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Dupe system official video

Dupe system official video

Oct 11, 2021, 13:4810/11/21

Meh.  Better than I expected, but not great for me.  Though I did not expect it to be, as I am not the target audience.  Will make PvE easier for all.  PvP (Tag Arena only, classic is PvE now with bots) will become more difficult than ever.

Oct 11, 2021, 13:5410/11/21
Oct 11, 2021, 14:01(edited)

Meh.  Better than I expected, but not great for me.  Though I did not expect it to be, as I am not the target audience.  Will make PvE easier for all.  PvP (Tag Arena only, classic is PvE now with bots) will become more difficult than ever.

Not sure about arena classic, i notice less bots every week.

I think it will make arena more geared to whales for sure (tag especially, but also classic if high up enough)

Life token idea seems fine though

Oct 11, 2021, 14:0210/11/21
Trevor Wilson

Not sure about arena classic, i notice less bots every week.

I think it will make arena more geared to whales for sure (tag especially, but also classic if high up enough)

Life token idea seems fine though

Bot frequency is rng (similar to your CB misfortunes unfortunatey), I set weak defense in classic (not sure if that helps) but I can get 3 pages in a row sometimes.  Plus I attack any player level below 80 without tormin, so I spend as little time in classic as possible.

Oct 11, 2021, 14:2510/11/21

I like the life token, but the question is how much token we get from feeding one legendary and how much life token to trade for the legendary you want?

Oct 11, 2021, 14:4310/11/21

Meh.  Better than I expected, but not great for me.  Though I did not expect it to be, as I am not the target audience.  Will make PvE easier for all.  PvP (Tag Arena only, classic is PvE now with bots) will become more difficult than ever.

If empowerment and/or faction guardians will also boost speed, then arena and tag will be harder. 

Oct 11, 2021, 14:4410/11/21

I like the life token, but the question is how much token we get from feeding one legendary and how much life token to trade for the legendary you want?

I would guess 3 to 5 for a "good" lego. 10 for a void?  Certainly won't be 1 for 1, at least I doubt it.

Oct 11, 2021, 15:0410/11/21

I'm excited about maybe making the rares I'm using in Faction Wars stronger, by farming dupe campaign champs to go sit in the stat bonus area. I think life tokens will be great to expand my limited legendary champ collection.

I am a bit worried that competing in Gold 4 might be a thing of the past. I don't have any dupe legendaries at all, in any faction. So for me, no legendary faction bonuses, and no empowering.

Oct 11, 2021, 15:1110/11/21
Oct 11, 2021, 15:12(edited)

I rewatch the video and found out that there is increase speed stats. Now gold4 to plat arena, aside from the battle of who has swift parry and reaction gear, add to that now that who has the most dupes especially in High Elves if using Arbiter 😅

My queation now is, can you remove the champions in the faction guardian temporarily because it might affect clan boss team. 

Oct 11, 2021, 15:3310/11/21

token idea is good but as mentioned probably not 1 for one so it depends on the weighting they put on the 'best' ones on offer

Oct 11, 2021, 17:2510/11/21

Give credit where credits due: I like the system. Good job raid.

Now here is a question on the life token. Obviously, I can feed it a dupe, "But" can I feed it a lego I don't like. Is the game going to recognize I have a dupe or not? If not, then I think people are going to feed useless legos for a Life Token.

Oct 11, 2021, 17:4810/11/21

What about the unfinished fragments ? Why can exchange gold tokens to them too ?

Oct 11, 2021, 18:4210/11/21

Hope to be wrong but for me this system will only increase the differences betwen spenders and low spenders or F2P players . 

Imagine people that are opening hundred shards - they will simply maximize stats for champs much faster than regular players. So until now they had advantage in gear and  champs . from now one they will have upgraded champs also :)

And for sure will bring a lot of money to Plarium :)

Big whales that had no reason to spend ( heaving almost of the legos was difficult to get new ones and they got mainly dupes ). Now they will have a reson to put new money in the game :)

Oct 11, 2021, 18:4410/11/21

I  really  do  love  the  Ideas  they  came  up  with  but  just  thinking  out  loud  here  would  be  great  of  them  to  give  us  a  shard  of  each  for  Some  new  players  to  get  a  new  champ  or  a  dupe  to  use  in  these  new   places  

Oct 11, 2021, 18:4810/11/21

I  was  also  wondering  about  this  because  id strongly  think  about  feeding  one  i  never  use  for  someone  who  would  tag  team  one  of  my  champs  or  jusy  a  better  champ

Oct 11, 2021, 19:2310/11/21

Bot frequency is rng (similar to your CB misfortunes unfortunatey), I set weak defense in classic (not sure if that helps) but I can get 3 pages in a row sometimes.  Plus I attack any player level below 80 without tormin, so I spend as little time in classic as possible.

Gonna slap both of you, I'll do another bronze to gold 4 run on my f2p "bot" account. 

Oct 11, 2021, 20:1910/11/21

This honestly might be the nail in the coffin for me. Giving whales the ability to progress far beyond what everyone else can achieve. Yes, we don't know the details yet, and yes, it's perfectly possible that the boosted champ stats are not going to be huge - but I doubt that. It's just a silly system. If there were a way to farm the rewards that would be one thing - but given that lego champs have a very low drop rate to begin with, and getting dupe legos is very uncommon, giving people who can afford to spend large amounts of money a boost like this is just dirty.

Oct 11, 2021, 20:3910/11/21

This honestly might be the nail in the coffin for me. Giving whales the ability to progress far beyond what everyone else can achieve. Yes, we don't know the details yet, and yes, it's perfectly possible that the boosted champ stats are not going to be huge - but I doubt that. It's just a silly system. If there were a way to farm the rewards that would be one thing - but given that lego champs have a very low drop rate to begin with, and getting dupe legos is very uncommon, giving people who can afford to spend large amounts of money a boost like this is just dirty.

This concerns me too, but we will see.

Oct 11, 2021, 21:1110/11/21

So, a few points...

  1. Do not include speed as possible stat increases. Especially in the arena(s), a single point of speed can literally make or break a fight. No other stat can do this except in some very specific situations that is heavily influenced by luck. Letting you improve speed will make this feature mandatory rather than just beneficial.
  2. Unless there's some plan for how to handle faction guardians that I'm not seeing, I'll go ahead and point out the massive logistics problems this will cause with champion storage. Many champions are not worth keeping a single copy of, let alone dupes, but now you're expected to do that multiple times for multiple factions. Unless this feature comes with a massively increased storage capacity, that's gonna be a problem. Oh, and if the solution is just an increased cap that you'll just have to pay an ever increasing price for, it's not a very good solution. Aaaand now that I've said that, I fully expect that to be the case if storage is increased... Well crap.
  3. Unbinding is alright, I guess. Not going to be particularly relevant to a lot of people, and I have some severe doubts about the pricing and availability of good champions, but we'll see. Seems unnecessarily complicated though, could have just allowed trading a legendary in for a new sacred shard. I'm sure the pricing will be balanced around a similar effect anyway.

The rest, well, I don't think it'll matter to most people. Whales are gonna whale and non-whales will never be competitive with them, just as it is now. PvP will probably continue to be as pointless as it is now, while Plarium will continue to pretend that it's even remotely functional. My only concern is that whales will complain about their 100% self-inflicted problem of things getting too easy for them, and that Plarium will listen and increase difficulty for everyone else as well with the assumption that everyone will be using the bonuses. I don't buy for a second that Plarium will allow this to make the game easier as was hinted at in the video, because that'd reduce motivation for people to buy stuff in the hopes of getting better teams.

Oct 11, 2021, 21:5510/11/21

Plarium dont care but will tell my opinion 

1. idea 9/10main problme is with the  space limit minimum we need 210 slots maximum is 420 just to keep guridans .

2.Why epic champoions are not included ,whta the stats of empowering ? 


Oct 11, 2021, 22:0310/11/21

People will stop developing games if they can't make money.

The world has been driven by money since . . . well, the world.