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Suggestions for improvements to my FK team

Suggestions for improvements to my FK team

Sep 24, 2021, 15:1309/24/21

Suggestions for improvements to my FK team

Specifically, for FK20, but in a perfect world, I'd have a good team for FK24 as well. I can already clear all FK up to 25, just looking for optimizations/speedups.

Current team is Cruetraxa lead, Stag Knight, Nethril, Coldheart, Arbiter, and takes about 3 minutes. Coldheart and Cruetraxa are definitely not optimally geared. My roster is too long to post here, but for the purposes of this thread, assume I have all rare and epic champs, and a decent selection of lego champs.

Sep 25, 2021, 04:2609/25/21

If you have indeed all Epics then Alure should be in your team in any case. Deacon Armstrong also helps a lot 

Sep 25, 2021, 06:0209/25/21
Sep 25, 2021, 06:04(edited)

I have a slightly faster team, but it's no where close to 100%. Second CH instead of Lyssandra. 


Sep 25, 2021, 19:3709/25/21

If you have indeed all Epics then Alure should be in your team in any case. Deacon Armstrong also helps a lot 

Alure used to be part of my time, but I find she actually slows my runs down. Between Nethril, Coldheart, and Evil Eye, I'm able to prevent FK from acting, and even if he does act, Coldheart's heal reduction prevents any real damage.

Harbby - unfortunately I don't have Seer, which would absolutely speed my runs up if I were to have :/

Sep 26, 2021, 06:3709/26/21
Sep 26, 2021, 06:38(edited)

First, It is very hard to have a very fast team without Seer. Second, if you want to make your runs faster, avoid champions like Arbiter, her skill animation is so slow that I am almost certain that if you have other revivers like Gorgorab, it will cut off your time for more than 10s. I don't have Nethril built ( I am sure I have him in my vault) and no Creutraxa, so I don't know how fast their skill animations.

For stage 20, if you don't have Seer and you don't want to use Alure, you should have at least 2 Coldhearts in my opinion, for fast runs.


For stage 21-25, since I don't use a reviver (if your champions get killed and needed to revive, you will likely to have slower runs), an aoe cc is pretty much needed since enemies there are much tankier. Just to note, I am talking about non Seer team, and it is impossible (that I know at the moment) to nuke the enemies without her and clear the stage 25 fast.

I chose stage 25 instead of 24 because of the affinity of the boss. This is the best that I can show to you using only epics. If you have better legendaries that can replace champions below that can potentially make runs faster. Note that, Alure in the team below is required in order for the boss not to get a single turn. And also, should have around 300 speed. It can still work if she only have 290+ but there may be instances that the boss will be able to move and do his aoe.


Sep 26, 2021, 16:5209/26/21

Wow. I am really quite surprised that team wins against FK25 - not against FK specifically, but the team seems so squishy for the waves, and you have basically no reliable TM control or CC. Are you finding you clear the waves before they get to attack? Or is Alure able to keep them controlled with her A1?

Sep 26, 2021, 17:1509/26/21

Archmage Hellmut does the job in stunning the enemies. But since his stun has only 75% chance, sometimes one enemy will be able to attack. 

Sep 26, 2021, 17:4609/26/21

Archmage Hellmut does the job in stunning the enemies. But since his stun has only 75% chance, sometimes one enemy will be able to attack. 

Well - I have literally that exact team, so I can definitely give it a shot. I'd probably swap out Hellmut for either Nethril or Big'Un depending on affinity, but otherwise ... will give it a whirl. Thanks for the ideas!