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Sacred shard pack String

Sacred shard pack String

Aug 28, 2021, 18:0008/28/21

Sacred shard pack String

Hello RSL community ! 

I've seen this offer pop in today and I was wondering if someone bought it and would be willing to share the intermediate step's price ? I hesitate to buy it but I'm reluctant to buy the 1st step and then see it's 1928512$ for the next step and quit the chain... SO if anyone did the dive-in and is willing to share, it would be very helpful. 

Thank you in advance !!


Aug 29, 2021, 19:4008/29/21

I do wish the shop had a shopping cart for these kind  of purchases. I could  put them all into a shopping cart and  make one payment of the total cost

If I was to try and  make that many individual purchases over 30 min my credit card would shut it down thinking it was a fraud attempt

So I did not make those purchases. But might have otherwise

Aug 30, 2021, 02:3408/30/21

Generally,  each  step  increases  by  about  $10.  Can  be  different  occasionally  but  $10  increases have been my experience.

Nov 23, 2022, 21:1011/23/22

The sacred sshard pack string in a total ripoff. Only two tiny, tiny discounts from normal "average" market price throughout the entire string. I feel abused, Plarium, genuinely abused. 

Nov 26, 2022, 02:0211/26/22
pacifist assassin

The sacred sshard pack string in a total ripoff. Only two tiny, tiny discounts from normal "average" market price throughout the entire string. I feel abused, Plarium, genuinely abused. 

Almost all of their deals are a complete ripoff. It's irritating that this is a sales holiday and rather than make things more affordable, they've kept prices and added a small bit to usual stuff.

If you go off the $0.99 Rookie purchase that has an Ancient shard and 25k silver, those shards are work $1. With the deal pictured, safe to say the Sacred is valued at $20. Looking over one of the package deals going on for the black Friday and cyber Monday, Void shards are worth $3. The majority of the champion pool is flooded with PvE use only champions, so the odds of getting anything worthwhile is so small, their prices are insanely high. Then having Void shards with the same chances as an Ancient is plain asinine to me.

Been playing 6 months and I've been lucky to pull 3 legendary. Elhain, Karato, and Holsring.  That's across 2 accounts. If it weren't for UDK and Deliana, I wouldn't be in silver 4 classic. Can't even break out of copper 2 team. I almost did, but once I hit that rating, all the teams were mostly legendary champions with 450k+ power.

They've definitely put a lot of work into this game and continue to do so, that's a fact. This is game is setup for years of playing if your f2p to get anywhere, but by that time the players that throw money into will have reached so high that f2p will never touch them. Making packs at affordable prices for others without that kind of money would've been a such a  choice for this time of year for the majority of the players. 

Nov 26, 2022, 04:0911/26/22

Did you really

Write four paragraphs of text

For a necro post?