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To chicken or not

To chicken or not

Oct 8, 2021, 20:4610/08/21

To chicken or not

Hi All!

  I'm a new player to Raid and hoped for some advice. I've been wondering whether I should chicken my rares or not. I get the whole not chickening one for rhazin, and there are some rares that are obviously good that I should keep, but I've been hording one of each of them all for "future fusion events".

My question for any longtime players is: Does Raid ever run fusion events with EXISTING rares, or do they only really run fusions when they are introducing new ones? Basically if there's never likely to be a fusion come with existing rares, there's no point keeping the 100+ I have now...


Oct 8, 2021, 21:0910/08/21

There's no need to keep rares for future fusion events.  All such events use new champions.

Oct 8, 2021, 21:1510/08/21

They used to do fusions with existing rares, but they haven't for a long time now, unlikely that they'll do it again - and if they do, of course you could still get them from the events then. 

What does happen, very occasionally, is that a certain older rare suddenly becomes relevant. For instance, for a long time nobody cared about Metalshaper - until the Scarab King boss in Doom Tower was released and suddenly any champion who could have perfect uptime on a shield became very valuable. Or now with the new fusion, the void epic Demytha is very interesting and allows you to build new unkillable Clan Boss teams - including one with the rare champ Heiress, who was also mostly useless until now. 

Last but not least, the most likely use for those rares is in the Faction Wars, where you need whole teams from just one Faction - so if e.g. there is only one AOE decrease defense champ in the whole faction, like Fleshmonger for the Skinwalkers, then perhaps at some point you'll want to build him, when trying to finish the Skinwalker Faction War. 

So it's not 100 percent useless to keep at least one copy of every non-farmable rare... but it is a lot of space just for the limited chance of them ever becoming important. Probably you could be selective and try to keep only champions who do something unique, or at least fill an important role within their own faction. 

Oct 8, 2021, 21:2010/08/21

Honestly - I wouldn't trash any of them. Early on, you never know which ones will be valuable, and later on, it's not really worth the 50ish energy it costs to take an uncommon to level 20 and upgrade it to tier 3.

Oct 8, 2021, 21:3810/08/21

There's no need to keep rares for future fusion events.  All such events use new champions.

Good to know and this was my main question.

Oct 8, 2021, 21:4510/08/21

They used to do fusions with existing rares, but they haven't for a long time now, unlikely that they'll do it again - and if they do, of course you could still get them from the events then. 

What does happen, very occasionally, is that a certain older rare suddenly becomes relevant. For instance, for a long time nobody cared about Metalshaper - until the Scarab King boss in Doom Tower was released and suddenly any champion who could have perfect uptime on a shield became very valuable. Or now with the new fusion, the void epic Demytha is very interesting and allows you to build new unkillable Clan Boss teams - including one with the rare champ Heiress, who was also mostly useless until now. 

Last but not least, the most likely use for those rares is in the Faction Wars, where you need whole teams from just one Faction - so if e.g. there is only one AOE decrease defense champ in the whole faction, like Fleshmonger for the Skinwalkers, then perhaps at some point you'll want to build him, when trying to finish the Skinwalker Faction War. 

So it's not 100 percent useless to keep at least one copy of every non-farmable rare... but it is a lot of space just for the limited chance of them ever becoming important. Probably you could be selective and try to keep only champions who do something unique, or at least fill an important role within their own faction. 

Thanks for the advice!

Yeah, I was intending to keep a few rares from each faction that had some utility/interesting abilities. I was primarily going off of the video from this past July from HellHades on rares as well as some of the comments people made in the comment section. However, I have a TON of rares that seem like I'm never going to use them that I was just hanging on to with the hope I might be able to fuse them.

I'm also well on my way to Demytha and Thylessia as well and should have 85 and 80 shards for each after this summon rush event! 

I also got super lucky and pulled Valkyrie as my first non-ninja legendary, so I'm in a pretty good shield position. 😁

Thanks again!

Oct 9, 2021, 01:5010/09/21

With the power creep, vault space still limited, and amount of new champs constantly coming out, I had to give up and start using all my rares as chickens.

Just too many and not enough space.

Oct 9, 2021, 06:4110/09/21

Guys just simple reminder - you can keep your champs in stash or your Vault ( vault provide up to 300 extra spots to keep champions)

So Stash with up to 400 spaces and Vault with another up to 300 :)

Oct 10, 2021, 02:3010/10/21
Oct 10, 2021, 02:32(edited)

Guys just simple reminder - you can keep your champs in stash or your Vault ( vault provide up to 300 extra spots to keep champions)

So Stash with up to 400 spaces and Vault with another up to 300 :)

Honestly they just add up way too fast while forcing you to spend gems/silver for that extra space, boosting your total power without making you stronger at all.

Oct 10, 2021, 06:0810/10/21

Still is cheaper to increase bot Stash and vault to lower level than to increase just Stash for the same number of spots ( 100 Stash and 100 Vault is cheaper to get than 200 Stash)

Oct 12, 2021, 02:1110/12/21

Still is cheaper to increase bot Stash and vault to lower level than to increase just Stash for the same number of spots ( 100 Stash and 100 Vault is cheaper to get than 200 Stash)

Yeah, I currently have 160 slots in both and they are all used up. 4 million silver is a lot at my point in the game for 10 more spots in either...