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Midgame: I have too many debuffers!  Help fix my teams?

Midgame: I have too many debuffers! Help fix my teams?

Aug 24, 2021, 23:5608/24/21

Midgame: I have too many debuffers! Help fix my teams?

Hi, all.  Thanks in advance.

I was super excited to get Dhukk the Pierced this morning, then realized that not only does his skills overlap with my already debuff-heavy group of 60's - but that the reason I'm not progressing is probably I'm bringing too many debuffers to the party. 

My booked/mastered 60's:  Ninja, Kael, Royal Guard, Maneater, Bellower, Warmaiden, Armiger, Frozen Banshee. 4 of those have decrease defense, 2 have decrease attack, 2 have decrease speed. 

On the bench, I've got even more debuffers that I was about to level up: Armina, High Khatun, Dhukk, Alure, Jotun.  And even though these are all highly ranked champions, I'm realizing I have a problem. 

I need to farm gear more than I need perfection right now - I'm not getting far with Fire Knight, so I figure Dragon and Spider for a while.  But I want to get the right team for those leveled and geared with the best I've got.  What's missing from the core roster is healers, rezzers, good buffers. Rector Drath and/or Old Hermit Jorrg may be worth levelling.  Heck, my Diabolist is even starting to look pretty good as a buffer.  I don't have Coldheart or Apothecary (not for lack of trying).

Current Teams: 

Dragon: Royal Guard, Bellower, Kael, Frozen Banshee, Warmaiden (too much defense decrease). 

Spider: Maneater, Royal Guard, Armiger, Kael, Ninja /Bellower

Next 60's to balance me out?  And who should be on the teams? (and if you're feeling generous, my clan boss team is a mess, with the same crew)


Aug 25, 2021, 00:2408/25/21

I'm also a few days from getting Yaga the Insatiable, if that matters.

Aug 25, 2021, 00:3908/25/21

Nothing wrong with leveling Dhukk. He is quite quite strong and will do a great job replacing Warmaiden as a tougher AoE Decrease Defense that ALSO Decreases Attack.

I would NOT build out Yaga under any circumstances.

Aug 25, 2021, 06:5708/25/21
Aug 25, 2021, 07:02(edited)

Do not put resources into Yaga, he is a trap. Not a good champ.

From what I see. I would focus on leveling up Magnar (huge AoE nuke, I mena like huuuuuuuge nuke), High Khatun (great speed champ, and is way better than diabolist), Alure (she is pretty much a must for Fire knight), Dhuk (great champ overal)

Not necessarily in that order.

What level of dragon / spider are you currently at?

Aug 25, 2021, 13:2908/25/21

Spider 12/13 (I'm not winning 13 consistently), Dragon 15.  Stage 11 fire knight only because I can't get past the shield, I have GREAT turn manipulation in Armiger and Maneater - which should serve me well in spider, but the spiderlings keep killing me.

I feel like I should be a few stages higher, being able to bring fully mastered/booked/ascended champs to the table.  Worried that my team comp is the problem.  I'm out of epic books, but I want to start building toward viable teams.

Aug 26, 2021, 11:1408/26/21

i think i would use ninja in dragon as well instead of WM. 

I would use the next weeks to get my masteries up, and build a CB team instead, since CB = shards (and books) = better champions. The gear will follow. 

For CB i think Aox could be a good choice, he can help u at dragon/golem too

On long term u will need speed/tm control at spider since u cannot nuke the spider down all way to 20.

So advise: farm minotaur and optimize CB team. 

U dont have all the perfect champs for CB atm, however decent champs might be:

Kael (damage and poison)

Ninja (damage)

Aox (debuff extend) 

The last 3 could be providing: 

decrease def/weaken

protection (do not underestimate increase def buff)

Ofc. there are some champs providing extra, like ally-attack and counterattack champs if u get some of those.

Honorable mensions: 

Coffin smasher (decrease attack/hpburn,,, but Aox can give u the dec-attack)

I dont know all champs u have, so i might have overlooked something

Aug 26, 2021, 11:4208/26/21

It's funny how you wrote that post and somehow managed to not say a word about the best debuffer in your roster... do take another look at Tomb Lord, for CB as well as dungeons. 

For your CB team, I assume you're aware that you should keep an eye out for the rare void Painkeeper, since you can build an unkillable team around Maneater and PK then? 

But yeah, for next 60 I'd say Rector Drath. Your Dragon team lacks support - replacing Warmaiden by Tomb Lord or Dhukk would obviously help a lot already, but even after that, you should probably switch one of RG/Kael/Bellower for Drath (not sure which one, you could make arguments for all three). 

Aug 26, 2021, 15:3608/26/21

All my 60's above are booked and fully mastered. 

Indeed, Tomb Lord is interesting - but as with most, he's just not booked.  Indeed, I know if I get Painkeeper I go to a whole new level with clan boss - I love Maneater, and probably overuse him if anything. 

So, I pushed Rector Drath to 60.  I'll be slow to book her, but I'm chugging through masteries already.  So...with what I have, any thoughts for team composition?  Spider/Dragon/Clan Boss?