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A new market system

A new market system

Sep 19, 2021, 08:2609/19/21

A new market system

I've been thinking on a couple ideas that might work wonders for Raid

#1 A market system where players can trade gems for silver setting their own price

#2 Bind all free player gifts to said account to prevent farmer exploitation of #3

#3 Allow people to post shards , gear, Fusion etc but once bought they are bound to that account

#4  Start shifting more things into the gem store to create a market system where gems are the games currency.

#5 *Questionable idea : A Raid Lifer Package say $500 you get a 100 gems a month for life

#6 Raid going to Comicon where players can get to meet the devs and buy Raid T-shirts mugs and posters

#7 Raid creator contest where players submit concept art for possible heros winners get a hero in the game    and a small prize.

#8 A Clan Vault where players can drop off unbound loot for other players to share. This having a access teir system set by the clan leader so to not have looters

#9 I know there is dicord but a mic system on clan channels where people can chat with clan mates. Leaving the main channels free of abuse of the feature.

#10 create a link to well known Utubers like Hell Hades and Ash on the main site try and bring them into the team as assistant guide developers or something.

Sep 19, 2021, 09:4809/19/21

Just my 2 cents on the ideas and how I would think many players could exploit those:

#1: setting up 4 additional accounts and setting the silver price very low could actually greatly benefit my main account. 

#2 How do you differ FTP gifts to an account? You would need separate entries for gems earned, bought or awarded

#3 see my comments at #1: I would build up many secondary accounts, earn the easy shards, gems etc. and transfer them to my main account. Next secondary account

#4 Shifting? From the normal market in which only shards are relevant? 

#5: $500 are around 50 packages of montly gems (2140 at the moment). After playing for 50 months, you have around 107.000 gems. To get them in a life time, you would need to play 89 years to get the same amount of gems. Even with 1000 gems each month or 50$ for the life time package, that would be nearly 9 years. The number would have to increase dramatically like 500$ and you get 10.000 gems each month. 

#6 I think that many players would go to Comicon and physically tell the devs what they are thinking about the latest changes. It might be a very intense experience for all...but not necessarily a good one.

#7 is already happening

#8 will never happen: Imagine the possibilities to cheat and the dramatic decrease in income for Plarium.

#9 A better communication system for clans would be much it a vocal one or a simple ingame forum or whatever. The current state is very well for a game in the 1980s but not much more

#10 Listening to the CCs and player base would be much appreciated. Plarium has already all the tools with the CCChannel...they are just not listening

Sep 19, 2021, 11:0909/19/21
#9 A better communication system for clans would be much it a vocal one or a simple ingame forum or whatever.
The current state is very well for a game in the 1980s but not much more 

Indeed, a lot of the interfaces the game is so outdated. For example: Somebody left my Clan right now without saying goodbye. We could see from the number of members that somebody left, but as there is nothing like a log for such things it took a while to find out who. Another place, among others (shard mercy system), where you need external progs (or pen and paper 🙂) for a propper management. Hey Plarium, we have 2021! Do you really think pen and paper are the right tools that help to play your game?