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Rhazin on CB teams? Why?

Rhazin on CB teams? Why?

Oct 8, 2021, 11:5510/08/21

Rhazin on CB teams? Why?

I've seen Rhazin on many CB teams and wondering why. I'm assuming it's because of his A2 (100% DF when booked) and they don't have Tayrell, Stagg or Deacon. His A3 is useless and his A1 would only be good for affinity CB or if they aren't running Geomancer. Am I missing some aspect here?

Oct 8, 2021, 11:5710/08/21

I dont run him but it isnt just drop defence it is also weaken which is good for cb

He can hit hard too.

Oct 8, 2021, 12:2410/08/21

Not too many champs who put both decrease def and weaken, plus have defense-based damage themselves which is always a plus. If you can get the decrease attack from elsewhere, or you have an unkillable team that doesn't need it, he's definitely an upgrade over Tayrel or SK. 

Oct 8, 2021, 16:0610/08/21

The most important reason to use him was allready named by Trevor Wilson: Rhazin can put decrease def and weaken on the CB. But there are some nice bonus effects: His A1 can remove buffs (affinity CB buffs his attack) and it's a triple hit (with Giantslayer masterie a bonus on it's own).

Oct 8, 2021, 16:1910/08/21

Yes, he does def down and weaken, which is amazing - but many other champs do this as well. Yes, he buff strips, which is nice, but that's affinity-specific, so not really "amazing". Yes, he hits three times, which makes giantslayer attractive - but not hugely so compared to warmaster, and if you're using him for his A2, you'll want him to be running warmaster so a missed proc on his A2 doesn't leave you dead.

By far the biggest reason he is used, though, is that he is DEF-based. Compared to other champs who can do the same thing (I'm looking at you, Fayne, Draco, Venus, Rugnor, etc...), that's a *huge* advantage for non-unkillable/block damage teams.

In comparison, the others you suggested - Tayrel is DEF-based but doesn't do weaken and Stag Knight is ATK-based and also doesn't do weaken. Deacon is an interesting choice because while he doesn't do weaken, he does do leech - but again, he's ATK-based. Rhazin is quite literally the *only* DEF-based champ in the game who can do both DEF down and weaken.

All that being said - if you have DEF down from someone else (which wouldn't be surprising since it's quite common), there are other alternatives you could go for that are DEF-based and place weaken. And by "other" i mean literally *two* other DEF-based champs that do weaken - Tarshon and Teshada. Neither are anywhere close to as good as Rhazin.

Oct 8, 2021, 17:3510/08/21

Why  do  people use  Rhazin  on  CB?

Because  Rhazin  is  a  God

-  Def  Down  

-  Weaken

-  Buff  removal  on  A1

-  Triple  hit  on  A1  

-  High  Survival  due  to  being  Defense  based.

-  Crazy  damage

Rhazin  can  put  out  enough  Damage  as  some  poison  heroes  despite  not  doing  poison  himself.

Oct 8, 2021, 22:0310/08/21

So, I guess this begs the quesiton, does that mean Weaken is better then Decrese attack?

I was under the impression that Weaken was better through brutal, but decrease attack was better on NM and UNM?

Am I wrong?

My current team setup is

Tayrall (lead & bosting Valkyrie's shield)



Frozen Banshee or Occult Brawler

Siphi (block bluffs)

This is a 2:1 Comp and I can 1 key NM and 3 Key UNM.


Oct 8, 2021, 22:4010/08/21

The short answer is - you want both. You 100% need ATK down. Without it, you won't last very long at all. But without weaken you lose a huge amount of damage. On your specific team, Rhaz probably doesn't fit. You get Weaken from Geomancer, so Tayrel is fine for supplying the rest.

It is unfortunate you can't fit Brogni on that team, though. If you have any DEF up + ATK down champs, you might want to consider replacing Siphi with Brogni and Tayrel with that replacement. Siphi is quite weak in CB - I'm guessing you're probably getting around 2M dmg out of her total, whereas Brogni would bring easily three times that amount at least.

Oct 8, 2021, 22:5110/08/21

I  think  you  are  slightly confused,  Hailcomet.

-  Decrease  Attack  reduces  the  Damage  the  CB  does  to  your  team

This  helps  your  team  live  longer

-  Decrease  Defense  reduces  the  Defense  of  the  CB.

This  helps  your  team  hit  the  Boss  for  bigger  hits  which  helps  you  do  more  damage.

-  Weaken  increases  the  damage  the  CB  receives from  your  team.

This  helps  your  team  hit  the  Boss  for  bigger  hits  which  helps  you  do  more  damage.

In  a  perfect  world,  you  want  a  Clan  Boss  team  which  can  do  all  3  of  the  above  debuffs.

The  goal  is  to  help  your  team  live  longer  &  do  more  total  damage.


In  response to  your  impression:

You  always  want  all  3  Debuffs.

However,  sometimes,  you  can't get  all  3  Debuffs  due  to  lack  of  hero  option's.

For  the  above  reason,  Players  created  a  priority list.

The  Priority  list  was  designed  to  help  players  pick  certain  Debuffs when  they  are  not  able  to  have  all  the  debuffs  on  their  team.

Number  1  =  Decrease  Attack

No  matter  the  mode  -  You  always  the  Clan  Boss  to  hit  you  softer.

Number  2  =  Poison

No  matter  the  mode  -  You  always  want  Damage  Over  Time  alongside  Pyschical  Damage

Number  3  =  Is  Tricky

Players  didn't know  if  Decrease  Defense  or  Weaken  is  better.

Again  in  perfect world,  You  want  both.

Sometimes,  you  don't  have  hero  space  to  fit  in  a  hero  which  lets  your  team  do  both

This  in  turn  causes  a  situation where  your  forced  to  pick  between  one  or  the  other.

Players  then  began  doing  test  to  find  out  which  Debuff  to  use  if  you  can't  use  both.

The  following information was  discovered:

-  Weaken  is  better  from  Easy  Mode  CB  to  Brutal  Mode  because the  CB  total  Defense  isn't extremely  high.

Through  various  CB  Battles  &  Tested  runs,  Players  concluded  their  team  did  more  overall  damage  with  Weaken  over  Decrease  Defense  at  this  point.

-  Decrease  Defense  is  better  from  NM  to  UNM  Mode  because the  CB  total  Defense  is  extremely high.

Through  various  CB  Battles  &  Tested  runs,  Players  concluded  their  team  did  more  overall  damage  with  Decrease  Defense  over  Weaken  at  this  time.

Oct 8, 2021, 22:5410/08/21
Oct 8, 2021, 23:01(edited)

If I pull Brogni, He goes on the team in a heartbeat.

Yeah, Siphi is on the team becuase she's the only block buffs champ I have fully booked up. I have Seplecher waiting in the wings and once she's fully booked, I'll replace Tayrell & Siphi with Seplecher and maybe Razhin (for his A2) or possibly Godseeker for her buff extension and rez's.


Oct 8, 2021, 22:5710/08/21

Player J: Thank you muches for that detailed explaination. That helped me a lot. 

Oct 8, 2021, 23:1610/08/21

If I pull Brogni, He goes on the team in a heartbeat.

Yeah, Siphi is on the team becuase she's the only block buffs champ I have fully booked up. I have Seplecher waiting in the wings and once she's fully booked, I'll replace Tayrell & Siphi with Seplecher and maybe Razhin (for his A2) or possibly Godseeker for her buff extension and rez's.


I don't know if that'll work - problem is that SS brings both DEF up and block debuffs, which means she needs to use her A2 on turn 1. That means the block debuffs will drop before the stun lands.

Although, looking at your team again - that's a problem with your current setup as well. If Siphi is using her DEF up on turn 1, she won't be able to block the stun, and vice-versa. So on your current team, is Tayrel just eating the stun? If so, aren't you facing turns where the ATK down is dropped?

Oct 8, 2021, 23:2610/08/21

I don't know if that'll work - problem is that SS brings both DEF up and block debuffs, which means she needs to use her A2 on turn 1. That means the block debuffs will drop before the stun lands.

Although, looking at your team again - that's a problem with your current setup as well. If Siphi is using her DEF up on turn 1, she won't be able to block the stun, and vice-versa. So on your current team, is Tayrel just eating the stun? If so, aren't you facing turns where the ATK down is dropped?

No. This is currently on a 2:1 comp (Siphi is at 315 speed).

You Delay Siphi's BB for two turns.

Delay Valkyrie's shild one turn.

You eat the first AoE undefended, but after that, it mostly works.

For my SS team, I'm working on a 4;3 comp.

Oct 9, 2021, 12:1910/09/21

I just don't think people realize just how good Siphi is at Clan Boss.

This was my Ultra Nighmare run this morning.


No, she doesn't do a lot of damage, but, she provides a little topoff heal every time she goes (5% of the champs HP). She places Block Buffs every 4 turns for 2 turns, fills turn meters, 60% increase def and 30% increase spd.

Ideally you want her in a 4:3 comp, but I can't becuase I have her on my arena teams (I need her fast). If I were to pull another, she'd be speed tuned to the 4:3 and I'd probably do another 5 mil. As it is, I 'still' 3 key UNM. 

Oct 10, 2021, 12:4910/10/21

What  about  replacing Siphi  with  Vizir?

I  think  the  debuff  extensions  could  be  amazing.

Oct 10, 2021, 15:2410/10/21

That's a good idea, but I have to get him first.

Having Vizir would be amazing. If I did that, I would get Occult Brawlers crit rate up and turn on his a2 becuase once the CB gets 10 buffs, he's basically useless unless you start to make him a hitter.

Oct 22, 2021, 21:4410/22/21

With the right masteries, he is an absolute beast,  I have him out-damaging my Kavalax in single target DPS. (AOE not even close; Kav is king)