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lvl 10 EASY DT Boss ,, WOW ,,, Seriously Stupid Idea

lvl 10 EASY DT Boss ,, WOW ,,, Seriously Stupid Idea

Sep 7, 2021, 15:1409/07/21

lvl 10 EASY DT Boss ,, WOW ,,, Seriously Stupid Idea

OK, so just spend an HOUR trying things with NO LUCK AT ALL ,,,,,,,,



Sep 7, 2021, 15:1609/07/21

I  don't  want  to  sound  rude,  but  judging  by  your  account  I'd  say  you're  relativey  new/early  game.  Doomtower  is  intended  for  mid  to  late  game  players.  It's  supposed  to  be  hard.

Sep 7, 2021, 15:1909/07/21

I  don't  want  to  sound  rude,  but  judging  by  your  account  I'd  say  you're  relativey  new/early  game.  Doomtower  is  intended  for  mid  to  late  game  players.  It's  supposed  to  be  hard.

Thats the Freebie Visix, so not so New, and been playing Online games since there was an online ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 

Sep 7, 2021, 15:2409/07/21

There is some good advice spread about the threads that were here. Skadi did it with a completely F2P team:


Sep 7, 2021, 15:2909/07/21

I did something similiar on day 1 as well. It CAN be done, even with solely rares and uncommons and below 5 star gear.


Sep 7, 2021, 17:1409/07/21

Thats the Freebie Visix, so not so New, and been playing Online games since there was an online ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 

If you are in the game since (at least) 270 days and have only five 6* champs on your account, the way you play seems to be very ineffective. I just got Visix 2 weeks ago, I'm nearly f2p (spent something like 20 bucks in total) and have 25 rank six champs at my account. 

What do you do with all these trash champs at lvl 40, ascended to 4 stars? Some of them are even copies. A lvl 50 sniper and a lvl 40 sniper, both ascended, and I guess both fully equipped. Why? I don't want to know how the screenshot would go on if you scroll downwards, I guess we would see much more lvl 40 champs.

Instead of wasting the resources you get in a year of playing into dozens of useless lvl 40 champs, you should have made much more lvl 60 champs instead. A team with High Khatun, Ninja, Warmaiden, Tomb Lord (don't use the A3) and Soulbond Bowyer (don't use the A3) should easily beat that boss - if at least some of the champs where lvl 60.

Of course everybody can play the game as he pleases. But not every way to play will lead to beating the high dungeon stages and Doom Tower content - what is similar in every game I know. 

Sep 7, 2021, 17:5009/07/21
Sep 7, 2021, 17:52(edited)

I  don't  want  to  sound  rude,  but  judging  by  your  account  I'd  say  you're  relativey  new/early  game.  Doomtower  is  intended  for  mid  to  late  game  players.  It's  supposed  to  be  hard.

That's a fair enough comment, but the difficulty of the "Normal 10" Bommal fight is frustrating to newer players like myself not so much because the fight is unwinnably tough as because it locks us out of completing the Advanced daily quests, most likely for the whole month.  That's 3000+ energy!  

This wouldn't be as annoying if the 5-silver key quest at least rotated on and off the quest list, but nope!  It's there every day!

Sep 7, 2021, 19:1609/07/21
Sep 7, 2021, 19:36(edited)

Assuming we are talking about normal and not hard?

Its the first boss, it has like- 5 hit points.

Just load up with nukers and blast it away, i didnt use an ftp team but i didnt use tactics either

 - it took 8 turns, but i could have done it wtith kael, athel etc as well.

Honestly, try it load up with your damage dealer and blast away

Sep 7, 2021, 20:0809/07/21
Trevor Wilson

Assuming we are talking about normal and not hard?

Its the first boss, it has like- 5 hit points.

Just load up with nukers and blast it away, i didnt use an ftp team but i didnt use tactics either

 - it took 8 turns, but i could have done it wtith kael, athel etc as well.

Honestly, try it load up with your damage dealer and blast away

I've given it a few tries, but it looks like my team's still too crappy for that.  

Obviously, I want to build a better team; that's 95% of why this game's fun.  But it still sucks that I won't be able to complete the Advanced Daily quests for...  Well, for a while, anyway.

Sep 7, 2021, 20:1609/07/21

I've given it a few tries, but it looks like my team's still too crappy for that.  

Obviously, I want to build a better team; that's 95% of why this game's fun.  But it still sucks that I won't be able to complete the Advanced Daily quests for...  Well, for a while, anyway.

I can understand how frustrating that is. I am also ftp

I would six star ninja btw, asap- he is really good on bosses.

Sep 7, 2021, 20:3309/07/21

I felt that same frustration for the 50th floor version and tried just about every constellation I could think of until I finally gave up and geared Melga since she was the only reviver/healer I had that didn't also have HP burn (which is a major no no), TM reduction (slightly less no no), or both.  Made it through barely, I don't expect it to happen for the next encounter. I'm really not a fan of this boss.

Sep 7, 2021, 21:0309/07/21

I felt that same frustration for the 50th floor version and tried just about every constellation I could think of until I finally gave up and geared Melga since she was the only reviver/healer I had that didn't also have HP burn (which is a major no no), TM reduction (slightly less no no), or both.  Made it through barely, I don't expect it to happen for the next encounter. I'm really not a fan of this boss.

I ran two shielders on 50, melga and brogni- with sandlashed extending brogni shield since it cant be stripped

I ran it comfortably, but the frustrating thing is i cant auto it- and i dont want to manual it five times a day :(

Sep 7, 2021, 21:0709/07/21
Trevor Wilson

I ran two shielders on 50, melga and brogni- with sandlashed extending brogni shield since it cant be stripped

I ran it comfortably, but the frustrating thing is i cant auto it- and i dont want to manual it five times a day :(

you can just auto 10, farming DT for mats is worthless except last 40 of hard.  And I generally dont bother with that unless I have no dungeon to autobattle overnight.

Sep 7, 2021, 21:1109/07/21

you can just auto 10, farming DT for mats is worthless except last 40 of hard.  And I generally dont bother with that unless I have no dungeon to autobattle overnight.

My luck is terrible anyway

I save all my mats for cvc, i rolled half a dozen six star legos today with speed substats and crit rate substats

I rolled them all to 12 and hit the flat stat almost every time!

Sep 7, 2021, 21:1709/07/21
Trevor Wilson

My luck is terrible anyway

I save all my mats for cvc, i rolled half a dozen six star legos today with speed substats and crit rate substats

I rolled them all to 12 and hit the flat stat almost every time!

you can stop and sell at 4 or 8 :)

Sep 7, 2021, 21:2109/07/21
Sep 7, 2021, 22:40(edited)


Holy shit I just had an epiphany ....

Op is  fluffy pudding. Here he is crying on two different accounts and two different forum accounts. You can tell by his windows bottom bar, and his poor English, and use of ,,,,,, instead of .... In his typing style.

I think I need to take a break from these forums until this dt crap blows over.

Edited  out  the  cursing  -  H

Sep 7, 2021, 22:3809/07/21

That's a fair enough comment, but the difficulty of the "Normal 10" Bommal fight is frustrating to newer players like myself not so much because the fight is unwinnably tough as because it locks us out of completing the Advanced daily quests, most likely for the whole month.  That's 3000+ energy!  

This wouldn't be as annoying if the 5-silver key quest at least rotated on and off the quest list, but nope!  It's there every day!

It  seems  difficult because  its  new  but  if  you  look  at  quinns  latest  post  she  shows  how  it  can  be  done  with  4  rares  and  an  uncomon .  Just  like  when  scarab  king  came  out  everyone  freaked  out.  It  just  takes  some  getting  used  to.  Please  view  her  thread  for  proof.

Sep 7, 2021, 22:4009/07/21
Sep 7, 2021, 22:41(edited)
Trevor Wilson

I ran two shielders on 50, melga and brogni- with sandlashed extending brogni shield since it cant be stripped

I ran it comfortably, but the frustrating thing is i cant auto it- and i dont want to manual it five times a day :(

While  it  is  frustrating that  you  cant  auto  its  new  soon  youll  be  able  to  auto  it  once  everyone  figures  it  out.  In  the  meantime  manually fignting  5  times  is  not  that  bad  considering back  in  the  day  i  used  to  have  to  manual  my  clan  boss  team.