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Tag Team Arena Missions

Tag Team Arena Missions

Sep 23, 2021, 06:5309/23/21

Tag Team Arena Missions

First - it's a ridiculous format, a weekly update where you MIGHT go up a tier - for the record I'm trying to do the 'get into silver 3' mission, I've been green at reset each week for the last four weeks but apparently haven't enough points to go up so I'm still silver 2.  Whats wrong with the classic level where you know the points you're aiming for and when you get there you go up

Next, you've put more missions in - Get to silver 4, get to gold 1 etc.  Have you given any thought that the top tiers are the whales?  Your weekly/maybe go up means soon most of your player base will be stuck in a tier with little or no hope of progression.

For the record I'm ftp, been playing more than 2 years, end game, decent champs and I'm basically stuck because of someone at Plarium who thought weekly updates and player caps was a good idea

Sep 23, 2021, 08:5909/23/21

Of course they realize that - it was obvious from the first moment that they released the new missions that only a handful of whales would ever unlock Ramantu, it's not like Arbiter. It's lame but it is what it is, there's a lot of other things Plarium does that annoy me more than that... 

Sep 23, 2021, 09:3909/23/21

Agree that Tag Team Arena is very poorly implemented in it's current state.  It feels like someone had a good idea, and then implemented version 1 of it, after which Plarium has ignored it ever since.  It needs some dedicated attention which will never happen.

Even the Bazaar and gold bars was a great idea in theory, but poorly executed.  The items you can buy simply aren't worth the gold expense, and once you get Drex most will probably ignore it