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Help newbie

Aug 27, 2021, 13:0308/27/21

Help newbie

Help me create my first team for farming farming artifacts and potions.

This what i have on my account:

I have 16 epic skill tomes

Aug 27, 2021, 14:0908/27/21
Aug 27, 2021, 14:39(edited)

I would definetly go with Uugo as next lvl 60. She can debuff your enemies, remove debuffs from your team and heals, she puts out leech on her A1 (even more heal) and if the hole run is fu***d up she has a team revive when she is the last survivor. If you book her, use your tomes one by one and stop when the A2 and A3 are fully booked. The A1 gets only a damage increase you don't need. You can't decide wich skill is booked, but maybe the rng is with you, so you could save some books.

Uugo can carrie your team through a lot of dungeon content. When you equip her, forget about the damage she deals by herself, her main job is support. Give her accuracy to land the debuffs and make her fast. Atk, critrate and critdamage don't matter.

I use Uugo on my Ice Golem stage 20 and my Dragon stage 20 team, in Arena and a lot of DT stages. Fantastic champ, definetly worth lvl 60 and some books.


Oh, and keep your epics. I see, you leveled up a lot of Incubus and other uncommens that serve as food in the tavern - the right thing to do. But seeing Magnar, Lodric, Sandlashed and other epics between these food-champs, I get a little bit afraid.

And, as we are at champions to keep, don't use champs from the Rhazin fusion as food. I've seen some of them in your screenshot.

Aug 27, 2021, 15:1108/27/21
Aug 27, 2021, 15:15(edited)

I would definetly go with Uugo as next lvl 60. She can debuff your enemies, remove debuffs from your team and heals, she puts out leech on her A1 (even more heal) and if the hole run is fu***d up she has a team revive when she is the last survivor. If you book her, use your tomes one by one and stop when the A2 and A3 are fully booked. The A1 gets only a damage increase you don't need. You can't decide wich skill is booked, but maybe the rng is with you, so you could save some books.

Uugo can carrie your team through a lot of dungeon content. When you equip her, forget about the damage she deals by herself, her main job is support. Give her accuracy to land the debuffs and make her fast. Atk, critrate and critdamage don't matter.

I use Uugo on my Ice Golem stage 20 and my Dragon stage 20 team, in Arena and a lot of DT stages. Fantastic champ, definetly worth lvl 60 and some books.


Oh, and keep your epics. I see, you leveled up a lot of Incubus and other uncommens that serve as food in the tavern - the right thing to do. But seeing Magnar, Lodric, Sandlashed and other epics between these food-champs, I get a little bit afraid.

And, as we are at champions to keep, don't use champs from the Rhazin fusion as food. I've seen some of them in your screenshot.

Thanks for worrying. They are not for food. I just took them out of vault to show what i have. And thankyou for answer, now i know what to do next

Aug 27, 2021, 18:3308/27/21

You have some beast level champs. I would get Foli to 60 first. He can singlehandedly carry you to Gold 4 in Arena. Khatun is also a very good choice, though depending on how close you are to Arbiter you may want to hold off. As mentioned earlier Uugo is a great Dungeon champ, very good for Arena as well. Sandlashed is great for Clan Boss. And last but not least, if you happen to have a Frozen Banshee lurking in your vault, she'd be perfect for a CB team as well.

Aug 27, 2021, 19:1508/27/21
Aug 27, 2021, 19:16(edited)

I agree with Skadi, Uugo is excellent. I would make her my next 60. Extremely powerful champ in dungeons and arena. I even used her in clan boss for a while, actually coupled with Klodd! With Ninja around to have laid down some HP burns, I think this team would have been much much better. :D


After you get Uugo to 60, I might recommend Klodd for his Increase Speed & Accuracy, his shields and his passive heals. A team of Kael, Ninja, Klodd, Uugo and a Decrease Def like Warmaiden could complete a lot of content from dungeons to early and mid DT. 

Good luck!

Aug 27, 2021, 19:2808/27/21

You have some beast level champs. I would get Foli to 60 first. He can singlehandedly carry you to Gold 4 in Arena. Khatun is also a very good choice, though depending on how close you are to Arbiter you may want to hold off. As mentioned earlier Uugo is a great Dungeon champ, very good for Arena as well. Sandlashed is great for Clan Boss. And last but not least, if you happen to have a Frozen Banshee lurking in your vault, she'd be perfect for a CB team as well.

Thanks for advice. If I understood correctly, first thing for progress i should farm artifacts. Correct me if i wrong. 

Team: Uugo, Khatun, Foli, Ninja and Kael looks decent if i right 

Aug 27, 2021, 19:4108/27/21

Personally, I feel your first objective should be to get at least Brutal CB on farm, even if it takes you four keys to do it - that'll unlock your ability to start collecting shards and books. The reason I suggested Foli first, though, is because Great Hall takes a loooooong time to upgrade, and getting at least a basic Arena team together is a pretty important start. Foli is a god in arena, but he's also quite good in dungeons. You can even use him on CB, although his effectiveness there is quite low - still, he can be your stun target in a pinch, because he un-stuns himself automatically.

Aug 27, 2021, 19:4308/27/21

I agree with Skadi, Uugo is excellent. I would make her my next 60. Extremely powerful champ in dungeons and arena. I even used her in clan boss for a while, actually coupled with Klodd! With Ninja around to have laid down some HP burns, I think this team would have been much much better. :D


After you get Uugo to 60, I might recommend Klodd for his Increase Speed & Accuracy, his shields and his passive heals. A team of Kael, Ninja, Klodd, Uugo and a Decrease Def like Warmaiden could complete a lot of content from dungeons to early and mid DT. 

Good luck!

When I was thinking who focus next, Uugo or Klodd, i chouse Klodd because of his bufs Accuracy. I thought it was better cuz i can less focus on Accuracy in my first artifacts. Apparently i was wrong

Aug 27, 2021, 20:0408/27/21

When I was thinking who focus next, Uugo or Klodd, i chouse Klodd because of his bufs Accuracy. I thought it was better cuz i can less focus on Accuracy in my first artifacts. Apparently i was wrong

They are BOTH great champs. Both deserve a 60, and will help your two DPS champs you've already built. I would personally recommend Uugo to 60 first because when booked she decreases def at 100% and blocks buffs! Very strong on a champ. Stronger yet on a champ who also cleanses, revives and heals.

I would personally wait on Foli until you've finished the support champs you need to effectively push dungeons. You have DPS covered with Kael and Ninja. Kael can nuke for Arena. Sure, Foli is ultimately better, but you have already have someone who is quite good at the Arena Nuke role in Kael. And he can do it for a long time while you finish out Klodd and Uugo.

My dungeon running and DT team for you would be High Khatun (for speed aura), Klodd, Uugo, Ninja and Kael. I would also use that team in Clan Boss, to be honest. I ran High Khatun for a long time just at 50.