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Looking for opinions on my champs to lego book

Looking for opinions on my champs to lego book

Sep 7, 2021, 14:1409/07/21

Looking for opinions on my champs to lego book

Three choices - book Brago, Scyl, or continue hoarding books. Bear in mind that Brago and Scyl are used almost exclusively in arena. None of my other lego champs are worth booking for the time being.

I'm leaning towards Scyl. Getting her A2 to 40% (with Sniper) would greatly increase my chance of landing a stun, which should go a long way towards making that team more reliable.

The reason I hesitate is because I pretty much only use her on 3v3, and it's tough to accept using books just for that.

Sep 7, 2021, 14:2109/07/21

Brago.  I use in 3v3 and Hard DT 120 (rotation 2).  Scyl doesn't improve much with books.  Brago is a beast.

Sep 7, 2021, 23:3109/07/21

Brago.  I use in 3v3 and Hard DT 120 (rotation 2).  Scyl doesn't improve much with books.  Brago is a beast.

I  have  to  agree  especially because end  game  scyl  is  all  about her  heals  not  her  stuns  brago just  brings  more  to  the  table provoke  inc  def  dec  atk  hits  hard  adds  def  to  your  whole  team.  Plus  i  generally recommend only  booking  champs  with  an  inc %  of  debuffs  cool  downs.  while booking  scyl  would  bring  both  of  those  iron  just  brings  so  much  more  to  the  table

Sep 8, 2021, 01:1809/08/21

I'd probably save the books, but I very rarely book legos.  Usually when I do it's support champs.

Sep 8, 2021, 05:3709/08/21

where  in  the  game  are  you?  Early/mid/end?

Sep 8, 2021, 13:3209/08/21

where  in  the  game  are  you?  Early/mid/end?

End. My main priorities atm are DT hard, FW, and 3v3.

Sep 8, 2021, 20:3009/08/21

End. My main priorities atm are DT hard, FW, and 3v3.

Damn,  I  think  I  would  go  with  Scyl  then.  When  I  first  started  using  her  it  was  solely  as  a  healer  and  reviver.  but  once  I  put  her  in  stun  set  with  high  acc  my  everything  got  easier.  

Sep 8, 2021, 20:3109/08/21

I also generally don't think Scyl needs books... if you want an AOE stun, there are better options, like Astralon - or did you miss his fusion? 

Also, fair warning, Sniper mastery doesn't work on stun, for an increased chance you'd have to go down the defense tree and take the corresponding t6 mastery Fearsome Presence. 

Sep 8, 2021, 20:4409/08/21

End. My main priorities atm are DT hard, FW, and 3v3.

Where are u at in DTH, FW, 3v3? I think the options should have been:

Early: Pre-Arbiter

Mid:  Post-Arbiter

Late: Pre-Lydia, 

End: Completed at least 1 DT Rotation, Lydia, competitive in Tag

DT Hard- Advantage Brago

FW- push (neither needs books here)

3v3- Advantage Brago

Only choices really are Brago or save them.  How many books do you have and how close are you to Lydia?

Sep 8, 2021, 20:4609/08/21

I also generally don't think Scyl needs books... if you want an AOE stun, there are better options, like Astralon - or did you miss his fusion? 

Also, fair warning, Sniper mastery doesn't work on stun, for an increased chance you'd have to go down the defense tree and take the corresponding t6 mastery Fearsome Presence. 

Right - I knew that, lol. Misspoke on the thread, Scyl is specced with fearsome presence.

And yeah - I did miss Astralon. I do have plenty of other options for CC - Big'Un, Nethril, Rae, Ignatius, and others. The main reason I'm using Scyl on the team is for the revive and heal. The stun is just icing. But making the stun 40% makes it much more likely to land.

Still - I'm not prioritizing acc on her, so it wouldn't be terribly useful against any teams with resist, and against  OTK teams the stun isn't hugely important either, since if I survive they're probably dead anyway.

So ... yeah. Now I'm waffling again :) Leaning towards just holding onto the books, waiting for this weekend when I'll pull Draco I guess.

Sep 8, 2021, 20:4709/08/21

Where are u at in DTH, FW, 3v3? I think the options should have been:

Early: Pre-Arbiter

Mid:  Post-Arbiter

Late: Pre-Lydia, 

End: Completed at least 1 DT Rotation, Lydia, competitive in Tag

DT Hard- Advantage Brago

FW- push (neither needs books here)

3v3- Advantage Brago

Only choices really are Brago or save them.  How many books do you have and how close are you to Lydia?

I have pretty much all FW stages ready for 21, but only three have 21 cleared. Rest are mainly waiting on silver to get the champs geared. Neither Brago nor Scyl will need booking for FW as you mentioned.

I would say my main focus atm is 3v3, which is why I'm thinking just save them. Brago booked is nice, yeah, but for 3v3 I'd say it's more just icing than anything else.