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Geomancer nerf need to be reverted!

Geomancer nerf need to be reverted!

Oct 5, 2021, 19:2410/05/21

Geomancer nerf need to be reverted!

Geomancer recently got a massive nerf to his passive and this change needs to be reverted!

My UNM CB team lost over 10 million damage and it is all down to GEO. I think this nerf is truly disgusting and here is why. 

1. They recently had a guaranteed champion event for Geomancer, that's right 40 Ancient shards and you were guaranteed to get the champion. That means that THOUSANDS od people got him, got books for him and were using him. 

2. Plarium was already aware of the Giantslayer interaction on his passive. They knew this was happening months ago and even addressed that this was working as intended when the Brogni fusion was released; his passive works in a similar manner. If Giantslayer was not intended to function this way, this should have been adressed immediately and Plarium should not have baited their entire player base to buy the champion.

3. Why make it a secret nerf!?!?! I use my best gear on my account for my CB team and is usually does 80 million dmg on UNM CB. Now it won't even do a one key.... If we had known about this change in advance at least I could have prepared a new strategy. Now I am going to lose CB rewards until I am able to completely rework my team (which costs more time and money Plarium). 

With this nerf and the Urogrim nerf I have lost a huge amount of time, books, glyphs and other reasources and I am considering to quit the game. 

If you agree that this Geomancer nerf was overkill and should be reverted, please comment and share this post and hopefully Plarium will do something about it. 



Oct 5, 2021, 19:4710/05/21

I've had a comfortable 2 key team on UNM for weeks (since adding Geo), and now my team is down to 27m (nowhere near enough for a 2 key team). 

If this change wasn't intended to be a nerf, then it has failed and should be reworked. 

Oct 5, 2021, 19:5310/05/21

As a lot of people, Geomancer help me to progress in CB.

Making him a garantee champion, increasing sales of shards, books, etc. then make a sneaky nerf a few time after is especialy deceitful and dishonest.

Balancing the game is a thing. Being greedy and dishonest is another.

Oct 5, 2021, 20:0210/05/21

I too am angry at the nuff. While I won't stop playing for now, I have become FTP. I'll no longer spend money on this game becuase I can't be sure this won't happen again. 

Oct 5, 2021, 20:0410/05/21

Whether through ignorance, incompetence, ill intent, or just plain honest mistakes, there will *always* be champions that they don't balance properly. This is unavoidable for massive goliaths like Blizzard just like it is for much smaller players like Plarium.

The only thing they can do is develop a "fair" system for implementing these changes. And the one they presently have is ... not it.

I don't know what the right solution here is. Hearthstone/etc refund resource use, but that obviously can't be done in this game. At the very least they should refund any books used. and provide a full 800 gems to anyone with the champ that has masteries. Obviously that won't compensate for shards used to pull the champ, but at least it will take some of the sting away. 

Oct 5, 2021, 20:1110/05/21

Whether through ignorance, incompetence, ill intent, or just plain honest mistakes, there will *always* be champions that they don't balance properly. This is unavoidable for massive goliaths like Blizzard just like it is for much smaller players like Plarium.

The only thing they can do is develop a "fair" system for implementing these changes. And the one they presently have is ... not it.

I don't know what the right solution here is. Hearthstone/etc refund resource use, but that obviously can't be done in this game. At the very least they should refund any books used. and provide a full 800 gems to anyone with the champ that has masteries. Obviously that won't compensate for shards used to pull the champ, but at least it will take some of the sting away. 

I agree but we both know there will be no refund of resources

Oct 5, 2021, 20:2310/05/21
Oct 5, 2021, 20:24(edited)

According to the latest Raid News ( the reasoning for this change is:

We fixed some issues that occurred with certain Passive Skills that caused the game to freeze, lock up, and crash. These issues affected the Geomancer's Stoneguard Passive Skill, and to avoid this problem, his Skill no longer triggers certain Masteries (Warmaster, Giant Slayer). Instead, that damage will now ignore the target's DEF (please, notice that this ignore of DEF is not specified in the Skill's description in the game, but we will fix it). Also, to compensate for the change, we've updated his Passive Skill to deal additional damage, that scales up based on the enemy's max HP, to keep its power level and make sure that Geоmancer is as effective as he was before the current rebalance. 

I don't think I've ever heard of the triggering of masteries causing the game to freeze/lockup/crash?  Did this happen?

Also, I do love how Plarium found a problem, and rather than fixing the underlying cause, they chose to simply remove it from the game entirely to avoid it?  I hope that this doesn't become the standard for approaching bugs going forward

Oct 5, 2021, 20:2810/05/21
Oct 5, 2021, 20:29(edited)

Please use the stickied post to express your opinions. 

What I can say right now, and this isn't official. Is that it appears as if Geo is working like normal for Void affinity. 

This part is official.

The devs are willing to fix the issue if necessary because this was not intended to be a nerf. 

Oct 5, 2021, 22:5610/05/21

Locked - please use the pinned post to express your opinions. 

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