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Drexthar Bloodtwin Cooldown misery

Drexthar Bloodtwin Cooldown misery

Sep 4, 2021, 20:5809/04/21

Drexthar Bloodtwin Cooldown misery

 Hey guys Im not pretty sure whether this is the right section for my posting, if not maybe a mod can move it to the right one.

So i was farming Tag-Team Arena like any other player mostly to get Drexthar. It took me 173 days to get the required amount of 36.000 "coins". I didn't spend a single dime to get him as fast as possible. So when I was finally finished the disappointment quickly followed as I realised that you can only buy 1 Fragment every 24 hours. So now I have to wait 100 more days despite having enough coins.

Basically this wouldn't be a problem since plarium decided it to be this way. My problem is that nowhere in the game you are told that there is a cooldown on buying the fragments. And since I wanted to get Drexthar as fast as possible I never bought anything otherwise I would have been aware of the fact. And I am pretty sure that I wasn't the first person to discover this very disappointing surprise nor will I be the last if they don't inform people properly or even better get rid of the cooldown. I don't even see a reason nor does it make any sense to me.

So please Plarium do something about this matter. Best would be to get rid of the cooldown or make it possible to get a higher amount of fragments,  let's say 10 or even more each day. 

To me I have fulfilled the requirements to get Drexthar, but I can't have him because of a senseless limitation that is nowhere mentioned. I feel a little bit betrayed after putting  so much work, time, energy and money into getting Drexthar. Imagine the disappointment after how happy I was when I got the 36000 coins after 173 days just to realise a few moments  that there was a cooldown and I wasn't even close in getting Drexthar .

So please do me and the whole community a favor and rework/remove the limitations. I would be so very grateful.

Thank you in advance and for your time.

Sep 4, 2021, 21:3009/04/21

There is a reason for the cooldown on other stuff like books or shards, just to pervent that to many of the valuable items become free. Plarium has to earn some money with the game, otherwise they will pull the plug.

But I totally agree with you, the restriction doesn't make any sense on the Drexthar fragments.

Sep 4, 2021, 22:3809/04/21

I started by doing the same thing that you did, which was save up gold bars with the intention of buying all 100 fragments at once.  I think I had saved up enough gold bars to buy about 40 to 50 fragments until I read somewhere about the cooldown, which prompted me to start buying them each day.  In other words, I got lucky in learning about it before it was too late.

I think it is an issue that there isn't any sort of indication that the items in the bazaar have a cooldown.  The new clan shop at least has limits written, and timers for resets.  The bazaar has nothing.  Additionally, different items in the bazaar has different cooldowns.  For example, the ancient shard has a weekly cooldown, while the Drex fragments have a daily.  It would be great just to have an indication somewhere

Sep 5, 2021, 00:1009/05/21
Sep 5, 2021, 00:11(edited)

At first I also do not understand why they did this then I finally realize why. 

This is their strategy to "trap" players into playing longer. This is their player retention strategy. 

First, like you said, Drex. You have to play 100 days to get him. Others are the doom tower champions. You have to play years to get them all. Then the new one in clan shop, Yannica. 

The devs probably have casino mentality where they want to "trap" players into playing. 

Sep 5, 2021, 10:4609/05/21

I understand that they want the other stuff in the Bazaar to have a cooldown(like ancient shard eg) but the Drex fragments? I dont see it, especially limited to one per day, whereas, i didnt want to write it before because my posting already had gotten that long, Yannica in the new shop is limited to 5(yes I know there is a weekly cd  on the whole shop, which to me makes the decisionmaking even more arbitrarily, but that's another story    ). But the biggest difference to me is that in the new clan shop it is written that you can only buy a limited number of items and that there is a weekly cooldown. So no surprises like with Drexthar.

So please Plarium remove or up the cd on DREXTHARS Fragments, so I don't have to watch other players using him and benefiting from him.

Thank you very 

Sep 5, 2021, 19:4809/05/21

I'm glad I read this topic. I've been saving up for Drexthar, too and now I'll be stuck with cooldowns. If I'd have known, I would've been buying them daily. I'm at 32k, so I'll be pissed off when hit 36k and have to wait.

Sep 6, 2021, 01:2309/06/21

Although the logic is questionable it is easy to know beforehand with a very small amount of research. You should not have waited all this time to test if it would work

Sep 6, 2021, 07:4609/06/21

Although the logic is questionable it is easy to know beforehand with a very small amount of research. You should not have waited all this time to test if it would work

The problem is that there is usually nothing worth purchasing before Drex, so no-one gets an understanding that the bazaar items are on a cooldown.  Personally I only learnt about it by sheer luck as I was browsing the forums here and saw it mentioned.  Based on some comments above, it looks like others are in the same boat.