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Help with nether spider floor 70 on NORMAL

Help with nether spider floor 70 on NORMAL

Aug 28, 2021, 10:2608/28/21

Help with nether spider floor 70 on NORMAL


I've tried a variety of combinations from youtube suggestions, without luck, though in fairness more often than not I don't have what the youtubers are suggesting :).

If anyone is able to help me make a suggessful team out of what I have that would be fantastic.



Thank you.

On a side note, I have enough to boost 2 of the 5 stars to 6 stars, but I'm unsure who to choose as it takes so long to get to that point. So happy to hear suggestions on that as well.

Aug 28, 2021, 12:0308/28/21

Just to be clear, you're referring to the Hard one, or normal? 

Reliquary Tender, Sethallia and Martyr should be a solid core for a team - RT and to some extent Sethallia for cleanses, Sethallia for stripping the counterattack buffs off the spiderlings, Martyr for her great kit in general. Remaining two spots can go to DPS or healers, as needed - keep in mind you'll need to kill at least most of the spiderlings ASAP after Sethallia removes their counterattack buffs, or the Nether Spider will overload you with poisons. Manual only so you can make sure RT and Sethallia use their key skills at the right times. 

Aug 28, 2021, 12:3508/28/21
Aug 28, 2021, 13:21(edited)

Just to be clear, you're referring to the Hard one, or normal? 

Reliquary Tender, Sethallia and Martyr should be a solid core for a team - RT and to some extent Sethallia for cleanses, Sethallia for stripping the counterattack buffs off the spiderlings, Martyr for her great kit in general. Remaining two spots can go to DPS or healers, as needed - keep in mind you'll need to kill at least most of the spiderlings ASAP after Sethallia removes their counterattack buffs, or the Nether Spider will overload you with poisons. Manual only so you can make sure RT and Sethallia use their key skills at the right times. 

Thanks for the reply.

Just on Normal :(

I have tried the three you suggested in most combinations, but still can't crack it. I am running a free account, so both Sethallia and Martyr are very minimally booked (Reliquary is fully booked and Scyl is mostly booked).

I'm a regular player, but don't have the time to over think too deeply about my characters builds, so I just go with AyumiLove suggestons. Is that generally ok?

Aug 28, 2021, 19:0108/28/21

I would go with

Scyl, passive heal, revive, ally protect, def champ = awesome champ i use lots.

Relinquary - cleanse and revive. 

Martyr - defense down etc

And -Any dps you want but be aware that if you have a dps with random or aoe a1 you cant control when u hit minions


Having said that, i just looked back at my logs and i ran royal guard, fushan, zavia, relinquary and melga, so it looks like it can be just nuked down keeping spiderlings dead? (i ran it a long time ago so dont remember it)

Aug 28, 2021, 21:5308/28/21

Thanks for the reply.

Just on Normal :(

I have tried the three you suggested in most combinations, but still can't crack it. I am running a free account, so both Sethallia and Martyr are very minimally booked (Reliquary is fully booked and Scyl is mostly booked).

I'm a regular player, but don't have the time to over think too deeply about my characters builds, so I just go with AyumiLove suggestons. Is that generally ok?

It might be a gear problem more than a champion problem. I can only see the gear on your Scyl, but she is much slower than she should be - and you went to the trouble of booking her for her stun AOE, but at the same time you give her mediocre accuracy so she'll get resisted quite often. 

Possibly, though I'm just guessing here, you're making the common mistake of focusing first on set bonuses, when you should focus first on getting solid stats from your gear, with set bonuses being only a bonus on top, not the first priority. Or possibly you just have a big shortage of good gear - or spread your good gear across too many different champions. 

With moderately good gear, the three I mentioned plus Scyl and your best AOE damage should work fine (on manual). But if the others' gear is no better than Scyl's, yeah, you'll struggle... 

Aug 28, 2021, 23:4308/28/21

I hadnt noticed the stats on scyl to be honest

With any champ, personally i never go below 170 speed, i want them to get a go.

If you want scyl to land her stuns and to reduce turn meter in dungeons etc, then get her accuracy up... i agree with L9537 that maybe you are focussing a bit too much on set bonuses.

My scyl is in speed, resilience and perception gear, no defence gear at all... stats before set really is true

Good luck!

Aug 29, 2021, 00:0408/29/21

You are correct, through following AyumiLove's and pretty much all the youTuber's they seem to talk about the sets to use, so I have tried to ensure I got those sets on the characters as suggested as well as getting as many of the suggested stats on them as possible.

for example:-


Where I'll get two Defence sets and one Speed set and get what pieces I can that have DEF% or HP% or SPD or ACC, or where I can get combinations of those. TYpically getting a high a star level piece of gear as possible.

Is that not a good way to do it? Or is it that the gear type I have is ok, but I need to farm a lot better quality?

If that is the case, what is deemed better quality? Is 6 star gear a must or is rarity (Legendary, Epic) more important than stars? 

E.g. for Scyl should I try and farm a Legendary or Epic Defence weapon that comes with DEF%, HP%, SPD and ACC?

Thanks so much for taking the time to answer and help out.

Aug 29, 2021, 00:1508/29/21
Trevor Wilson

I hadnt noticed the stats on scyl to be honest

With any champ, personally i never go below 170 speed, i want them to get a go.

If you want scyl to land her stuns and to reduce turn meter in dungeons etc, then get her accuracy up... i agree with L9537 that maybe you are focussing a bit too much on set bonuses.

My scyl is in speed, resilience and perception gear, no defence gear at all... stats before set really is true

Good luck!

Ok thanks. I'll see about boosting those areas. What is deems a good accuracy out of interest?

I haven't used the forge much, so I have the ability to make a fair few of the first 4 things in it. 

Aug 29, 2021, 00:5108/29/21
Aug 29, 2021, 01:06(edited)

You are correct, through following AyumiLove's and pretty much all the youTuber's they seem to talk about the sets to use, so I have tried to ensure I got those sets on the characters as suggested as well as getting as many of the suggested stats on them as possible.

for example:-


Where I'll get two Defence sets and one Speed set and get what pieces I can that have DEF% or HP% or SPD or ACC, or where I can get combinations of those. TYpically getting a high a star level piece of gear as possible.

Is that not a good way to do it? Or is it that the gear type I have is ok, but I need to farm a lot better quality?

If that is the case, what is deemed better quality? Is 6 star gear a must or is rarity (Legendary, Epic) more important than stars? 

E.g. for Scyl should I try and farm a Legendary or Epic Defence weapon that comes with DEF%, HP%, SPD and ACC?

Thanks so much for taking the time to answer and help out.

The setbonus is rather small. 

A complete def set (2 pieces) gives 15% def. Your gauntlets are from this def set. I don't know wich main stat they have, but for example lets say they have %def. Lvl 16 with 4 stars they would give 40% def. A lvl 16 gear with 6 stars instead would give 60% def. So the overall bonus by using better gauntlets would be higher even if the setbonus is lost. Comparing the substats of the items, the advantage of 6 star gear gets even higher and higher.

Fitting stats are more important than the setbonus. If you can manage to complete a set, great. If not, that doesn't matter. Items with at least rare (better epic or legendary) rank 6 quality from any set with the right stats are just more important than completing sets.

Scyl needs def, hp (these stats are well built at your Scyl), accuracy (a little bit low at your Scyl) and speed (much to low). 


Ok, my Scyl is not the perfect example for the "stats over sets approach", as I use 3 complete sets at her. 😗

But just compare the speed of our Scyls - and speed determines how often she will use her passive heal, that occurs everytime she has a turn.


Just to clarify: complete sets are not a bad thing. They are great, giving an extra bonus to your stats. But if the set-items are bad, the extra bonus doesn't save the day.

In reality, we all don't have perfect items. We have to use what we get. If you have to choose between setbonus, but bad main- or substats or great main- and substats, but without setbonus, take the latter.

Aug 29, 2021, 02:3308/29/21

Thank you so much for that explanation, it's quite obvious now you're explained it, but I was certainly priortising the sets over the stats. I'll do a reevaluation of all my gear on the main characters and see how it goes.

Thanks again.

Aug 29, 2021, 09:4708/29/21

Thank you so much for that explanation, it's quite obvious now you're explained it, but I was certainly priortising the sets over the stats. I'll do a reevaluation of all my gear on the main characters and see how it goes.

Thanks again.

I think Trevor and Skadi covered most of it, just a few things to add. 

In very nearly all cases, your boots should have Speed as main stat, regardless of what set they're from. Speed is so important that you really need to have it as main stat on the one gear piece that is able to have that main stat, the boots. Of course, it's difficult to have enough good speed boots for all your champions, so you have to prioritize - the most important champs get the best speed boots first, then for others you have to see what you can do, sometimes you'll be forced to use non-speed boots as you don't have any left (but then still try to use boots with speed as sub-stat, at least). 

As for what accuracy to aim for: for dungeons and CB, if you reach something around 220 or so, you should be fine. That's also more than enough for the Normal DT. For Hard DT and high level arena, you may need more, 300 or even more (some players in platinum arena have something like 600 accuracy on their key debuffer), but you can cross that bridge when you get to it. 

Though that being said, for Scyl accuracy is less of a priority than for some, her primary job is still the passive heals and revives where needed. So getting her speed up is a higher priority than pushing her accuracy up. 

Aug 30, 2021, 21:3608/30/21
Aug 30, 2021, 21:57(edited)

Ok thanks. I'll see about boosting those areas. What is deems a good accuracy out of interest?

I haven't used the forge much, so I have the ability to make a fair few of the first 4 things in it. 

My scyl is not in great gear, i am mid game like yourself but this build works well for me in doom tower hard, golem and tag team

Ideally she would have crit rate, or be in a stun set or regen maybee, but i dont have the gear to keep the stats and do that.

I think accuracy 300 ish if doing doom tower hard or using in arena is a minimum, if just dungeons, then 200.

Speed is really important, you want her cycling that passive heal, i personally wanted her to be as hard to kill as possible too- so hp and defence.

EDIT - The forge is the best thing ever for ftp such as myself, perception gear in particular is amazing stuff, and ive kitted champs out in swift parry too...i would advise using it lots.


Aug 31, 2021, 12:0608/31/21

Thanks again Trevor.