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Really 10x event ?

Really 10x event ?

Oct 9, 2021, 22:0810/09/21

Really 10x event ?

I have bad feeling about 10x events.

This events includes really  a 10x chance ???

I playing 2 years ago and i never pulled specific legos from 10x pools, but i got at least 7 dupe.

It's so strange.

Oct 10, 2021, 01:0410/10/21

Chances are still small. I don't know the exact percentage to get the specific champion, let us say, the chance to get Rotos is 0.01% then on 10x event that number is only 0.1% so still small lol. 

Some joke around and say 0% chance multiplied by 10 is still 0 lol. And also in my experience, the only time I get a legendary from a 10x event is also a dupe. 

Oct 10, 2021, 01:1310/10/21

For once I'm actually hoping the 10x is a lie. I have 3 of the epics and 1 of the legendaries, and I'll need to throw away at least 4 sacreds to get the event fragments...

Oct 10, 2021, 03:5910/10/21

Chances are still small. I don't know the exact percentage to get the specific champion, let us say, the chance to get Rotos is 0.01% then on 10x event that number is only 0.1% so still small lol. 

Some joke around and say 0% chance multiplied by 10 is still 0 lol. And also in my experience, the only time I get a legendary from a 10x event is also a dupe. 

I think we see a 10x icon without content and nothing else.

Oct 10, 2021, 05:0410/10/21

The problem is that there are simply too many champions these days so a 10x event doesn't really do anything.  It might have given a good chance of getting a specific champion back when there were smaller numbers but really it only slightly increases the chances now.

Plarium really should change it to be something like 20x now or something.  Alternatively, they should revisit the concept entirely

Oct 10, 2021, 06:2210/10/21

The problem is that there are simply too many champions these days so a 10x event doesn't really do anything.  It might have given a good chance of getting a specific champion back when there were smaller numbers but really it only slightly increases the chances now.

Plarium really should change it to be something like 20x now or something.  Alternatively, they should revisit the concept entirely

If you have ( let say as example) 10 legos in game and go for 10x event than the lego from event have like 50% to drop ( from 19 total lego 10 are the same and desired one).

But Plarium took care and now there are probably 150-200 legos in game ( didnt count them to be sure) then even with 10x the chances to get the right lego are extremelly small ( arround 5% if there are arround 190 lego in game)

I guess that BY INTENTION  Plarium floaded the game with legos and epics champions ( majority of them without any use ) .

Last period i got only shity drops - useless epics and the great lego Nobel :(

As I said my personal opinion is that only purpose of Plarium is to push whales to spent more and more for some specific champ and that is the reason of actual ocean ( not pool) of champs .

U have now 1% chance to get a lego and another 5-10% to be decent one :)

Dont want to remember about promised dupe system 

Oct 10, 2021, 06:4510/10/21

If you have ( let say as example) 10 legos in game and go for 10x event than the lego from event have like 50% to drop ( from 19 total lego 10 are the same and desired one).

But Plarium took care and now there are probably 150-200 legos in game ( didnt count them to be sure) then even with 10x the chances to get the right lego are extremelly small ( arround 5% if there are arround 190 lego in game)

I guess that BY INTENTION  Plarium floaded the game with legos and epics champions ( majority of them without any use ) .

Last period i got only shity drops - useless epics and the great lego Nobel :(

As I said my personal opinion is that only purpose of Plarium is to push whales to spent more and more for some specific champ and that is the reason of actual ocean ( not pool) of champs .

U have now 1% chance to get a lego and another 5-10% to be decent one :)

Dont want to remember about promised dupe system 

I talk about strange things. You should pull better chances specific legos. But no, you cant, you can pull legos which you have (dupe). First two pull for me was dupe from 10x. Rhazin after i fusioned, second was Scyl when i got from monthly reward. LOL

Cant get specific champs from 10x pool, just dupes. ÍNo matter i had one or two legos. First was dupe, second was dupe, when the game contained over 100 legos and 10x chance event. Strange?

Oct 10, 2021, 08:0110/10/21

Chances are still small. I don't know the exact percentage to get the specific champion, let us say, the chance to get Rotos is 0.01% then on 10x event that number is only 0.1% so still small lol. 

Some joke around and say 0% chance multiplied by 10 is still 0 lol. And also in my experience, the only time I get a legendary from a 10x event is also a dupe. 

I only get the 10x champs when I want a specific one.. I never get the one I want. If I open shards during a 10x just because, without any desire for any of them I'll often get a rando. 

Oct 10, 2021, 11:4810/10/21

I talk about strange things. You should pull better chances specific legos. But no, you cant, you can pull legos which you have (dupe). First two pull for me was dupe from 10x. Rhazin after i fusioned, second was Scyl when i got from monthly reward. LOL

Cant get specific champs from 10x pool, just dupes. ÍNo matter i had one or two legos. First was dupe, second was dupe, when the game contained over 100 legos and 10x chance event. Strange?

There are lot of strange things in this  game ( but impossible to prove  something) :

- theoretically all champs have simmilar chances to drop - but if u look on announcements could see lots of medium and low quality legos and extremelly rare cases of 5* ones 

- same situation with CH, Seer, Maneater, Madame Seris  ...  having same chances as all other void .... got lots of every other but none of this 4 :(

- during this Sumon Rush I got 0 shards from chests - 2 ( final ones)  NM and 1 Brutal or UNM chest . probably was just bad luck but ......

Oct 10, 2021, 19:5510/10/21

There are lot of strange things in this  game ( but impossible to prove  something) :

- theoretically all champs have simmilar chances to drop - but if u look on announcements could see lots of medium and low quality legos and extremelly rare cases of 5* ones 

- same situation with CH, Seer, Maneater, Madame Seris  ...  having same chances as all other void .... got lots of every other but none of this 4 :(

- during this Sumon Rush I got 0 shards from chests - 2 ( final ones)  NM and 1 Brutal or UNM chest . probably was just bad luck but ......


Oct 10, 2021, 21:4910/10/21

There are lot of strange things in this  game ( but impossible to prove  something) :

- theoretically all champs have simmilar chances to drop - but if u look on announcements could see lots of medium and low quality legos and extremelly rare cases of 5* ones 

- same situation with CH, Seer, Maneater, Madame Seris  ...  having same chances as all other void .... got lots of every other but none of this 4 :(

- during this Sumon Rush I got 0 shards from chests - 2 ( final ones)  NM and 1 Brutal or UNM chest . probably was just bad luck but ......

All Void rares have the same chance. So if you pull anybody else than Coldheart, it could have been Coldheart as well. The fact that it's another champ is the proof that the game must be broken. 

The negation of centurys of mathematics in one post - and no fitting emoji in the forum to express how [a mod would edit that anyway] that is.

Oct 11, 2021, 04:1710/11/21

All Void rares have the same chance. So if you pull anybody else than Coldheart, it could have been Coldheart as well. The fact that it's another champ is the proof that the game must be broken. 

The negation of centurys of mathematics in one post - and no fitting emoji in the forum to express how [a mod would edit that anyway] that is.

In theory all have same chances ; so players should have same chances of getting Kalvalax  or Lydia or Siphi or... as they have to get lower tier legos.

Personally i saw only once Kalvalax dropping ( on Global chanel) and very very rare Lydia, Scipi, Valkirie ...

Just look on global channel and compare drop rate of shity legos vs 5* ones ... but might be just bad luck for everyones .

On epics I just say what I feel - got lots of void epics but no Maneater, Seris, Seer .

Spoked with many friends and guild mates- same feeling on them . Is true that if u spend and open tones of void shards sooner or later u will get Maneater or seer or madame but i speak here of normal players that open void shards when they could get them :)

Oct 11, 2021, 07:2110/11/21
Oct 11, 2021, 09:51(edited)

In theory all have same chances ; so players should have same chances of getting Kalvalax  or Lydia or Siphi or... as they have to get lower tier legos.

Personally i saw only once Kalvalax dropping ( on Global chanel) and very very rare Lydia, Scipi, Valkirie ...

Just look on global channel and compare drop rate of shity legos vs 5* ones ... but might be just bad luck for everyones .

On epics I just say what I feel - got lots of void epics but no Maneater, Seris, Seer .

Spoked with many friends and guild mates- same feeling on them . Is true that if u spend and open tones of void shards sooner or later u will get Maneater or seer or madame but i speak here of normal players that open void shards when they could get them :)

Quick side note. Lydia can't drop from shards, only from completing faction wars.

Oct 11, 2021, 08:1610/11/21

In theory all have same chances ; so players should have same chances of getting Kalvalax  or Lydia or Siphi or... as they have to get lower tier legos.

Personally i saw only once Kalvalax dropping ( on Global chanel) and very very rare Lydia, Scipi, Valkirie ...

Just look on global channel and compare drop rate of shity legos vs 5* ones ... but might be just bad luck for everyones .

On epics I just say what I feel - got lots of void epics but no Maneater, Seris, Seer .

Spoked with many friends and guild mates- same feeling on them . Is true that if u spend and open tones of void shards sooner or later u will get Maneater or seer or madame but i speak here of normal players that open void shards when they could get them :)

You see more other void epics than Maneater, Seer, Serris because there are more other void epics than these three. That's exactly the estimated outcome if every void epic has the same chance to drop. If there would exist only 4 void epics in the game, Maneater, Serris, Seer and a champ called Other Void Epic, you would not see more other void epics than the chosen three.

Oct 11, 2021, 10:3610/11/21

You see more other void epics than Maneater, Seer, Serris because there are more other void epics than these three. That's exactly the estimated outcome if every void epic has the same chance to drop. If there would exist only 4 void epics in the game, Maneater, Serris, Seer and a champ called Other Void Epic, you would not see more other void epics than the chosen three.

man i was getting tens of double/triple/cvadruple other void epics ( shity ones) and no Maneater/Seer/Madame

But other people can put here - how offen they got other void epics ( like Azure, Shatix, Rugnar....) and how ofen they got Maneater/Seer/madame seris.

i have 19 void epics now- and from that 3 are Shatix ( and none of the 3 mentioned before) and probably use as food another 10-12 ( at least 4 Azure).

There are totally 41 void epics  and i got more than 30 epics but none maneater/seer/ madame seris/psylar ( and probably Demitha will be on non-getting list too ).

And is not only me.... i discuss matter with many friends/guildies and is the same for them .

Oct 11, 2021, 10:5310/11/21

Quick side note. Lydia can't drop from shards, only from completing faction wars.

Sry my mystake - I was thinking on Duchess Lilitu and wrote Lydia :(

Jan 16, 2024, 08:5201/16/24

is this the reward for doing all 101 stages of Sintranos?

Jan 16, 2024, 15:5801/16/24

spam necro thread locked. 

Jan 16, 2024, 17:1501/16/24

Davey too fast.

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