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First time Doom Tower

First time Doom Tower

Oct 10, 2021, 13:1610/10/21

First time Doom Tower


I hit yesterday 40 and now Doom Tower has been unlocked. Got a few things i need to know before i start doing it.

Now my main characters , 5 of them are all like lvl 50 with ok-ish gear, when i add them to the first floor it says Team Power 47k , my champion are Athel , Kael , Ninja , Warmaiden and Pyxnel , first thing first , should i even atempt it ? 

There are 2 types of keys , Gold and Silver , is gold more valuable than silver or the other way around ?

SHould i wait and get one champion to 60 ( i plan on going for Athel to 60 , or should i get other hero first ? ) m or get other heros( more specific for Doom Towers heroes) up and then atempt then ?

Thanks for your time.

Oct 10, 2021, 14:5610/10/21

Doom Tower is endgame content - even in normal, with a team of level 50s, you may not even be able to get to the first boss at stage 10 and you will definitely not pass it. So don't worry too much about the keys, you won't get far enough that they become a problem anyway. And don't start building champions specifically for DT until you can do all dungeons stage 20 on auto. 

As for first 60, Ninja is probably the best pick. Kael is also better than Athel. After Ninja and Kael, I guess Pyxniel - probably Athel and Warmaiden will get replaced soon as you get better champs. 

Oct 11, 2021, 17:1810/11/21

Thanks for the input , il do ninja first and then we see from then :)

Oct 12, 2021, 12:2610/12/21

Before i up , Ninja has no skill uped , since i got no book for it , Kael has last skill almost max the rest are still lvl 1 , and only Warmaiden and Athel has all skills maxed and got good gear , should i still do Ninja first to 6 stars ? or should i go with my main starter Athel ?

Oct 12, 2021, 13:4410/12/21
P. Gabriel

Before i up , Ninja has no skill uped , since i got no book for it , Kael has last skill almost max the rest are still lvl 1 , and only Warmaiden and Athel has all skills maxed and got good gear , should i still do Ninja first to 6 stars ? or should i go with my main starter Athel ?

Of course Ninja should have your best gear - probably the starter lifesteal set. But it doesn't matter if he doesn't have any skills upgraded yet, he's still your best champ by far. And as I mentioned, Athel will get replaced soon enough - until then, you can keep using her, but I don't think she's worth taking to 6*. Certainly not before Ninja or Kael. 

Oct 12, 2021, 13:5210/12/21

Thanks. Il do that right now , no point in waiting anymore , il prob have some time to lvl him today to .

Thanks alot and Good Luck .

Oct 12, 2021, 19:5310/12/21

 I only have 2 6*(Elhain and Warmaiden) and I've gotten to the third boss in Doom Tower normal. For whatever reason the very first floor was super hard for me but after I beat it everything else has been much easier. I'm using Ninja in Doom Tower but he might not be your best bet for your first 6* there. His HP burn will actually heal the Magma Dragon so you won't even want him on the team for that boss, you will need to bring in a provoker instead so the Magma Dragon only uses his A1. Against the Nether Spider you're going to need a powerful nuker to kill all the spiderlings at once so they can't counter-attack when you hit the big spider. Ninja is great for clan boss, arena and crowd control anywhere with his freeze but Kael and Athel are better AOE nukers and farmers.

 Definitely work on your clan boss team as a higher priority than Doom Tower but it's still nice to be able to farm at least 1 boss in Doom Tower so you can get the free energy refill from the advanced daily quests. Once you can do that honestly you should be putting all your effort into your clan boss team till you can at least get the top chest in nightmare so you have a decent chance of getting some shards and books every month. Trust me, you'll get tired of brews and bad artifacts from the lower levels of clan boss pretty quick! :-)

Oct 13, 2021, 07:0810/13/21

I did Ninja as a 6 star , il keep on farming to get next Athel , he is full booked ( if i get this right it means he has full abilitis maxed ) , since Kael has only his last ability a bit lvl up , this is some of my heroes , i got other blues in vault but they arent really usefull , i keep them for faction wars , or idk just 1 copy of each , i check them on ayumilove how usefull they are xD


Oct 13, 2021, 16:1210/13/21

 Ninja will be awesome for clan boss which is really important to work on. Since you can only have 1 hp burn on an enemy at a time you'll need poison, Frozen Banshee and Steel Skull are good for that. Marked and Steel Skull working together can help keep your team alive a while longer for the early stages of clan boss. Athel's weaken ability is great for clan boss. Make sure everybody is in a lifesteal set so they last longer and you've got the makings of a decent clan boss team.

 I think it's a good idea to hold onto rares when you're starting out and learning the game because you won't necessarily know who you want to play yet. Some champions have really bad reviews but come in clutch for some specific content. I fed a Metal Shaper when I first started my account because the in game reviews were bad but now I wish I had him back because he would help me defeat the Scarab King much easier. Even a placeholder champ can be taken to 4* or 5* to do a job and then used as food later on when you get somebody else who is just completely better.

 Anyway you have some great champs already, good luck! :-)