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clanboss team advice needed

clanboss team advice needed

Sep 26, 2021, 07:1409/26/21

clanboss team advice needed

My core clanboss team is Aox (fully maxed), Valkyrie (5 books short), fully mastered, Frozen Banshee (fully maxed). 

I have access to Sandlashed, Apothecary, Doompriest, Vergis, Ghrush,Ninja, Stag Knight, Sepulchre Sentinel. (none of them booked or mastered yet)

Which ones should be in the team,ready to move to NM and ultimately UNM?

Sep 26, 2021, 20:5209/26/21

I'm no expert but I would think a team of AOX, Valk, FB,  Doompriest and Ninja. With Valk having Counterattack I would think Ninja in the party would add a decent amount of damage along with HP Burn and decrease defense which the other champions don't have except Stag Knight. I would think his damage output and the HP Burn would help more than Stag Knight here. Doompriest would be great for the increased attk buff, cleanse and extra heals along with AOX.

This is my guess as I haven't used any of these champs except Stag Knight, Ghrush, Apoth, and FB.

Sep 26, 2021, 21:1409/26/21
Sep 26, 2021, 21:16(edited)

Aox is just "okay" for CB. He brings some value from poisons and increasing debuff durations, but overall, he's not a huge contributor. I'd probably drop him.

Valk is of course a beast, and has to stay. Frozen Banshee as well.

For the other three spots - I'd go with Ghrush for Leech, Sepulcher for block debuffs and DEF up, and Sandlashed debuff extend and ally protect. You'll need Sepulcher to be on a 4:3 rotation, as her A2 is on a 4 turn CD.

For Ghrush, disable his A2 and A3 - you 100% need to keep leech up constantly, so you can't afford to lose a turn using his other abilities. For FB, of course, disable A2.

You want Sepulcher Sentinel going last, and using her A2 on turn 1. Sandlashed then uses her A2 on turn 2, to extend the DEF up and block debuffs to 3 turns, which'll allow you to have the stun be blocked. The turn order for the other four champs doesn't matter too much.

With the right gear, this should be easily capable of 1-keying NM, and shouldn't have any trouble getting to at least 3 key UNM, probably two key.

Ultimately, you'll want to replace Ghrush with Corpse Collector, who just brings more value overall because of her A3 placing three poisons. The rest of the team, though, is pretty much set in stone.

Sep 26, 2021, 21:3609/26/21

Aox is just "okay" for CB. He brings some value from poisons and increasing debuff durations, but overall, he's not a huge contributor. I'd probably drop him.

Valk is of course a beast, and has to stay. Frozen Banshee as well.

For the other three spots - I'd go with Ghrush for Leech, Sepulcher for block debuffs and DEF up, and Sandlashed debuff extend and ally protect. You'll need Sepulcher to be on a 4:3 rotation, as her A2 is on a 4 turn CD.

For Ghrush, disable his A2 and A3 - you 100% need to keep leech up constantly, so you can't afford to lose a turn using his other abilities. For FB, of course, disable A2.

You want Sepulcher Sentinel going last, and using her A2 on turn 1. Sandlashed then uses her A2 on turn 2, to extend the DEF up and block debuffs to 3 turns, which'll allow you to have the stun be blocked. The turn order for the other four champs doesn't matter too much.

With the right gear, this should be easily capable of 1-keying NM, and shouldn't have any trouble getting to at least 3 key UNM, probably two key.

Ultimately, you'll want to replace Ghrush with Corpse Collector, who just brings more value overall because of her A3 placing three poisons. The rest of the team, though, is pretty much set in stone.

This is good, I will say one thing though, I wouldn't disable Ghrush A3 as the extra heals could be useful. Valk is Counterattack so he will be using his A1 after he is hit anyways and should re-up the Leech during that time. Though I guess his A3 wouldn't be critical.

Sep 26, 2021, 22:0209/26/21

Thing is - especially at later turns, if leech ever does fall off, it's a guaranteed instant end. So while the extra heals may be nice, if you're running on auto, you don't have the luxury of being able to use it. On manual, sure - if Ghrush hits his leech on CA, he doesn't need to reapply it, so he can use his A3. But on auto, you can't program a rule that says "only use A3 if leech is at 2 turns remaining".

Sep 26, 2021, 22:2609/26/21

Thing is - especially at later turns, if leech ever does fall off, it's a guaranteed instant end. So while the extra heals may be nice, if you're running on auto, you don't have the luxury of being able to use it. On manual, sure - if Ghrush hits his leech on CA, he doesn't need to reapply it, so he can use his A3. But on auto, you can't program a rule that says "only use A3 if leech is at 2 turns remaining".

Good point. Learning new things haha, well I will know next time I try to give advice then. Thanks for the insight.

Sep 27, 2021, 07:2809/27/21

Aox is just "okay" for CB. He brings some value from poisons and increasing debuff durations, but overall, he's not a huge contributor. I'd probably drop him.

Valk is of course a beast, and has to stay. Frozen Banshee as well.

For the other three spots - I'd go with Ghrush for Leech, Sepulcher for block debuffs and DEF up, and Sandlashed debuff extend and ally protect. You'll need Sepulcher to be on a 4:3 rotation, as her A2 is on a 4 turn CD.

For Ghrush, disable his A2 and A3 - you 100% need to keep leech up constantly, so you can't afford to lose a turn using his other abilities. For FB, of course, disable A2.

You want Sepulcher Sentinel going last, and using her A2 on turn 1. Sandlashed then uses her A2 on turn 2, to extend the DEF up and block debuffs to 3 turns, which'll allow you to have the stun be blocked. The turn order for the other four champs doesn't matter too much.

With the right gear, this should be easily capable of 1-keying NM, and shouldn't have any trouble getting to at least 3 key UNM, probably two key.

Ultimately, you'll want to replace Ghrush with Corpse Collector, who just brings more value overall because of her A3 placing three poisons. The rest of the team, though, is pretty much set in stone.

Many thanks for the advice.

I have still to farm gear and build a proper dragon and spider team, but it's good to know on what to concentrate for clanboss.

My brother did only play ocasionally, so althogh the acont is 8 months in it is criminaly underplayed.

I am in the process of builing teams and it's good to know, on what to concetrate on for clanboss. Spider and dragon are quite easy to decide on, but clanboss is trickier.