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I worked really hard on this Palarium, are Events really only for paying players?

I worked really hard on this Palarium, are Events really only for paying players?

Oct 10, 2021, 11:5710/10/21

I worked really hard on this Palarium, are Events really only for paying players?


This is the first time I have really tried hard for an event, as FTP for over a year I knew it took time but now I beat all levels dungeons, Gold 5 Arena, NM Clan boss daily, etc.  The champions in this event looked good and I read the news saying there were 140 fragments for each Epic which is good because weekends are for family and not for chain playing games.

Well, Plarium.  I worked really hard and got everything done, the summoning took all 40+ Epic shards I had saved up.  I even got in the top 3 -5 for tournaments and got the clan mission done.  I missed the top drop in the dungeon event because I had a kids party and gardening to do.  Now I have just seen the shard event, which I was hoping to skip after the summoning, but now I see I need 3k points or 6 Sacred Shards  !!!  When i look up more about the event I see that there is really no way to get the champions without this event.  

Not only was the "140 shards " completely misleading, but looking at the numbers it seems like you have actually designed the event to be unavailable without paying, leaving everyone else with 95 shards for life.  Now I know if I actually send you the feedback you will say all the ways you can get free shards...  I get 1 about every 2 weeks from clan boss and when I progress a bit more in hard Tower I will get another couple.  Maybe it is possible to get 6 for every event.

But you recently took away the Sacred shards as a login reward because you said you wanted them to be 'Special' awards for achievements and not just a currency.  Well, here in events you have made them into a currency because they can be bought and traded and their value is what they buy you at an event and not the possible legendary rewards.  Why else would people spend them in an event with no 2x reward to increase the chance of legendaries?

Now even if this was the case then I could accept it, if there had been some way to know this before the event started.  But how on earth was I supposed to know that I would need 6 Sacred shards?  I did not know where the shards would be distributed in the rewards table.  You made it seem like with 140 shards I could actually miss an event if I was busy.  Could you not have just been honest about it?  Like


"There will be a total of 140/100  shards available for each champion"

Translation for family guy

"hey, these events give very special rewards, but look you need to be end game to participate, or be willing to spend a bit of money.  We know that is a bit tough, but we need to pay the bills and in return you get great new content in a few months.  If you arent end game with plenty of shards in the bank then just work on your progression and don't waste resources on Friday and Saturday, just hang out with your family instead...  thanks for understanding"

Best Regards

Just a Family guy 

(with a PhD in Physics for spotting a scam when I see it!)


Like I really believe the reasons you took away the legendary shard from login rewards now!

Oct 10, 2021, 12:0810/10/21

You would actually not hav emissed the top drop in the dungeon event if you would have bothered with an autoclicker.

Oct 10, 2021, 12:1610/10/21

I do use an auto clicker.  But the connection does not always last that long when I am busy all day, it stopped about 300 points short.  I could not do the game without an auto clicker.  Is there an auto clicker for opening mystery shards and sacrificing?

I accept that was my mistake though.  I also have spent my 2 saved Sacred shards and I am going to get a 3rd from my reserve sacred completing Nightmare progression.  I have earned  another 10 epics (wrong name I know but I am tired) this weekend in events but that is only 200.  I actually have 1200 mystery shards saved so if I go all in I just may do it.

If I need to open 1000 mystery shards and  sacrifice them is there any shortcut or auto clicker?  I have 2-3 hours after the kids are in bed if I do nothing else I don't think I can spend 1000 shards. 

Oct 10, 2021, 14:5910/10/21

I do use an auto clicker.  But the connection does not always last that long when I am busy all day, it stopped about 300 points short.  I could not do the game without an auto clicker.  Is there an auto clicker for opening mystery shards and sacrificing?

I accept that was my mistake though.  I also have spent my 2 saved Sacred shards and I am going to get a 3rd from my reserve sacred completing Nightmare progression.  I have earned  another 10 epics (wrong name I know but I am tired) this weekend in events but that is only 200.  I actually have 1200 mystery shards saved so if I go all in I just may do it.

If I need to open 1000 mystery shards and  sacrifice them is there any shortcut or auto clicker?  I have 2-3 hours after the kids are in bed if I do nothing else I don't think I can spend 1000 shards. 

Heya Icey

Liked what wrote before

Dont know if u are using both Stash and Vault to keep champions .

To sacrifica mystery shards ( for me at least) not autocliker is the main issue but space :)

if u didnt used Vault than u can move 100-150 champions from Stash to Vault ( depending on your available silver ) and might be easier to do those 1000 mystery shards.

Oct 11, 2021, 08:0610/11/21

Heya Icey

Liked what wrote before

Dont know if u are using both Stash and Vault to keep champions .

To sacrifica mystery shards ( for me at least) not autocliker is the main issue but space :)

if u didnt used Vault than u can move 100-150 champions from Stash to Vault ( depending on your available silver ) and might be easier to do those 1000 mystery shards.

Thanks for the advice.  You are right space is the issue.  I did enough to reach the first shards but not quite enough to the second which was, unfortunately, the one I really wanted.  Funnily enough, I kept on getting a large number of uncommon and rares from the mystery shards often only half were common.  At least I am well set up for the next champ training.

It is still heartbreaking all the effort and resources I committed to get blocked here.

Does Plarium ever respond here?

Oct 11, 2021, 09:5310/11/21
Oct 11, 2021, 09:54(edited)

Thanks for the advice.  You are right space is the issue.  I did enough to reach the first shards but not quite enough to the second which was, unfortunately, the one I really wanted.  Funnily enough, I kept on getting a large number of uncommon and rares from the mystery shards often only half were common.  At least I am well set up for the next champ training.

It is still heartbreaking all the effort and resources I committed to get blocked here.

Does Plarium ever respond here?

The CM's will occasionally respond, they read the forums regularly. 

RonnieCommunity Manager
Oct 11, 2021, 15:2910/11/21

Hey, iceydoctor!

So sorry to hear there was an obstacle in the Fusion. The thing is that milestones and rewards balances may vary in different Fusions. Among other factors, the level of difficulty in the activity can also depend on each particular Champion you’re trying to fuse. Making them too easy to get would make the playing process less challenging. And we can’t reveal the whole balance list for all the events a certain Fusion consists of, that would ruin the concept of this activity.  

After each and every Fusion, we carefully review the game analytics and collect players’ feedback to see if we're going in the right direction or if some modifications are necessary. We will definitely take yours into account. And since it looks like you can still get the Champion we sincerely wish you luck in doing so!

Oct 11, 2021, 16:5610/11/21

Hey, iceydoctor!

So sorry to hear there was an obstacle in the Fusion. The thing is that milestones and rewards balances may vary in different Fusions. Among other factors, the level of difficulty in the activity can also depend on each particular Champion you’re trying to fuse. Making them too easy to get would make the playing process less challenging. And we can’t reveal the whole balance list for all the events a certain Fusion consists of, that would ruin the concept of this activity.  

After each and every Fusion, we carefully review the game analytics and collect players’ feedback to see if we're going in the right direction or if some modifications are necessary. We will definitely take yours into account. And since it looks like you can still get the Champion we sincerely wish you luck in doing so!


You cant reveal the hole balance list for what reason? Because us the Players would might know from the start if we can do the fusion or not? That we might be prepared? That we wont spend time and resorces to discover at the very end that was in van?

You think that doing that u will " ruin the concept" of fusion?

And what concept is that? Let put our hand on customers(players) pockets/wallets ? And if they dont want it  let PUSH them? That concept will be ruined by sharring information with us in due time?

ive played games where players got information weak before when patch/event supose to took place , hours when will be done, content .... you know- relevant information for players .

Here is like that - in 15 minutes we shall have a server restart nothing important.... we just nerfed few champions, we changed some rules in the game, CHANGED THIS, CHANGED THAT... Ups we have 1-2 bugs but dont worry we know about them...

And now I finally understod ... u dont inform us because u dont want to RUIN THE CONCEPT  or to spoil our fun 

Oct 11, 2021, 16:5710/11/21


week before and not weak before :(

Oct 12, 2021, 07:4310/12/21

Hey, iceydoctor!

So sorry to hear there was an obstacle in the Fusion. The thing is that milestones and rewards balances may vary in different Fusions. Among other factors, the level of difficulty in the activity can also depend on each particular Champion you’re trying to fuse. Making them too easy to get would make the playing process less challenging. And we can’t reveal the whole balance list for all the events a certain Fusion consists of, that would ruin the concept of this activity.  

After each and every Fusion, we carefully review the game analytics and collect players’ feedback to see if we're going in the right direction or if some modifications are necessary. We will definitely take yours into account. And since it looks like you can still get the Champion we sincerely wish you luck in doing so!

"And we can’t reveal the whole balance list for all the events a certain Fusion consists of, that would ruin the concept of this activity.   "

Hy Ronnie'

I am keep thinking on what you said and for me is impossible to understand how revealing the hole balance list of some fusion before it start might RUIN something .

Can u pls be so nice and explain to me/us in more detailed way?

Oct 12, 2021, 08:0610/12/21

I have another great idea you could implement to the game: if we miss a fusion right now, we can buy the additional shards in the shop for a certain ammount. But seeing the price before buying ruins the concept of that acitivity, you can't reveal the whole balance list of the ingame shop. I think it would be much more fun, if the player buys the shards for a hidden price and a slotmachine determines how much to pay in the end.

Oct 14, 2021, 11:2810/14/21

Hey, iceydoctor!

So sorry to hear there was an obstacle in the Fusion. The thing is that milestones and rewards balances may vary in different Fusions. Among other factors, the level of difficulty in the activity can also depend on each particular Champion you’re trying to fuse. Making them too easy to get would make the playing process less challenging. And we can’t reveal the whole balance list for all the events a certain Fusion consists of, that would ruin the concept of this activity.  

After each and every Fusion, we carefully review the game analytics and collect players’ feedback to see if we're going in the right direction or if some modifications are necessary. We will definitely take yours into account. And since it looks like you can still get the Champion we sincerely wish you luck in doing so!

Hello Ronnie,

Thank you for your reply, I hope you can grace me with one more.  

Is the purpose of the sacred shards to be an in-game currency held to complete events?  Because you have reduced the supply available to players (log in rewards) to make them special.  But it seems that any Fusion event requires you to have more than 4 weeks supply on hand to use only for that event (based on drop rate from clan boss).

Unfortunately I was not even close to getting the champion by opening mystery shards because it just took too long to feed all the champions I got I was only able to open 500 shards in the time I had.

Unfortunately, I don't think you really understand when you talk about the level of difficulty.  Opening shards is not difficult.  Building teams to beat high-level dungeons and farm them fast enough is difficult, but I can beat them all except Doom Tower hard.  It has been fun.  If the event is not paywalled then why not make it based on completing the content (such as CB and Doom tower) that awards shards, instead of structuring it to try and force people to pay to catch up?

You seem to understand that this particular event was designed specifically from the start so that it could not be completed without summoning the equivalent of 6 sacred shards.   You also seem to say the event was specifically designed this way, but I do not understand why this could not be revealed...  

"we can’t reveal the whole balance list for all the events a certain  Fusion consists of, that would ruin the concept of this activity."

What is this concept?  To have a chance at winning we had to complete the first few events, including using a lot of shards in the champ chase.  Then day 3 comes and we find we need another 6 sacred shards to continue.  There is no content in the game that can give even close to achieving that.  So what exactly is this concept you talk about, it can not be the difficulty of the event, it seems more like the concept is to trap players into spending.

The way you awarded the shards clearly prioritises the shard summoning events, they were the biggest shard rewards and the only event that was required and could not be skipped.  How does this make the summoning difficult and not just expensive?

Most of us players understand a company needs to earn money, we don't mind you saying that yes you try and encourage players to spend a bit.  It would be better if the spending was not required to complete the game rewards, more just making things nicer and easier.  Even if your event 'concept' is to make things very difficult to complete an event without paying then it is your choice but still ok...

However, what has happened here is that you started players on this event encouraging us that we could work to complete it if we could handle the content.  Then halfway through the event, you dropped in the preplanned summon event that required resources most players did not have and could not get in the time of the event no matter how much content we could beat.  A months supply of the biggest reward in the game...

Could your game designers not see that sending players on a wild goose chase like this was going to cause resentment....  I mean we get so far and there is nothing we can do except to purchase the solution from you?

Please just tell me straight is the 'Concept' of the event designed to reward completing higher difficulty or is it designed to get players just so far and then leave them in a position where the only way forward involves a purchase.  And to pile on the pressure if you don't pay up then you loose all the resources (especially time) they have spent so far...

Oct 14, 2021, 11:4510/14/21

is it down? i cant login anymore for some reason

Oct 14, 2021, 12:3410/14/21

is it down? i cant login anymore for some reason

No, shouldn't be. Checked pinned threads for any more info.