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classic arena

classic arena

Sep 6, 2021, 17:0609/06/21

classic arena

Yje classic arena haaas gone back to it used to be. Was in Gold 4, now im falling all the wat vbronze. Plarium needs to sort this out, 

Sep 6, 2021, 17:2009/06/21

Arena has been easy for months now, I was having a lot of trouble before all the "bots" flooded gold rank. I just had a page that was 8/10 bots today, was nice.

In all the months of just free fall all G4, I'm about to have a fourth great hall bonus to level 10. I've increased my pool of level 60 champions. I've increased my gear.

Gold4 has conituned to be easy, as my account has a proper team(s), of which I will still continue to improve on.

Sep 6, 2021, 21:2609/06/21

A few months ago they did fix Classic Arena but over the last 2 weeks or so Plarium has been slowly changing back to where it was considered broken for 3 months. Over the last 3 months or so I have been consistently getting 3200-3400 points and getting a fair share of teams I could actually beat but that is no longer the case. My average arena team is about 145 power and I am being matched against teams that have 200-250 power that I have no chance of beating. I can beat maybe 1/10 every 6-7 refreshes which is totally unfair. How are we supposed to get medals to upgrade great hall if we are being matched against teams we have no chance of beating? So after Plarium fixed the broken Arena after 3 months they are breaking it again. I went from Gold 4 down to gold 2 in 2 weeks and now the timing is crucial because I need Gold 4 for an Arbiter mission and if Plarium keeps breaking the matching system I will never get Arbiter.

Sep 6, 2021, 21:2909/06/21

Also to add, there are no more bot teams, at least not in my refreshes. Plarium, why do you keep doing this? The system was fine yet you broke it again. To make the matching equitable I should be able to beat half of the teams I get matched with, not 1 out of 100.

Sep 6, 2021, 21:3409/06/21

Quit crying, there are still bots in g4... I don't even set defense like many others to stay low enough to get easy non bot wins as well. Arena is broken, but still in our favor lol.

Sep 6, 2021, 21:5009/06/21
Sep 6, 2021, 21:50(edited)

I'm with a team of Kael, Warpriest, Ninja and Warmaiden (on my day 14) - on half-way to Silver 4 (1683 points). Looks like Arena got very mild.

Sep 6, 2021, 22:1409/06/21

arena is easy as bot pages galore in g4 

if your struggling to farm tokens up in g4 something is wrong with your team - have you changed your setup speeds etc or maybe your team was use to bots and when you find mid level teams ur still struggling with team synergy

i have progressed a bucket load in g4 thanks to all the bot pages and easy win went from maybe 2x level 10 upgrades in hall to around 12 or so level 10s now 

im looking forward to the day the arena is rectified to test my team amongst strong opponents, i still take on all teams but when u get 5 bot pages in a row easy victories make you become complacent 

Sep 6, 2021, 23:1509/06/21

i still get a page of easy matchups every 4 or 5 refreshes.  the rest seem like normal matchups.

Sep 7, 2021, 00:1909/07/21
Sep 7, 2021, 00:23(edited)

If you guys are getting easy bot teams galore in G4 then get them while you can. Like I said, I see one or two every 6-7 refreshes and that's not one or two pages, thats one or two fights. No bot pages galore in my account.

Sep 7, 2021, 06:1209/07/21

I haven't noticed that at all.  I put up my defense a few hours before weekly reset and then take it down after using about 10 tokens.  Can't stay low enough in G4 to get all the easy opponents, which means as I climb in G4 during the week, I get mostly comparable opponents and I have to pick and choose who to fight, but I don't get OP opponent lists.  IDK why different players have different experiences.

Sep 7, 2021, 10:5009/07/21

A few months ago they did fix Classic Arena but over the last 2 weeks or so Plarium has been slowly changing back to where it was considered broken for 3 months. Over the last 3 months or so I have been consistently getting 3200-3400 points and getting a fair share of teams I could actually beat but that is no longer the case. My average arena team is about 145 power and I am being matched against teams that have 200-250 power that I have no chance of beating. I can beat maybe 1/10 every 6-7 refreshes which is totally unfair. How are we supposed to get medals to upgrade great hall if we are being matched against teams we have no chance of beating? So after Plarium fixed the broken Arena after 3 months they are breaking it again. I went from Gold 4 down to gold 2 in 2 weeks and now the timing is crucial because I need Gold 4 for an Arbiter mission and if Plarium keeps breaking the matching system I will never get Arbiter.

Not my experience to be honest, i havent played much raid or arena the last few months - just my 5 matches a day, but i easily stay in G4 

Player power is meaningless, my speed nuke team is 160k power and kills badly made teams with 250k+ easily.

Sep 8, 2021, 14:5509/08/21
Trevor Wilson

Not my experience to be honest, i havent played much raid or arena the last few months - just my 5 matches a day, but i easily stay in G4 

Player power is meaningless, my speed nuke team is 160k power and kills badly made teams with 250k+ easily.

I definitely need to work on my Arena champs but yea I get it man.

Sep 8, 2021, 20:3309/08/21

I haven't noticed that at all.  I put up my defense a few hours before weekly reset and then take it down after using about 10 tokens.  Can't stay low enough in G4 to get all the easy opponents, which means as I climb in G4 during the week, I get mostly comparable opponents and I have to pick and choose who to fight, but I don't get OP opponent lists.  IDK why different players have different experiences.

im also running that ploy in 3 v 3 and the single champ teams are everywhere 

nice points for c v c too lol

OracleCommunity Manager
Sep 9, 2021, 10:5609/09/21

Hi, folks! Those relatively weak accounts sometimes referred to as bots, are actually new players who happened to appear in the game in a single large batch. That led to a specific situation of disbalance, and Arena has appeared more accessible than it was supposed to be.

Now those players gradually progress their accounts, and so Arena returns to its former difficult level, which is relatively high - it is designed as one of the most challenging areas of the game, regardless of the player's level.

However, at some point, we've made some adjustments to the matchmaking algorithm to make it slightly more forgiving. But the idea remains the same - Classic Arena was and will remain a challenge.

For those of you, who experience difficulties in Arena, I strongly encourage you to ask for advice specific to your account. Sharing your roster and describing your current stage in the game overall will be very useful for receiving a well-informed suggestion from the community.

Sep 9, 2021, 13:0309/09/21

Hi, folks! Those relatively weak accounts sometimes referred to as bots, are actually new players who happened to appear in the game in a single large batch. That led to a specific situation of disbalance, and Arena has appeared more accessible than it was supposed to be.

Now those players gradually progress their accounts, and so Arena returns to its former difficult level, which is relatively high - it is designed as one of the most challenging areas of the game, regardless of the player's level.

However, at some point, we've made some adjustments to the matchmaking algorithm to make it slightly more forgiving. But the idea remains the same - Classic Arena was and will remain a challenge.

For those of you, who experience difficulties in Arena, I strongly encourage you to ask for advice specific to your account. Sharing your roster and describing your current stage in the game overall will be very useful for receiving a well-informed suggestion from the community.

I don't disagree that arena has become "too easy", but if it goes back to 290 speed leads losing the race in s2-s4, and facing high end comps in mid silver I will not blame anyone for being pissed off. 

Sep 9, 2021, 14:2509/09/21

I don't disagree that arena has become "too easy", but if it goes back to 290 speed leads losing the race in s2-s4, and facing high end comps in mid silver I will not blame anyone for being pissed off. 

They need to forget all the nonsense about matching by player power as its a rubbish metric, and expand tiers above plat.

That way we wouldnt need...low level players from another segment.