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Easy CVC points Rant

Easy CVC points Rant

Sep 17, 2021, 10:3409/17/21

Easy CVC points Rant

Sorry but i feel the need to point out some issues i see with posts saying how easy CVC points are to get.

I understand people were trying to help so I am not targeting anyone just pointing out some thing that I beleive make it not as easy as people want to say it is.

Alot of this is going to be based off time involved, as I am not indentpently Wealthy and have to work, and where i work playing games while working is frowned on 😛

Going to use alot of round numbers for time and this is not even including the loading screens

Easy CvC points for f2p:

Faction Wars 

My FW are mostly around level 10, takes about 1 min per run so 8 to 12 min and 800 to 1200 points depending on 2 or 3 FW day

Tag Arena (extra refill for 15 gems)

I do the 20 free battles I am in Bronze 1 so 90 points per battle and lets say 1 min per battle.

so 1800 point and 60 mins

Classic Arena (5k + alone)

I understand you guys might be able to just roll in classic , but i have to really pick battles and doing 25 ( the amount of free ones provided or earned ) is just not possible for me.

But lets say i could do 25 and lets say 2 mins per battle here thats 50 mins

CB chests 

This is done but I can do 2 decent chests at most 2 keys for brutal and 1 on hard, think that is like 2500 points if my clan downs them and we havent been for a while now.


I do this but it is boring as hell and I can only do it for about 30 mins before I want to break my screen.

Sorry i do not use an auto clicker

Things I only do during CvC:

  •  Book champs - this actually helps with planning champ upgrade priority
  •  Ascend champs, buy masteries with gems - same as above 
  •  Great Hall upgrades (waiting a week or 10 days for that 2% GH upgrade isn't going to hurt)

I do this also but do not always have a ton to do for these

Lastly use what energy availabe you have.  Even farming 12.3 brutal and making chickens if no decent dungeon event is lots of points.  Our "causal" f2p members started off doing 25k - 50k ish.  Most have figured how to do 100k without spending any money or more time (just as important).  Highly active f2p can do 200k plus.  

My 40 auto runs are done with these and normally with whatever has the 2X, I currently have Dragon 16, FG 15,FK 14  spider 13,Mino 15 and all potions at 15 or above

Doing all the thing you guys have listed I still only normally get between 5 and 10k points per day.

The time spent for the CVC stuff would be about 143 mins a day and that does not include all dalies, which would be another 60 to 90 mins a day.

that comes out to about 4 hr a day durning the work week for us humble still working people that is alot of time invested.

Sep 17, 2021, 13:4909/17/21

Honestly, I wouldn't worry about CvC where you are at.  I consider pre-Arbiter early game.  Dragon 20 is your only goal imo.  Whatever you do in CvC, DT, other advanced content is just a distraction.  Like I've said b4, most of us late gamers didn't have more than half of this content (and free sh!t) while we progressed toward arbiter.  Don't pretend its not there, but don't get caught up on it.  And for this game, 2 hours a day is casual unfortunately.  Without an autoclicker your progress will be much slower.

Sep 17, 2021, 14:4209/17/21

Honestly, I wouldn't worry about CvC where you are at.  I consider pre-Arbiter early game.  Dragon 20 is your only goal imo.  Whatever you do in CvC, DT, other advanced content is just a distraction.  Like I've said b4, most of us late gamers didn't have more than half of this content (and free sh!t) while we progressed toward arbiter.  Don't pretend its not there, but don't get caught up on it.  And for this game, 2 hours a day is casual unfortunately.  Without an autoclicker your progress will be much slower.

Thanks for the reply but thats where the catch 22 comes in IMO.

I am trying to improve my CB so I get better chest from NM, but the clan I am in seems to be dying as I haven't seen us down any of the CB for the last couple weeks.

When i have been looking for a new clan so far all the active clans have really high CVC requirments so i go in circles 😀

Why dragon 20? what is the difference between 16  and 20 other than a couple higher % drop rate and more energy per run.

Sep 17, 2021, 15:0009/17/21

1.  Better gear is most important, Dragon is easiest dungeon and best gear.

2.  20 is way better than 16.  You are still using 4star gear right? Not good at all. 

3. Everyone that says focus on CB before farming dragon 20 is WRONG.  They will suggest comps with 4:3 speed champs and such when u probably have 1 champ over 200... just not gonna happen lol

4.  Build a 174 speed skullcrusher CB team that can fight brutal to NM and improve as gear (and maybe a new champ drop).  Need a cleanser/blocker (doompriest, maus mage).  Then play around with other 3 slots.  NM top chest will be easy.  And top chest in UNM is doable (probably after 3 months of Dragon 20:)

Sep 17, 2021, 15:1709/17/21

Do clans legit ask for CVC requirements nowadays? That's madness :/

Sep 17, 2021, 16:4509/17/21

Do clans legit ask for CVC requirements nowadays? That's madness :/

Yes. Seeing 50k is common, 100k and 150k is is not too crazy, and 200k is out there for tier 5 and 6 clans.