, it's called FRMJ, and I'll accept literally anyone.   Until that happens, I'll stay where I am now--grinding for XP in blissful ignorance of Plarium's frequent CvC-related outrages.

Oct 13, 2021, 00:1610/13/21

I feel kind of #Blessed that I'm in a crappy four-member clan consisting of myself, an alternate version of myself, and two n00bs who have been inactive for, respectively, eleven and forty-eight days as of this writing.

There are times when I'd like to join a "real" Clan, but I had to pay real gems to start this one back in eighteen dickety six when I started playing.  

Anyway, my thinly-peopled organization is too small, and always has been, to even participate in CvC, so I've never known from personal experience what all the whining is about.  

Incidentally, if you want to help bring my team up to the minimum threshold for CvC participation, it's called FRMJ, and I'll accept literally anyone.   Until that happens, I'll stay where I am now--grinding for XP in blissful ignorance of Plarium's frequent CvC-related outrages.

sunk cost.... eat the gem loss and join a clan.  free sh!t for doing nada... lol

Oct 13, 2021, 02:0310/13/21

The lower tiers are pretty weak, but that's understandable. This whole "everyone starts at tier one" accident sucks. But the rewards for the higher tiers are pretty impressive honestly. I never expected to be offered that many shards in T6, even 5 is decent. 

Oct 13, 2021, 14:2610/13/21

80% of player base never reach T5 in this game's lifetime so it is insignificant

Oct 13, 2021, 15:0210/13/21

How many points does your clan need to score to be in T5/T6?

We are at 3 million clan points right now, so will finish between 3.5 million and 4 million- but we are tier 2.

Oct 13, 2021, 15:0810/13/21

The lower tiers are pretty weak, but that's understandable. This whole "everyone starts at tier one" accident sucks. But the rewards for the higher tiers are pretty impressive honestly. I never expected to be offered that many shards in T6, even 5 is decent. 

How many Points are needed for T5?

We are on target for over 3 million points this cvc (inactives got kicked and we recruited actives), but are currently in T2.

Oct 13, 2021, 16:0910/13/21

sunk cost.... eat the gem loss and join a clan.  free sh!t for doing nada... lol

I will ponder it.  I do like having my pick of Clan Quests every week.  That's one advantage of being king of a ghost town.

Oct 13, 2021, 19:2710/13/21

How many Points are needed for T5?

We are on target for over 3 million points this cvc (inactives got kicked and we recruited actives), but are currently in T2.

Not sure, I'll ask. 

Oct 13, 2021, 21:4010/13/21

while the rewards can be impressive in higher tiers. rule of getting personal rewards only if your clan win is just awful. it doesn't matter if someone score over 1 million points that I see some people do. 

Oct 13, 2021, 21:4810/13/21

I will ponder it.  I do like having my pick of Clan Quests every week.  That's one advantage of being king of a ghost town.

 I would forget about cvc or clan quests. It's some free stuff here and there I guess.

The big thing you're missing out on is clan boss, just hitting unm daily and nothing else in a clan that kills it each day is the best source of pixels in this entire game.

Oct 13, 2021, 21:5810/13/21

How many Points are needed for T5?

We are on target for over 3 million points this cvc (inactives got kicked and we recruited actives), but are currently in T2.

Heh... I'd like to know how many points are needed for T2... looking at my own clan (full, active and while not an end-game clan, we're all very far from being beginners at the game) I highly doubt that 1% of the (active) playerbase will ever see T2.