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Arena Changes Needed

Arena Changes Needed

Oct 8, 2021, 20:4010/08/21

Arena Changes Needed

Account Power should not figure into the arena, either classic or tag team.  Players get pitted against way better teams than they are capable of building.  Arena should be based on the following criteria only.

1. Opponents should be from the Tier a player is currently in.

2. The page of opponents should only include players whose team power is as follows.

   a) Classic Arena - opponents team power should be within 10-15K higher than the attacker.

   b) Tag Team Arena - opponents should be within 20K or so higher than the attacker.

   Getting opponents who's team power is in classic 50K or more higher and in Tag Team upwardsd of 200K more is not competition, it's murder.

That is all arena should be based on, simple, straight forward and allows tier progression.

Oct 8, 2021, 21:1410/08/21

Team Power is an incrediably bad source to determine team matchups and you should not be using this as a foundation to determine who you can and cannot beat.  This is because Team Power weighs certain stats much higher than others. 

For example, a team that focuses heavily on resistance will have a much higher team power than one that focuses heavily on speed.  My current team power on my second account is about 40K, but I am consistently beating teams up to 100K in power without too much difficulty.

You are usually better off to focus instead on the composition of the enemy team instead of the team power.  Look at the champions that they are using and see if they provide synergy

Oct 8, 2021, 21:1810/08/21
Oct 8, 2021, 21:22(edited)

Sorry i completely disagree.

The only factor in arena should be points won or lost, that is it!. Anything else is artificially manipulating matchmaking.

If its just points, then better teams rise, and poor teams sink- which is how it should be.

What you are suggesting is essentially the same as matching by account power.

Oh and most remotely experienced players frequently beat bad teams over 100k higher in power. Team power is a terrible metric as it places so much emphasis on resistance and crit damage.

Oct 8, 2021, 21:2110/08/21

100% disagreed *under the current power rating model*.

However - the suggestion *would* be valid if the power rating model more accurately reflected a team's true power. Unfortunately that's a notoriously difficult equation to solve for, so don't hold your breath.

Oct 8, 2021, 21:2910/08/21
Oct 8, 2021, 21:29(edited)

100% disagreed *under the current power rating model*.

However - the suggestion *would* be valid if the power rating model more accurately reflected a team's true power. Unfortunately that's a notoriously difficult equation to solve for, so don't hold your breath.

I dont understand why people want to manipulate matchmaking in the first place?

If you win a match you win points, if you lose a match you lose points.

You are matched against people with a similar number of points.

Why have it more complicated than that? Any manipulation means weaker teams can end up being in a higher tier than stronger teams which is silly. We saw this happen before the changes to arena that made it easy.

Oct 8, 2021, 21:5810/08/21
Trevor Wilson

I dont understand why people want to manipulate matchmaking in the first place?

If you win a match you win points, if you lose a match you lose points.

You are matched against people with a similar number of points.

Why have it more complicated than that? Any manipulation means weaker teams can end up being in a higher tier than stronger teams which is silly. We saw this happen before the changes to arena that made it easy.

That's not really what I meant by my point. I simply meant that power rating doesn't accurately reflect a team's true power, and that if you wanted to try to match equivalently powered teams together, you'd need to first get a more reflective power rating.

Oct 9, 2021, 01:4910/09/21

how would they decide your teams power?  i could put in a team with 5k power then refresh my page and swap to a team with 200k power... under your model my page should all be 15-20k.

Oct 9, 2021, 07:4710/09/21

I had not considered the team swapping strategy, but account power factoring in really is bad.  I have a vault full of champions that I only use for faction wars, with equipment..  This drives up my account power but has no relevance to arena matches, and account power is used as part of determining a players opponents.

Trevor is right about team power, but that applies to account power as well.  Maybe there is no good way to do the match making.   I had a thought and it seemed valid, but appears to have many holes in it.  Looks like from reddit comments that I am not the only one who disagrees with the account power issue.

Anyways, maybe someone will come up with something that does work. 

Oct 9, 2021, 10:5310/09/21

I had not considered the team swapping strategy, but account power factoring in really is bad.  I have a vault full of champions that I only use for faction wars, with equipment..  This drives up my account power but has no relevance to arena matches, and account power is used as part of determining a players opponents.

Trevor is right about team power, but that applies to account power as well.  Maybe there is no good way to do the match making.   I had a thought and it seemed valid, but appears to have many holes in it.  Looks like from reddit comments that I am not the only one who disagrees with the account power issue.

Anyways, maybe someone will come up with something that does work. 

Trevor allready gave a system that works: The opponents should be determined by arena rating. What is a better indication for your real power in arena than your performance in arena?

Oct 9, 2021, 15:0210/09/21

I do understand people getting frustrated, i personally think that as the number of mature accounts has increased as a proportion of the playerbase they should extend the number of tiers.

Oct 10, 2021, 02:2310/10/21
Oct 10, 2021, 02:24(edited)

Way more accurate formula to calculate real account power would be account age * money spent per every month, but suppose that would be a bit of awkward way to do it even for plarium.

Nov 25, 2023, 17:1811/25/23

Something has to change to let new players in. I've been playing about 6 months and can't get out of Bronze I for Tag. I have one Legendary to my name, and am getting pitted against teams with three or more Legendaries, and way more than double my team power. Its a total massacre with no pathway up. I guess I'll just spend my free time playing something else because this is retarded.