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ARENA PROGRESSION (automatic loss of Arena points) - RESOLVED

ARENA PROGRESSION (automatic loss of Arena points) - RESOLVED

Aug 31, 2021, 00:3808/31/21

ARENA PROGRESSION (automatic loss of Arena points) - RESOLVED

Hello and and peace! I keep getting to level silver tier 4 and losing patience with the mode and game in general. 

I enjoy a challenge and enjoy pvp but the STAGNATION costs of this game is stupidly high. I head off to sleep at the tier 4 mark of silver and come back the NEXT DAY to have half of my rank removed (without losing) just to stagnation. I will come back and need to grind to halfway through rank three just to get back to where I was. It's almost rigged so newer players need to spend actual money on prgression in this mode. 

I'm about 3 weeks in and winning 65-70% of my arena matches. I also put around $30 into coins gems and in game currency to keep me current. 

Sadly. It's never enough....................

Aug 31, 2021, 06:3908/31/21

Ok, I dont think I get it. You dont lose any points automaticly over night. If you have less points in the morning, it means you have lost defense.

Aug 31, 2021, 14:0708/31/21

You will lose points once a week, when the arena is reset. Everybody drops down to the bottom of his actual arena tier at the reset. 

But I guess when the thread-op is losing patience allready while 3 weeks in the game, he should play something else anyway. There are daily login rewards until day 270. After thats starts a cycle with other daily login rewards that gives fragments for a legendary champ, taking another 4 months to go. From developers side, it's not intended that players do all content of the game in a couple of weeks. They want the players to stay a couple of years.

Aug 31, 2021, 14:2608/31/21

Arena is much better than it was just a few months ago. At 3 weeks in then you would be at the bottom of b4 facing full Lego teams.

It will still take you awhile to get a real arena team going I would suggest watching some videos on how to make the standard cookie cutter speed nuke for a new account.

Aug 31, 2021, 14:3008/31/21

Arena is much better than it was just a few months ago. At 3 weeks in then you would be at the bottom of b4 facing full Lego teams.

It will still take you awhile to get a real arena team going I would suggest watching some videos on how to make the standard cookie cutter speed nuke for a new account.

This, and my experience is people are happy to help with setting up a team if you post a roster.

Good luck!

Sep 8, 2021, 18:2209/08/21

A  few  posters mis  understood .  You  DO  lose  rank  for  simply not  playing  and  just  confirmed  it.  I  went to  sleep  at  silver rank  THREE  and  woke  up  at  silver rank  TWO.  

I  didn't lose  a  single match?  Am  I really  missing something?  

Sep 8, 2021, 18:2309/08/21
Sep 8, 2021, 18:24(edited)

Ok, I dont think I get it. You dont lose any points automaticly over night. If you have less points in the morning, it means you have lost defense.

You  do.  I  just  looked.....  I  went to  sleep half  way  through  rank  3  silver tier  and  woke  up rank 2  silver.  

I  waited   to  check twice  and  confirm this.  I  also  waited  till  well  after  reset  to  confirm.  

You  lose progress  simply to  stagnation.

Sep 8, 2021, 18:2609/08/21

You will lose points once a week, when the arena is reset. Everybody drops down to the bottom of his actual arena tier at the reset. 

But I guess when the thread-op is losing patience allready while 3 weeks in the game, he should play something else anyway. There are daily login rewards until day 270. After thats starts a cycle with other daily login rewards that gives fragments for a legendary champ, taking another 4 months to go. From developers side, it's not intended that players do all content of the game in a couple of weeks. They want the players to stay a couple of years.

I'm losing progress  daily by  simply  not  playing  over  night.  I  just checked  and  confirmed this.  

I  was  silver 3  last  night and  woke  up  to  silver tier  2.  

My  post  stands  and  is  accurate.  

Sep 8, 2021, 18:2909/08/21

Look at your defense logs. You don't lose points automatically, except on reset every week, where you get dropped to the beginning of your tier. You *do* lose points for losing defense battles.

Sep 8, 2021, 18:5009/08/21

I'm losing progress  daily by  simply  not  playing  over  night.  I  just checked  and  confirmed this.  

I  was  silver 3  last  night and  woke  up  to  silver tier  2.  

My  post  stands  and  is  accurate.  

As others have said, that probably means your Arena Defense team is getting whupped all night while you're asleep.

You should check your battle logs and see if you're losing Defense Battles.

Sep 8, 2021, 20:1009/08/21

I'm losing progress  daily by  simply  not  playing  over  night.  I  just checked  and  confirmed this.  

I  was  silver 3  last  night and  woke  up  to  silver tier  2.  

My  post  stands  and  is  accurate.  

look at the defense logs then see if your getting attacked all night

Sep 8, 2021, 20:2309/08/21
Sep 8, 2021, 22:34(edited)

Will  look  and appreciate  the  reply!

***  EDIT  ***

Took  me  a  while  to  find  defence  stats  or  losses.  turns  out  i  had  a  level  one  thrall  (only)  as  my  defence  team?  

OracleCommunity Manager
Sep 9, 2021, 10:3009/09/21

Thank you all guys, who helped DarkByD3sign to figure out the situation.

As the question in the original OP has been answered, I close the thread

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