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Question from a new person - Stats/Team Creation

Question from a new person - Stats/Team Creation

Aug 31, 2021, 13:2908/31/21

Question from a new person - Stats/Team Creation

Hi all,

I just started playing this game and enjoying it so far but I'm having some issues figuring out how to best equip my Champions.  Some seem to have better defense than others and especially in Arena, I will end up losing to a team I feel like I should win against because my Champions are high level but apparently do not have good Defence/HP.  

I see the stats after a win/loss (total for attack, defense, support) but I'm not really sure how to translate that into which artifacts to equip the champion with and/or upgrade (other than more stars is better, higher rarity better).

I looked around the Guides and Tutorials and didn't see anything related to that - though I could have missed it.

Any help is appreciated!

Aug 31, 2021, 13:4008/31/21

As a new player I wouldn't put too much effort into arena. Focus on getting your dungeon and CB teams together.

With regards to your specific question - look on RAID: Shadow Legends Guide | AyumiLove for your specific champs. It will tell you whether their ability damage is based on attack, defense, or HP. Then just gear them accordingly.

Aug 31, 2021, 13:5008/31/21

Hello, welcome to Raid.

Each champion has a main stat, that increases the damage of his abilities. For example: Attack type champion will increase his damage with Attack stat. Defense type champion will deal more damage by increasing hisdefense. And HP type champion will deal more damage by increasing his max HP.

It is also worth mentioning, that Attack stat is only useful for Attack type champion. No other champion benefits from Attack AT ALL. Meaning it has 0 effect on any other champion than attack.

When It comes to arena, the most important stat is speed. Speed indicates, which champion goes first. Champions with higher speed will go before champion with lower speed. If you have a lot of speed, the champion can even go twice, before a champion with low speed takes a single turn.

Also in arena it is very important to have a good team synergy. Most common team in arena is what is called a speed-nuke. And generaly consist of a Champion with speed aura and a turn meter manipulation skills as a leader, 1 champion who can do AoE decrease defense debuff, champion with AoE increase attack and then a nuker. Nuker is usually an attack type champion build with 100% crit chance for maximum damage.

If you are very early player. I would recomend you to build arena team with these champions (all of them are farmable from campaign):

Spirithost - leader for 10% speed aura that has AoE increase Attack

Diabolist - has turn meter manipulation and aoe speed buff

Warmaiden - AoE decrease defense

Kael / Galek / Athel / Elhain (whatever champ you picked at the start) - AoE nuker

And build a speed on them in a way that they play in this order: Diabolist -> Spirithost -> Warmaiden -> Nuker

Very important tip: Do not focus on building many champions at once. Focus on your starter champion and get him to 6 stars level 60, fully ascended with all masteries. It will help you massively.

If you are looking for some good guides, I recommend website That guy has some great guides and tools for everything.

Aug 31, 2021, 14:3208/31/21

Hello, welcome to Raid.

Each champion has a main stat, that increases the damage of his abilities. For example: Attack type champion will increase his damage with Attack stat. Defense type champion will deal more damage by increasing hisdefense. And HP type champion will deal more damage by increasing his max HP.

It is also worth mentioning, that Attack stat is only useful for Attack type champion. No other champion benefits from Attack AT ALL. Meaning it has 0 effect on any other champion than attack.

When It comes to arena, the most important stat is speed. Speed indicates, which champion goes first. Champions with higher speed will go before champion with lower speed. If you have a lot of speed, the champion can even go twice, before a champion with low speed takes a single turn.

Also in arena it is very important to have a good team synergy. Most common team in arena is what is called a speed-nuke. And generaly consist of a Champion with speed aura and a turn meter manipulation skills as a leader, 1 champion who can do AoE decrease defense debuff, champion with AoE increase attack and then a nuker. Nuker is usually an attack type champion build with 100% crit chance for maximum damage.

If you are very early player. I would recomend you to build arena team with these champions (all of them are farmable from campaign):

Spirithost - leader for 10% speed aura that has AoE increase Attack

Diabolist - has turn meter manipulation and aoe speed buff

Warmaiden - AoE decrease defense

Kael / Galek / Athel / Elhain (whatever champ you picked at the start) - AoE nuker

And build a speed on them in a way that they play in this order: Diabolist -> Spirithost -> Warmaiden -> Nuker

Very important tip: Do not focus on building many champions at once. Focus on your starter champion and get him to 6 stars level 60, fully ascended with all masteries. It will help you massively.

If you are looking for some good guides, I recommend website That guy has some great guides and tools for everything.

Your comment on the attack stat is not correct. Support champs almost all scale based off of attack. Also, there are several champs who scale on both attack and defense, or attack and HP.

As for the cookie-cutter entry arena team - I wouldn't bother leveling Diabolist. I did when I started, and I regret doing it. You get High Khatun very early on, and she replaces Diabolist everywhere.

Aug 31, 2021, 15:4708/31/21

Your comment on the attack stat is not correct. Support champs almost all scale based off of attack. Also, there are several champs who scale on both attack and defense, or attack and HP.

As for the cookie-cutter entry arena team - I wouldn't bother leveling Diabolist. I did when I started, and I regret doing it. You get High Khatun very early on, and she replaces Diabolist everywhere.

as well as support champions, there are also hp and defense types that still scale off of attack. the type is about indicating their role (in a very loose sense) rather than their damage.

Aug 31, 2021, 16:0808/31/21

Thanks for the replies.  I'm trying to wrap my head around some of the nomenclature, which is I think part of the learning curve....AoE?  What's that?

@Arclite, thanks for the comment on speed!  I was wondering what the big deal about speed is because everyone gets a turn but that explains why some Champions seem to have more turns.

That being said, I won't worry about Arena to much ....but I have a progress mission coming up to beat Spider's Den on Auto 5 times - stage 3.  I'll get to that mission in another two days or so but while waiting for some of the Keeps to open back up to complete those missions, I have been trying to organize a team to beat stage 3 of Spider's Den but no luck so far.

What I have now:

Ninja level 50, 5 stars, one ascension star

Warpriest level 46, 5 stars, maxed out ascension

Sniper level 40, 4 stars, maxed out ascension

Kael level 40, 4 stars, 3 ascension

Stoneskin level 22, 4 stars, 3 ascension

Treefeller level 30, 3 stars, max ascension

Frostskin level 30, 3 stars, max ascension

Jaeger level 30, 3 stars, max ascension

Appointed level 30, 3 stars, 1 ascension

Satyr, level 22, 3 stars, max ascension

Those are the ones I have been primarily working on, based on rarity, affinity diversity, and obviously what I have been able to get so far.  The top 4 definitely have skills upgraded and artifacts at level 8+ and I try to get sets to increase those skills but maybe I should switch out artifacts?  And not sure if there are better Champions that I should look out for - I tend to sacrifice all my commons to level/rank up.  I try to look at the attacks for my uncommons and have kept some of them and try to keep the rares though have sacrificed some to rank up.

Any other advice is helpful!

Aug 31, 2021, 16:1808/31/21

For starters - I would completely stop leveling every one of those champs except for Ninja and possibly Kael - though personally I wouldn't even bother with Kael, since Ninja can do everything he can but better.

Get Ninja to 60 and fully ascend him, and start booking him - he's worth putting legendary tomes into. The rest of those in your list though, are not worth taking any further.

Aug 31, 2021, 16:4808/31/21
Aug 31, 2021, 16:51(edited)

AoE means Area of Effect. Basicly everything that effect everyone. AoE Decrease defense means decrease defense that affect every enemy etc.

Geez some people just gotta nitpick everything. Didnt want to get into hybrid scaling champs to not complicate stuff...

Aug 31, 2021, 17:3808/31/21

@Mostreal Your Ninja should be able to do spider level 3 almost by himself if he's level 50 - if he can't do it even with some support from Kael, Warpriest and two more, probably his gear isn't what it should be, even by early game standards. You should've received a good lifesteal set with good stats on it from login rewards - use that, at least four pieces of it (including the boots, chest and gloves). 

Aug 31, 2021, 23:2008/31/21

For starters - I would completely stop leveling every one of those champs except for Ninja and possibly Kael - though personally I wouldn't even bother with Kael, since Ninja can do everything he can but better.

Get Ninja to 60 and fully ascend him, and start booking him - he's worth putting legendary tomes into. The rest of those in your list though, are not worth taking any further.

Thanks, I started leveling him before I got Ninja, which is why he's got so much, him and Warpriest were my two "best" for a my estimation....

I need to ascend Ninja some more but need the potiens and that keep is closed...opening soon again so I'm going to get some more to ascend him and I'm going to look at his artifacts. 

Thanks for the info on the rest - I have played games like this before so I'm not unfamiliar with the "well, leveled this up because it's the best I had but useless now" concept and it's all good - part of growing pains of a new game!

Aug 31, 2021, 23:2708/31/21

@Mostreal Your Ninja should be able to do spider level 3 almost by himself if he's level 50 - if he can't do it even with some support from Kael, Warpriest and two more, probably his gear isn't what it should be, even by early game standards. You should've received a good lifesteal set with good stats on it from login rewards - use that, at least four pieces of it (including the boots, chest and gloves). 

Thanks, I probably don't!  I am still figuring out the artifacts and how they can be useful - Like I said, was ignoring speed stats because I didn't understand them and kicking myself a bit now but oh well, live and learn.   I'm going to go look at lifesteal - I was trying to remember what login reward set I was getting prior to getting Ninja.

Thanks for the advice so to figure out the Forge....I haven't touched it yet because I'm not sure about it.

Good thing about all this leveling I've been doing, I did finish first in that tournament and got some good prizes!

Sep 1, 2021, 16:5809/01/21

Thanks, I probably don't!  I am still figuring out the artifacts and how they can be useful - Like I said, was ignoring speed stats because I didn't understand them and kicking myself a bit now but oh well, live and learn.   I'm going to go look at lifesteal - I was trying to remember what login reward set I was getting prior to getting Ninja.

Thanks for the advice so to figure out the Forge....I haven't touched it yet because I'm not sure about it.

Good thing about all this leveling I've been doing, I did finish first in that tournament and got some good prizes!

Forge isn't much of a priority early game, because it requires resources that you'll only get from Faction Wars and Doom Tower, which are both mid-late game content. Certainly you can try both when you unlock them, but you'll hit roadblocks very, very quickly and it's too early at this stage to start building champs specifically for them. Your current mid-term goals are basically getting Ninja to level 60, then a whole team to 60, while progressing as far as you can in CB and dungeons (especially Dragon which is generally the most straightforward, though that depends on your roster). 

Sep 1, 2021, 17:1709/01/21

Thanks, @L9753 - that's what I was thinking.  I have some resources but can probably only forge one or two artifacts so likely not going to get anything good/enough for a set/etc.  I'll wait on that. 

Now to figure out who to get to level 60. My next new player reward dragon is Jizoh.  Should I put him on the list or one of the above mentioned ones?

Sep 1, 2021, 17:2709/01/21

Thanks, @L9753 - that's what I was thinking.  I have some resources but can probably only forge one or two artifacts so likely not going to get anything good/enough for a set/etc.  I'll wait on that. 

Now to figure out who to get to level 60. My next new player reward dragon is Jizoh.  Should I put him on the list or one of the above mentioned ones?

You can put some gear on Jizoh and use him on your teams, he's not too bad (note that his damage scales off defense, so the attack stat is useless on him - on the weapon it's inevitable to have attack as main stat, but avoid it on other pieces). But he's not worth level 60, none of your current champs other than Ninja and Kael are, and Kael may end up staying at 50 depending on who else you get in the meantime.