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Need some help with team building

Need some help with team building

Aug 25, 2021, 11:0308/25/21

Need some help with team building

Hey guys. I'm f2p and here's my roster. There are enough good champs as for f2p I guess, but I'm only dragon 13 auto 14 manually, Ice Golem 13 manually (not everytime) and FK only 9. CB hard 5.5m/key (RG, Aox, Aothar, Painkeeper, Ninja). So just yesterday I found out to go Dragon with my CB team, but only with Zargala instead of Ninja, so I cleared lvl 14. That's why I think other dungeons and CB also can be done better some way. I'd like to add Frozen Banshee in CB team, but don't know what champ to put away. Generally, I need some advice for all my dungeon teams

Forgot to mention, RG, Zargala, Bellower got books (some not for all skills, but the main ones) and T6 masteries. Elhain and Soulbond Bowyer booked too. Now I'm booking Painkeeper and Basher



Aug 25, 2021, 14:2808/25/21
Aug 25, 2021, 14:29(edited)

You have a lot of really nice champs in your roster, worth lvl 60.You have to do much more campaign 12-3 instead of dungeons for now. Lvl up your champs, lvl 50 champs don't shine in high level content.

Especially for CB, a lot of damage comes from Warmaster/Giantslayer masteries. Your champs have to be lvl 60 to unlock these masteries. Furthermore a lot of healing can be done with the named masteries and life leech sets or a leech debuff at the CB.

On the long hand, Frozen Banshee should replace Aothar in your team. They do basically the same (poison), but FB does it better. 

But I think FB can wait a little bit, my next champ to max would probably be Aox. He does some poison, but his other skills are the key for your team. You really want decrease atk on the CB, he heals a bit and his passive (debuff extension) is great.

Later on Fenax and Mordecai are worth lvl 60 as well. Fenax is the Ice Golem killer. Indeed he kills not the Golem himself, but his sidekicks. Fenax A1 hits like a truck (damage multiplier 4.1 x atk, 1454 base atk and double hit if the target has any debuff [basically every time a double hit, your team should be able to put any debuff on somebody]). And his A1 has block revive, if he kills the Golem's minions, they stay dead. I recommend to forget about his debuffs, build him damage only and disable his A2 and A3 in the team setup.

Mordecai is the spider exterminator with his Hp-burn on all enemies. Great strategy vs. Spider in higher dungeon levels: Hp-burn on all Spiderlings, keep the turnmeter of the big Spider down (Armiger, Soulbond Bowyer for example) and wait.

Aug 25, 2021, 17:5508/25/21

Thanks, that's what I needed. Had no idea about Fenax and Mordecai, just threw them in vault thinking they are not realy worth investing much earlier in the game.

So Frozen Banshee is good as solo poisoner? I thought she's more like a support to some poison champ, but maybe there would be too much debuffs

Aug 25, 2021, 22:0008/25/21

Are  you  close  to  making  Rhazin?

Aug 26, 2021, 05:1208/26/21

another thing to consider is that a great many players simply do not know how to build champs. having the gear is one thing but make sure your champs are geared well in addition to 60ing them. speed main stat boots, proper HP%/atk%/def% main stat chest as needed, and crit or hp%/def% main stat gloves as needed. 

Aug 26, 2021, 06:3108/26/21

Rhazin is 10/16, only champions from shards left

My 6 stars are build with 100% crit rate, crit damage is about 80-100%. I still don't have crit damage amulets on them now. Then prioritizing speed and main stat/accuracy. Maybe more speed rolls will be better, because now I'm searching for crit rate boost roll