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For Plarium... players = wallets

For Plarium... players = wallets

Aug 25, 2021, 01:0208/25/21

For Plarium... players = wallets

But hey guess what Plarium, players are real persons !!

We are not zombies who like to waste money and be scammed.

Seriously... everything is already nerfed as hell in your game. Every single pack cost an arm in your stupid store.

Seriously... did you really have to remove a monthly sacred and chicken too ?

1 PER MONTH !! This is too much for you ??

The only decent free stuff left and you had to also remove it.

Edited by Moderator. Criticism is fine, but lets watch our language on a public forum.

Aug 25, 2021, 01:2108/25/21

I think that work for all companys.

Aug 25, 2021, 02:5708/25/21

My biggest problems are the cost of raising armor past 12 and the difficulty of getting legendary companions.

As to the cost of raising armor I a week or so ago I spent over 4 million in silver to raise an armor from 15 to 16 and never did get it raised.  Don't you think that might be just a bit over the top?

As to legendary companions, I was looking over the advice as to which legendary champs I should use against the tough guys in the Doom Tower.  There wasn't one that was recommended that I had. I am level 61 and I have 7 legendary champions, not one from a shard.  I suspect that this is all intended to make me want to spend money on the game.  Well, that is how they keep this game running but I think that it is just too tight.

OracleCommunity Manager
Aug 25, 2021, 15:5508/25/21

Hi, So Fly ! Your frustration is absolutely understandable. However, I should mention that we aim for a balance between f2p-players and those who make in-game purchases because it provides the stability necessary for a product to develop and become better over time.

The changes to the daily login program are just a minor tweak in the overall game economy balance; the new Champion Cleopterix is supposed to help players to get acquainted with the new Hex mechanics. 

Thank you for your time to express your opinion, I appreciate that. 

Aug 26, 2021, 06:4808/26/21

Hi, So Fly ! Your frustration is absolutely understandable. However, I should mention that we aim for a balance between f2p-players and those who make in-game purchases because it provides the stability necessary for a product to develop and become better over time.

The changes to the daily login program are just a minor tweak in the overall game economy balance; the new Champion Cleopterix is supposed to help players to get acquainted with the new Hex mechanics. 

Thank you for your time to express your opinion, I appreciate that. 

You scratch 4 sacred shards and 5*-chickens to award a sub-standard leggo to get the player acquainted with the Hex mechanics? 

Wow...and I thought that could be done easily with kind of ..a description. How should players become familiar with Hexes, if the leggo you give the players to play with is inferior to the leggos tha player already have? At 390 days of gameplay I assume they have several others which are vastly superior to Cleo...

Why should Cleo even leave the vault? To understand how Hex works? And you need to login 4 months, play the game for more than 1 year to get a champ to try to understand Hex? I think you are vastly underestimating the players intelligence here. The normal one would understand the mechanics of Hex within reading a description for 5 minutes!

Aug 26, 2021, 07:2908/26/21
Aug 26, 2021, 07:30(edited)

All companies need to make money and for a mobile game that has to be by some sort of 'money for perks' scheme.

The question is - do they have the balance right?

It is without doubt that some of the changes (such as changing log in rewards) are designed to make it harder to get shards for ftp- that is such a crappy change especially for players that cant get top chest on the cb

Its also obvious that some of the other changes make shards worth more.

But ftp is still very doable, im ftp and making progress.... getting 2 x unm chests a day 2 x nm a day is the biggest thing to make ftp playable in my mind.

The problems i see are twofold.

1) They dont hide at all how p2win the game, i think its important to give the illusion that skill is the main factor.

2) I dont mind spending on gaming, but the cost of most of the items (sacred shards etc) is just insane...when i see these packs valuing sacred shards at 15 dollars each ..i always wonder who the heck is buying them. 

Aug 26, 2021, 20:0708/26/21
Aug 26, 2021, 20:15(edited)

Hi, So Fly ! Your frustration is absolutely understandable. However, I should mention that we aim for a balance between f2p-players and those who make in-game purchases because it provides the stability necessary for a product to develop and become better over time.

The changes to the daily login program are just a minor tweak in the overall game economy balance; the new Champion Cleopterix is supposed to help players to get acquainted with the new Hex mechanics. 

Thank you for your time to express your opinion, I appreciate that. 

Why are you spouting such nonesense?  You KNOW this game is whale centric.  I am a whale and I know when a game is aimed at me. It is, in fact, the most p2w game I have ever seen and with CvC you have made it even more so.  It has become known as WvW (Wallet vs Wallet) because of how it has been turned into a revenue generation tool...I have been online, multi-player gaming since 1988 (Gemstone III on Genie).  I have even done a short and not very successful stint as a proffessional gamer in World of Tanks.  This is the worst and most blatent p2w I have seen in 30+ years.

Plarium needs to get in touch with the community.  But it feels like they don't care to do so, unless it would increase those profit margins.

Here's an idea, stop spending tens of millions on big dollar advertising, hire some compitent developers, fix the stupid little problems that have plagued this game from day one (Champion notification dots anyone?) and fix this game instead of creating more money making content.

You added 3v3 arena without making arena work in a way that was beneficial to both f2p and whales.

You added CvC without first fixing 3v3 and basic arena.

You 'improved' CvC without fixing a damned thing!

Bottom line - Fix what you have before you add more revenue generating features. AND if you have to toe the corporate line with obvious pandering, just don't respond...

Aug 27, 2021, 00:0608/27/21

Why are you spouting such nonesense?  You KNOW this game is whale centric.  I am a whale and I know when a game is aimed at me. It is, in fact, the most p2w game I have ever seen and with CvC you have made it even more so.  It has become known as WvW (Wallet vs Wallet) because of how it has been turned into a revenue generation tool...I have been online, multi-player gaming since 1988 (Gemstone III on Genie).  I have even done a short and not very successful stint as a proffessional gamer in World of Tanks.  This is the worst and most blatent p2w I have seen in 30+ years.

Plarium needs to get in touch with the community.  But it feels like they don't care to do so, unless it would increase those profit margins.

Here's an idea, stop spending tens of millions on big dollar advertising, hire some compitent developers, fix the stupid little problems that have plagued this game from day one (Champion notification dots anyone?) and fix this game instead of creating more money making content.

You added 3v3 arena without making arena work in a way that was beneficial to both f2p and whales.

You added CvC without first fixing 3v3 and basic arena.

You 'improved' CvC without fixing a damned thing!

Bottom line - Fix what you have before you add more revenue generating features. AND if you have to toe the corporate line with obvious pandering, just don't respond...


Aug 27, 2021, 01:4308/27/21

Hi, So Fly ! Your frustration is absolutely understandable. However, I should mention that we aim for a balance between f2p-players and those who make in-game purchases because it provides the stability necessary for a product to develop and become better over time.

The changes to the daily login program are just a minor tweak in the overall game economy balance; the new Champion Cleopterix is supposed to help players to get acquainted with the new Hex mechanics. 

Thank you for your time to express your opinion, I appreciate that. 

Oh my soul, what is this. 

" I should mention that we aim for a balance between f2p-players and those who make in-game purchases because it provides the stability necessary for a product to develop and become better over time." 

I understand what every single word means. However I no idea what this wordy sentence means. Can you break it down or rephrase please. The reference to balance between f2p & whales is exactly what has been imbalanced I would suggest with the removal of the 5* chicken & sacred shard. If the company must do this for whatever twisted logic then do it with anything else ie glyphs, amulets, brews. Next, I have no idea how it provides stability for a product to develop let alone become better over time. That just reads like meaningless corporate jargon. So you are empowering me to have some buy in on a core competancy that is scalable with corporate best practice, waffle waffle.

"The changes to the daily login program are just a minor tweak in the overall game economy balance" - No, to me & the majority of other players who comment here, the youtubers, the facebook users, its a major tweak. 

'the new Champion Cleopterix is supposed to help players to get acquainted with the new Hex mechanics.' - I am yet to get my first 10 fragments & I get 25 a month if I log in every day so that is 4 months away minimum before I first  get to use it let alone upgrade, decently gear or god forbid ascend & book. Thanks for assuming I will still be here in 4-5 months & thanks for letting me & the rest of the community know than this Hex mechanics is going to be a big thing in 4-5 months time. But nah that isnt what you really meant or is going to happen is it. Like dude the company is saying to me/us right now that hex is going to to be important in 5 months time, lol, seriously.

As for me personally a little while ago i pulled my free monthly sacred & got Misc Monster. Yeah I think I was lucky, blessed even. Know this - I would have prefered to take my chances with those 4 sacred shards than work towards this Cleo that is being forced on me. I might have said nothing but certainly less if it had universal fragments that I could use because this f2p non autoclicker player couldnt complete  those other fragment summons.  

Aug 27, 2021, 19:0508/27/21

Hi, So Fly ! Your frustration is absolutely understandable. However, I should mention that we aim for a balance between f2p-players and those who make in-game purchases because it provides the stability necessary for a product to develop and become better over time.

The changes to the daily login program are just a minor tweak in the overall game economy balance; the new Champion Cleopterix is supposed to help players to get acquainted with the new Hex mechanics. 

Thank you for your time to express your opinion, I appreciate that. 

This is utter crap, there's 28 other slots you could have used to get us "acquainted" with the Hex mechanic.

Aug 27, 2021, 19:2808/27/21

Or they could've just inserted another month with a guaranteed hex champion and made the repeating cycle 301+ days. They like comparing it to Scyl and the other free champions, but apparently don't want to treat it the same way. I very much doubt it's just an accident that they did it the way they did, and the removal of some very specific free items, the shard in particular, very much speaks against the idea that they just wanted to help people learn about the hex debuff. That would've been quite easy to do without changing anything in the repeating cycle.

I suspect that the long term plan is to introduce more relatively pointless token skills and then content that forces people to build teams that utilize said skills. Currently, hex is the most generic, unspecific one available, given that the hex debuff by itself doesn't actually mean anything. Just look at the in-game guide for debuffs, and each will have a strict definition of what its effect is, except hex which more or less says "it does... something, probably". It is however something you can largely ignore, which is certainly a good thing because few champions use it and fewer still use it well. But if you force people to use it, well, they're going to have to get those shards to get those very specific champions to get past that very specific content that they introduce.

Aug 27, 2021, 23:1608/27/21

Plarium know well why they remove shards and chikens...seems too many f2p players get they legos from fussions, so they want to make summon rushes twice harder, that this players to spend money for may work, if there was a dupe system....but there is none, so no point buy shards only to get lego is free lego, but as i say before, lego no one need really...compared to Ma'Shalled this lego is just a crap, and we all know it...what we are not happy is that you take us 4 chances for some decent hero, just because you like bird-womans and want to increase they population...let me suggest - give us lego with AOE CS or Unkillable, things we need really - in this way all people will become more concurent on CB - only way untill now to get Sacred Shard and Lego tome...but i dont believe you wil do such thing...its became really wallet vs wallet go forth rich people, im not concurent here, in my country people work for 400 EU monthly, so no point  even to try to participate....last post and bye my rich friends, i will find something i can afford to play...

Aug 30, 2021, 13:2508/30/21

Hi, So Fly ! Your frustration is absolutely understandable. However, I should mention that we aim for a balance between f2p-players and those who make in-game purchases because it provides the stability necessary for a product to develop and become better over time.

The changes to the daily login program are just a minor tweak in the overall game economy balance; the new Champion Cleopterix is supposed to help players to get acquainted with the new Hex mechanics. 

Thank you for your time to express your opinion, I appreciate that. 

I'm not picking on you Oracle, because every Plarium employee seems to be giving out the same responses, but...

Responses like this are insulting to everyone who plays this game. First, it's not a secret that there isn't much f2p/p2w balance in this game. It's not even close. Second, taking away 4x sacreds and 4x 5* chickens from your longtime players is NOT a minor tweak. Not for the playerbase it's not, and certainy not for your f2p players. When you talk about balance, and then make a change that does nothing but mostly hurt your f2p players (this change doesn't hurt whales as much), you loose all credibility.

Plarium could have given us Cleo the same way we got High Katun, Scyl, Dark Elhain, etc. on day 300, and the 271+ Days would have been bumped to 301+ Days, they chose not to do this. They chose to take the best rewards a player can get for free away from it's playerbase. Period.

The fact that Plarium is digging their heels in the ground on this one just makes it worse. I honestly can not imagine how Plarium could have screwed this up any more than they have.

Aug 30, 2021, 13:4508/30/21

I'm not picking on you Oracle, because every Plarium employee seems to be giving out the same responses, but...

Responses like this are insulting to everyone who plays this game. First, it's not a secret that there isn't much f2p/p2w balance in this game. It's not even close. Second, taking away 4x sacreds and 4x 5* chickens from your longtime players is NOT a minor tweak. Not for the playerbase it's not, and certainy not for your f2p players. When you talk about balance, and then make a change that does nothing but mostly hurt your f2p players (this change doesn't hurt whales as much), you loose all credibility.

Plarium could have given us Cleo the same way we got High Katun, Scyl, Dark Elhain, etc. on day 300, and the 271+ Days would have been bumped to 301+ Days, they chose not to do this. They chose to take the best rewards a player can get for free away from it's playerbase. Period.

The fact that Plarium is digging their heels in the ground on this one just makes it worse. I honestly can not imagine how Plarium could have screwed this up any more than they have.

Why do you expect them to do things to encourage f2p?  

Aug 30, 2021, 20:2508/30/21

Why do you expect them to do things to encourage f2p?  

In a perfect world for plarium, millions would be pay to play players.

In reality, if a game becomes unviable for f2p players then they lose paying players too, since p2win players no longer have people to beat up and the feeling of being superior in a popular game.

Not saying we are there yet, but games like this do need f2p players to make the numbers of players seem impressive.