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Poison Explode + Extend Duration

Poison Explode + Extend Duration

Oct 8, 2021, 12:2810/08/21

Poison Explode + Extend Duration

Hi all,

Quick question. Does poison explode scale with turns remaining on the poisons? Trying to finish off my Elenaril team - I don't have a second Taurus yet, but I'm thinking maybe with Dark Kael, I can tune my team to go:

Wave 1: Kymar A1 -> Dark Kael A3 -> Elenaril A2 -> Taurus A3 (9 poisons + sens on all enemies) -> Kymar A2 -> Dark Kael A2 -> Elenaril A3 (explode 9 poisons at 3 turns)

Wave 2: Kymar A3 -> Dark Kael A3 -> Elenaril A2 -> Taurus A3 (9 poisons + sens on all enemies) -> Kymar A1 -> Dark Kael A2 -> Elenaril A3 (explode 9 poisons at 3 turns) 

Oct 15, 2021, 13:5210/15/21

Bumping this, because something just occurred to me that I really need validation on before building this team out.

The rotation I lised is hyper specific. It needs to run *exactly* in the listed order. However, there are a huge number of debuffs being placed, none of which are unresistable. Given there's a soft cap on accuracy vs resist, is this team even practical? I'm placing 10 debuffs per mob, there are five per wave, and there are two waves - so that's a total of 100 debuffs being placed. If there's *any* cap whatsoever, it's pretty much a guarantee that at least one debuff per run will be resisted.

Has anyone had success running these types of builds? Any idea on how often it fails?

Oct 15, 2021, 14:3210/15/21

According to this video from StewGaming the duration of the poison has influence on the damage. 

Look at the way the damage is calculated in the video beginning at 4:00. Each turn of poison counts as stack. 4 poison debuffs of 3 turn duration = 12 x poison in the explosion. And weaken does increase the damage, btw.

Very usefull video.

Oct 15, 2021, 14:4010/15/21

Sweet. Thanks! Got any insights regarding my second question, of resisting?

Oct 15, 2021, 14:4510/15/21

I think there is always something like a 3% chance of being resisted no matter what your acc. is.

Oct 15, 2021, 17:1510/15/21

I  have  seen  Poison  Explosion  set  up  work  on  Stages  20  &  below.

I  don't know  if  they  can  work  on  Stage  21+.

Is  your  set  up  even  possible?

Based  on  your  Turn  Order,  You  want  your  whole  team  to  move  2  times  consecutively with  out  the  enemy  wave  moving.

I  have  seen  teams  such  as:

Wave  1:  Kymar  A1  ->  Taurus  ->  2nd  Taurus  ->  Flesh  Tearer  ->  Eleneral.

Wave  2:  Kymar  A3  ->  Taurus  ->  2nd  Taurus  ->  Flesh  Tearer  ->  Eleneral.

The  above  set  up  I  am  talking  about only  moves  1  turn  to  kill  enemy.

The  set  up  your  mentioning  needs  several  of  your  heroes  to  move  twice.

Oct 15, 2021, 17:2010/15/21
Oct 15, 2021, 17:21(edited)
Player J

I  have  seen  Poison  Explosion  set  up  work  on  Stages  20  &  below.

I  don't know  if  they  can  work  on  Stage  21+.

Is  your  set  up  even  possible?

Based  on  your  Turn  Order,  You  want  your  whole  team  to  move  2  times  consecutively with  out  the  enemy  wave  moving.

I  have  seen  teams  such  as:

Wave  1:  Kymar  A1  ->  Taurus  ->  2nd  Taurus  ->  Flesh  Tearer  ->  Eleneral.

Wave  2:  Kymar  A3  ->  Taurus  ->  2nd  Taurus  ->  Flesh  Tearer  ->  Eleneral.

The  above  set  up  I  am  talking  about only  moves  1  turn  to  kill  enemy.

The  set  up  your  mentioning  needs  several  of  your  heroes  to  move  twice.

Indeed - and I detailed how that would happen. It does indeed require both Elenaril and Dark Kael to act twice, but that shouldn't be an issue.

However, your suggestion is interesting as well. Not sure if it would be more practical, but essentially:

Wave 1:  Kymar  A1 -> Taurus (x4) -> Dark Kael (x3) ->  Flesh Tearer (7 poisons at 3 turns) ->  Elenaril.

Wave 2:  Kymar  A3 -> Taurus (x4) -> Dark Kael (x3) ->  Flesh Tearer (7 poisons at 3 turns) ->  Elenaril. 

If my math is correct, 7 poisons at 3 turns should translate into 7 * 0.05 * 3 = 105% damage. This would let me avoid needing two turns.

But it does still present the same problem. Instead of 100 total chances to resist, this one has 80 ((7 poisons + 1 extend) * 5 * 2). That's 80 chances for a resist, and even a single poison being resisted makes the run fail.