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Raid Shadow Legend P2W only ?

Raid Shadow Legend P2W only ?

Sep 21, 2021, 00:2909/21/21

Raid Shadow Legend P2W only ?

Decrease point from faction war, and move Cvc into weekend. Nice Pla, we need best defense team in weekend to keep reward ? What happen next ? You start Tag team tournament in Monday now move Tournament to Weekend, and you repeat again with Cvc ?

Sep 21, 2021, 05:2309/21/21

This  weekend  cvc  is  just  a  test,  when  cvc  first  launched  a  lot  if  people  complained  that  it  was  going  on  while  they  worked.  

I  scored  250k  points  last  cvc  and  80%  of  that  was  just  from  farming  spider  20.  

They're  trying  to  make  farming  a  way  to  keep  up  with  whales  using  books.

Sep 21, 2021, 05:4909/21/21

This  weekend  cvc  is  just  a  test,  when  cvc  first  launched  a  lot  if  people  complained  that  it  was  going  on  while  they  worked.  

I  scored  250k  points  last  cvc  and  80%  of  that  was  just  from  farming  spider  20.  

They're  trying  to  make  farming  a  way  to  keep  up  with  whales  using  books.

Actually, I think they make farming a way you need to spend tons of ressources to keep up with the books value. Either way is just intended to bring more money to Plarium and not to balance wallet and play time.

This could have been done by reducing the value of books. 

The last changes in CvC always aimed at promoting buying/spending ressources in an instant to get points and to diminish the points you get by preparing for the event.

I also hope they will not stay on the weekend...because frankly said...I do not need to *work* on the weekend and with the amount of time needed to *play* this would be work on weekend.

Sep 21, 2021, 08:5009/21/21

Actually, I think they make farming a way you need to spend tons of ressources to keep up with the books value. Either way is just intended to bring more money to Plarium and not to balance wallet and play time.

This could have been done by reducing the value of books. 

The last changes in CvC always aimed at promoting buying/spending ressources in an instant to get points and to diminish the points you get by preparing for the event.

I also hope they will not stay on the weekend...because frankly said...I do not need to *work* on the weekend and with the amount of time needed to *play* this would be work on weekend.

Sorry i do not understand how holding it on a weekend is more work than holding it in the middle of the week .

Oh well to each their own I for one am glad i will be able to do more than just my dalies.

Sep 21, 2021, 09:3109/21/21

Without QoL Raid is a backgroud service rather than game, thats why CvC should stay in weekday, so I can run it in backgroud when doing work stuff for 8h :) and clicking re-run from time to time. Palying on mobile is just ridiculus and mostly unplayable as i wont lock my mobile for hours just to run auto battles or BC or any repetable content

Sep 21, 2021, 10:5209/21/21

I hadnt considered the issue with strong defences in tag or classic i must admit, that may be an issue...i find it hard staying in silver tag team if i leave it too late to put up a defence.

Generally though i think the idea is people have more time at weekends?