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Demytha behind a paywall and it's crap

Demytha behind a paywall and it's crap

Oct 8, 2021, 04:1410/08/21

Demytha behind a paywall and it's crap

The best epic in the current fusion, the best CHAMP in the current fusion, is behind shard summoning events and impossible to get for F2P.

Stuff like this is going to sink Raid.  

Edited by moderator - Harbs

Tweaked the title.

Oct 8, 2021, 05:0310/08/21

Not imposible to get for ftp.

Impossible to get for early gamers/early midgamers.

as long as you can do 4key NM clanboss and are in a guild that kills it daily, you should have enough of a shard reserve to go for her. assuming you preserve ressources for fusions.

Oct 8, 2021, 05:0710/08/21

actually as an amendment, I would argue, that the demon is at elast on par with Demeytha. Very useful in faction wars and early gamers only get a guarnateed reviver with Scyl. It is quite manageable to get him as a ftp early gamer.

Oct 8, 2021, 05:2310/08/21

Get what ya can when you can is the best advice I can give here. It took me a long time before I could get my first fragment and fusion champs. It takes a lot to get CB to the point where you can leap over the hump of summon rush and champ chase. But eventually we all got there, even us F2P people.

Good luck getting some of the champs! I agrree with Myrddrin the Duhr the Hungerer also looks very good for early and mid game accounts, maybe even better than Demytha, and may even see some use in my teams. I'm def getting him just in case.

Oct 8, 2021, 08:5010/08/21
Oct 8, 2021, 08:51(edited)

They could have split the fragments to have some sooner.  But honestly I'm not even surprised.  I've done all the fragments so far.  Winning a tourny is hard with whales in the lead.  I get double clan boss chests for unm down to hard and have had 1 sacred in 2 weeks. Basically right out of luck so now this entire fusion is dead.  It shouldn't really be that way and it's putting me off even trying in the future 

Oct 8, 2021, 10:0110/08/21

It sounds like this is your first fragment event, which means that your account probably isn't in a stage where it is ready for this.  The points needed for this summon rush is consistent with every other summon rush in the past, and infact is actually lower than some (usually it is 3500 points).

If you want to participate in these types of events going forward you need to plan ahead and save up resources.  For the summon rush in particular you will want a lot of mystery shards, which you can get from pretty much everywhere in the game, including the marketplace.  You should be using a maximim 3 mystery shards a day to meet the daily quests but then keeping the rest.  

My second FTP account which is 70 days old, had almost 2,400 mystery shards collected.  That is 2,400 points in a summon rush without using any other shard type if I wanted.  I also participated in the last fragment event and got Roric, and I am doing this one for the dwarf and demonspawn.

It's critical that you plan ahead and never use resources unless you absolutely have to

Oct 8, 2021, 11:0010/08/21

Nothing new on Plarium behaviour :)

What is hard for me to understand is their way of thinking .... make fusion for a mediocre 3*  lego , with 2 poor  epics and another 2 that might woth the efforth to get them .

After lot of complain they movo from Underpriest fusion with only 100 fragments for each epic  to 120-125 fragments ( not counting fragments for 1-2 places that are not accessible to regular players ). But still to push players to spend they put 25 fragments for  Demitha ( probably best thing on this fusion on 3000 points).

So if u dont spend ( considering that was also Champ Chase that consumed shards - Demitha 25 fragments were on 3500 points there if I remember corectly) on shards is no way to get lego or even Demithia on this shity event :(

They could split 25 fragments in 2 - 10 with 15 or even 5 with 20 but.... why to do it?

Players should be pushed to spend and pushed and pushed...

I am not a big spender but used to spend time to time when I was considering that worthing .

From today I move to 0 ingame spent .... with this behaviour Plarium do not deserve nothing more unfortunatelly :(

Oct 8, 2021, 12:4410/08/21

Nothing new on Plarium behaviour :)

What is hard for me to understand is their way of thinking .... make fusion for a mediocre 3*  lego , with 2 poor  epics and another 2 that might woth the efforth to get them .

After lot of complain they movo from Underpriest fusion with only 100 fragments for each epic  to 120-125 fragments ( not counting fragments for 1-2 places that are not accessible to regular players ). But still to push players to spend they put 25 fragments for  Demitha ( probably best thing on this fusion on 3000 points).

So if u dont spend ( considering that was also Champ Chase that consumed shards - Demitha 25 fragments were on 3500 points there if I remember corectly) on shards is no way to get lego or even Demithia on this shity event :(

They could split 25 fragments in 2 - 10 with 15 or even 5 with 20 but.... why to do it?

Players should be pushed to spend and pushed and pushed...

I am not a big spender but used to spend time to time when I was considering that worthing .

From today I move to 0 ingame spent .... with this behaviour Plarium do not deserve nothing more unfortunatelly :(

actually the only fragmetns out of reach for an early midgamer are the summon rush fragments (assuming no 4key NM).

Once you reach early migame you should be able to do spider 13 and FK 13 and dragon 16 at least. which means you can get the shards for FK, Spider, Dragon and dungeon divers. You should have enough gold and enough worthy stuff to upgrade for enhancement. You should have enough low level shards for chase.

And if you are so early that you can't do spider 13/fk13 then yourr essources are better save up for 2x events and improving your current roster anyways - apart from going for 1 or two epics which might fill a hole in your roster or advance you.

Oct 8, 2021, 14:0910/08/21

LOL.  Yes, the good champs are behind paywalls (for new players, not long time players).... and all the f2p people that "stop spending" (lmao) will not sink the game...

Oct 8, 2021, 14:2610/08/21

Technically it is doable for ftp players, IF you ignore the x2 events and the many other events they throw at you to drain resources

In reality the format is a deliberate attempt to force people to buy shards for their ridiculous prices.

Its kind of next to impossible for me at least to win tournaments for fragments too, because i am active they put me (ftp) in a whale group for fire knight

I have 6.4k points already (with 1 day 20 hours to go) and i am fourth.

My advice? if not hoarding shards for these events just do the fragment fusions, not this style as trying, but being 5 frags short is frustrating and its not worth getting frustrated over a game.

Oct 8, 2021, 14:2810/08/21

They could have split the fragments to have some sooner.  But honestly I'm not even surprised.  I've done all the fragments so far.  Winning a tourny is hard with whales in the lead.  I get double clan boss chests for unm down to hard and have had 1 sacred in 2 weeks. Basically right out of luck so now this entire fusion is dead.  It shouldn't really be that way and it's putting me off even trying in the future 

Snap, i do 2 x UNM chests, 2 x NM chest and 2 X Brutal chest every single day as i can 1 key NM nowadays

But i have had 1 sacred in 4 weeks.....

Oct 8, 2021, 14:3510/08/21
Trevor Wilson

Snap, i do 2 x UNM chests, 2 x NM chest and 2 X Brutal chest every single day as i can 1 key NM nowadays

But i have had 1 sacred in 4 weeks.....

Bad rng for sure.  

But your point in the other thread is really important.  Plarium runs events non-stop now to get you to open shards.  If you are f2p, you need to manage resources even tighter than before if you want to do fusions.  You may need to choose to use shards during 2x (maybe get a random lego...) or for guaranteed points during fusion for a known lego.  The latter is actually probably the better choice for most, but the gamblers mentality chooses the former.

Oct 8, 2021, 14:4110/08/21

Bad rng for sure.  

But your point in the other thread is really important.  Plarium runs events non-stop now to get you to open shards.  If you are f2p, you need to manage resources even tighter than before if you want to do fusions.  You may need to choose to use shards during 2x (maybe get a random lego...) or for guaranteed points during fusion for a known lego.  The latter is actually probably the better choice for most, but the gamblers mentality chooses the former.

Oh i agree, and yes its a gamblers mentality thing, i shouldnt even do x2 since there are so few legos that will advance my account in a meaningful way. The whole game is designed to push gamblers instincts :)

I agree you need to manage resources carefully and pick your events. Thats why i am so annoyed with myself really... 

And i also understand that probably 70% of plariums income comes from the top 1% of players who throw money at them and pay the daft prices for shards, so they certainly wont care if an ftp player quits or even if a 10 dollar a month player quits.

Oct 8, 2021, 14:4510/08/21

I'll take the over on 70%

Oct 8, 2021, 14:5310/08/21

I'll take the over on 70%

You may be right, i remember reading about 'game of whales' AI and its incredible how sophisticated the software is in learning a players psychology and habits to encourage them to spend more.

Oct 8, 2021, 16:0210/08/21

LOL.  Yes, the good champs are behind paywalls (for new players, not long time players).... and all the f2p people that "stop spending" (lmao) will not sink the game...

Actually the best champ for an early/midgamer is not for this fusion...

Oct 8, 2021, 16:3710/08/21

I got my frags for her and all the other epics without spending money.

I do buy the monthly gem pack but that has had no impact on any of the events cause I'm lazy and spend gems on masteries every time.

Oct 8, 2021, 17:2210/08/21

Not imposible to get for ftp.

Impossible to get for early gamers/early midgamers.

as long as you can do 4key NM clanboss and are in a guild that kills it daily, you should have enough of a shard reserve to go for her. assuming you preserve ressources for fusions.

Ok, so here's the thing.  Should a FTP account preserve all shards for fusions?  Or should they use the 2x summoning events?  You can't do both.

Also, I kill NM clanboss every day and get 2x reward, and I maybe get 1 yellow shard every 10 days or so.  Maybe.  So I can tell you that there was absolutely no way I could get the Dwarf.  I can get her fragments from 1 event but no way in hell I can get them from 2 events.

I can beat all dungeons at max level.  I can clear normal Doomtower.  I'm in Gold IV arena every week.  So while my account is not elite, it is pretty decent for a FTP.

Oct 8, 2021, 18:4910/08/21

actually the only fragmetns out of reach for an early midgamer are the summon rush fragments (assuming no 4key NM).

Once you reach early migame you should be able to do spider 13 and FK 13 and dragon 16 at least. which means you can get the shards for FK, Spider, Dragon and dungeon divers. You should have enough gold and enough worthy stuff to upgrade for enhancement. You should have enough low level shards for chase.

And if you are so early that you can't do spider 13/fk13 then yourr essources are better save up for 2x events and improving your current roster anyways - apart from going for 1 or two epics which might fill a hole in your roster or advance you.

I am not begginer or midd-game player.

Usually I am getting 2 NM chest and 1 UNM or brutal .... so probably 10-15 blue shard and maybe 1-2 sacred if i am extremelly lucky 

Simple math : to get Demitha fragments on Champ chase ( 25 frags on 3500 points) and Sumon rush ( another 25 frags at 3000 points) you need how many low level shards? How long u need ?

And consider that we have fusions every 3 weeks almost - i think that is hard to gather enough green shards .

I am farming high level instances - u know how many green shards I got farming 25 lv FK today? Big 0 

But problem is not that !

Problem is that Plarium is gready as hell and they try to push us to spend for nothing.

Take this fusion:

- lego is shity ( as almost all the ones from the past with some exception)

- 2 epics are garbage 

- 1 is not so bad 

- Demitha is the only epics that might worth some efforts . And Plarium do everything to force players to spend for it . There are 120 frags but without ones from Champ chase (25) and Sumon rush (25) you cant get her ( and lego too). And all the time Demitha fragments are the last one on every event.

So in order to get fusion done you have to do Chapion chase and Sumon Rush to the final ( they could put from beggining 100 frags/epics  as they did on Brogni) considering that those 2 events are the hardest in fusion .

So very simply message - u want the epic than u need to pay.

And I might make a bet : 

- next week we shall have some 2x event or 10x with very nice heroes 

- in 2 weeks another fusion will came ( and probably with more atractive heroes)

And as i said , my answer to this behaviour will be - no efforts on Sumon Rush and no Demitha ( i prefere to remain with 95 fragments)

No other ingame purchase .... i shall be the perfect F2P 

Oct 8, 2021, 20:0210/08/21

What is the betting that we will see 5 fragments of the dwarf in the shop for the bargain price of 9.99 in a week or so? :)

Oct 8, 2021, 20:0510/08/21

They  do  that  depending  on  whether  you  get  the  champion  or  not  :)

And  well,  yes,  of  course  the  best  champ  is  behind  a  paywall.