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Consider resetting Clan Quest limits mid-week

Consider resetting Clan Quest limits mid-week

Sep 14, 2021, 20:4409/14/21

Consider resetting Clan Quest limits mid-week

Liek the Clan Quests.. Like that there's a per-player limit to number of quests you can take (prevents some greed aspects).

But not all clan members engage in the quests. That can leave several quests which are just unatainable becuase everyone who is interested in them has already used their 3 quest limit.

I woud propose a reset to the 3 quest limit on Friday or Saturday... allowing interested clan members to take an additional 3 quests if they are still available. By waiting until mid-week to reset them it ensures no one gets too greedy too fast :)

Sep 14, 2021, 21:0609/14/21

I mean, how would that solve anything? If they added that, there'll just be someone else that will write the exact same thread, except saying "consider resetting clan quest limits daily".

I think a week is a pretty appropriate amount of time, especially considering some of these quests may legitimately take almost a full week to complete.

There are 90 quests available at week start. Why would you have members unable to do quests? Is it because many of them may not be completable by your clan members? If so, that's not really a fault of the system. Is the problem that they can't all take the Elite quests? If so, that's more of an organizational problem to solve internally.

Sep 14, 2021, 21:1909/14/21
Sep 14, 2021, 21:22(edited)

Some members just don't do them. Far be it for me to suggest others use an aspect of the app they don't care for.

Sure if all 30 clan members do 3 quests, they are all used. So resettng the limit mid week means NOTHING. No advantage whatsoever. But if only 20 clan member are doing quests, 30 quests go unused. Resetting midweek would alow the clan to complete all 90 quests. You know.. make it a "team effort" more.

Note I'm referring to resetting the 3-quests per player limit.. not the quests themselves.

Sep 15, 2021, 05:2509/15/21
Sep 15, 2021, 05:29(edited)

If the clan wants it's clan members to do quests, but some members do not want to do them, then shouldn't the solution be to remove those clan members and recruit ones that will participate in the clan goals?  

Clan quests are supposed to be bringing a clan together and encouraging team work, and while I'm not saying that the current implementation accomplishes that 100%, this current problem that you describe sounds like more of a clan member issue, and not a clan system

Sep 15, 2021, 22:2609/15/21

meh.. guess I'm just more realistic that not everyone can devote their entire life to an app. It's not unreasonable, to me, to allow some leeway.