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doom tower dark fae

doom tower dark fae

Sep 6, 2021, 10:1609/06/21

doom tower dark fae

in short, that is BS .. it can copy my team, fine, but why than, if it is copy, their team has higher speed, higher acc and do more dmg? Puting those on normal at that low lvl is misstake, how you expect to lower power players can go over it if i cant go pass and i was ended every rotation so far at floor 50 on hard, or you have too much players and want to rid if them. Canceling my silver raid card, dont want to pay to feel like an idiot on lvl 40 at normal, cant imagine how it will look on lvl 120

Sep 6, 2021, 10:4209/06/21
Sep 6, 2021, 10:43(edited)

They have EXACTLY the same stats as you, not lower, not higher. And you will always go first because when both teams have the same speed the one attacking goes first. Your highest speed champion should have something  to enable your other champions to go safely afterwards (reduce their speed/turnmeter with lyssandra/psylar, lock their skills with warlord, stun them, etc)

Sep 6, 2021, 10:5809/06/21
Sep 6, 2021, 11:01(edited)

It needs a bit of thought - i used a mix of aoe nukers to get rid of the clones.. and turn control to control the boss.

royal guard, zavia (aoe nukes and both glass cannons so going first counts), coldheart and scyl (turn control/cc) and arbiter (turn meter boost) worked for me.

Any turn meter control and aoe nuke should do it, if i was to redo it i would consider swapping scyl for alure.

This is normal btw, not started hard yet.

Sep 6, 2021, 11:2309/06/21

I took out my healers and just blasted away, knowing who to take out first as it is my team and got it on 3rd try that way.

Gonna add Alure next see if it goes smoother, I found Bommal to be mucher harder .

Sep 6, 2021, 11:5209/06/21

Bommal is harder if you try with a "normal" team, but easier if you use the Burangiri or Samar strategies.

Dark fae is easy on manual, but I don't find it easy at all on auto, in fact I can't do it on auto

Sep 6, 2021, 12:4509/06/21

I used uugo to block them from buffing anything and then my team was able to just nuke them down pretty quick. This was on normal.

It seems any kind of control off the start should make it a easy win, again in early normal.

Sep 6, 2021, 15:1909/06/21

They have EXACTLY the same stats as you, not lower, not higher. And you will always go first because when both teams have the same speed the one attacking goes first. Your highest speed champion should have something  to enable your other champions to go safely afterwards (reduce their speed/turnmeter with lyssandra/psylar, lock their skills with warlord, stun them, etc)

dissagree, done it btw, but i take some time and do few battles with 3 diff setups, must do it manualy, on auto no chance,  for example, setup with rae, banish freeze one or two enemies, clon rae freeze 4-5 of my team, basicaly in each battle whole my team disabeled, same with skullcrown, i do one or two crit dmg and normal dmg 8-9k, clone do crit to allmost all and normal dmg go over 16k, no sense in that much difference if stats are same, speed cannot tested bcs my team on auto is nuked in 2 hits

Sep 6, 2021, 15:2609/06/21

dissagree, done it btw, but i take some time and do few battles with 3 diff setups, must do it manualy, on auto no chance,  for example, setup with rae, banish freeze one or two enemies, clon rae freeze 4-5 of my team, basicaly in each battle whole my team disabeled, same with skullcrown, i do one or two crit dmg and normal dmg 8-9k, clone do crit to allmost all and normal dmg go over 16k, no sense in that much difference if stats are same, speed cannot tested bcs my team on auto is nuked in 2 hits

Damage is a die roll. Critical damage can vary fairly widely hit to hit, and that difference is exaggerated based on the defense of each individual target.

kemosabe is correct, the clones have identical stats and skill upgrades and masteries as your own team.

Sep 6, 2021, 23:2109/06/21

Took me awhile to solve, going to build a team specifically for it now.  Unkillable procs kept wrecking me at first (skullcrown, swift parry sets...).  Was interesting to fight my own team though.  Ended up with speed buffer then nuked the clones with my second turn.  Alure+Coldhart for TM control after that.

Not sure how to do it on auto though, needed to a1 the trash waves just to make sure I had everything on cooldown.  My next attempt is going to have a turn meter manipulator like psylar, just need to make her the fastest on my team.  Speed tuning is going to be very important.

Sep 7, 2021, 00:1609/07/21

Same stats? Nah... I hit my mirrors thrice and do NO damage at all, while they blow me away in one hit. This beast on normal on floor 40 is just ridiculous.

The last time I finished Doom Tower on Normal and walked somewhat on Hard, but with this beast I am stuck on shitty floor 40 for the next 4 weeks, I mean... WTF

Sorry, I have no Lysandra, nor Allure or another turn meter controller who could help out. Is there a place where I could order them directly? How about Amazon?

Such Bosses PLEASE, put them somewhere on Hard, for all the honourable "Endgamers", but let others have some fun in that game too. It´s frustrating enough to run those bosses on a 39 minutes run!!! 15 silver keys eating up quite some electricity in 8 hours. You should think about making this full-time job more pleasant.

Astranyx... probably the reason a lot of players will stop playing!!!

Sep 7, 2021, 04:1009/07/21
Sep 7, 2021, 05:22(edited)

It´s completely ridiculous, how can my mirror Scyl beats the original Scyl thrice as hard as vice versa on normal difficulty shitty floor 40?

Move such jokes to hard difficulty floor 90, please!!!

Sep 7, 2021, 05:5909/07/21
Sep 7, 2021, 05:59(edited)

I found Dreadhorn to be easy.  I didn't even change up my regular DT team that I've used on practically every normal room for the past few cycles.  Beat it on the first try on auto with no adjustments.  I had trouble with Dark Fae.  Tried several comps on manual and kept getting beat very fast.  What finally worked for me was Seer to nuke all the mirrors, then Ithos, Rotos, RG, and CH to nuke and control TM.  Fae never got a turn.  gl. 

Sep 7, 2021, 06:1109/07/21

I used my Arena team for Astranyx (Arbiter, Tomb Lord, Umral Enchantres, Ithos, +1) and it worked just fine. Ithos nuked everyone in a single hit and then the rest of the boss is just auto. Obviously doesnt work on auto since the beginning, because you need to have you CDs ready when you get to the boss, but on manual there was 0 problems.

Sep 7, 2021, 08:1309/07/21
Sep 7, 2021, 08:25(edited)

I found Dreadhorn to be easy.  I didn't even change up my regular DT team that I've used on practically every normal room for the past few cycles.  Beat it on the first try on auto with no adjustments.  I had trouble with Dark Fae.  Tried several comps on manual and kept getting beat very fast.  What finally worked for me was Seer to nuke all the mirrors, then Ithos, Rotos, RG, and CH to nuke and control TM.  Fae never got a turn.  gl. 

I stuck brogni in for one of my dps champs (floor 50 ) but yeh pretty much.

Sep 14, 2021, 03:0809/14/21

I am stuck on Floor 80 Dark Fae, personally I hate this particular fu@#king boss. Anytime you clone an exact copy of the team then add a strong boss the dice are weighted HEAVILY in the Bosses favor, enough so that I hate this particular boss she is way OP.

Sep 14, 2021, 03:1709/14/21

its  simple use provke on all then kill them lol and thats easy but the damn rhino thats hard as hell and i have some of the best champs and cant beat hard rhino lol