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Something wrong with Conellia AI.

Something wrong with Conellia AI.

Aug 24, 2021, 15:1208/24/21

Something wrong with Conellia AI.

At least on my account; she does the following ONLY:

If in leader spot, she will cast her A3 on herself only, even if shes full health, and an ally isnt.

If not in leader spot, she will cast her A3 only on the leader position, regardless of health.

I also find that if shes not injured, somebody else is, A3 is off cooldown, she will use her A1 and not heal at all.

With her as lead, doomtower some level of 3 waves, she was the only one who could heal by skill, she did 93k healing on herself only, she died twice, got resurrected by Altan, I took it off auto before her turn to check if her heal was off cd, it was, put it back on auto and she used A1, then died the next turn again. Altan did 82k healing from Bloodthirst only.

Very sad for a fusion.

Aug 24, 2021, 23:3208/24/21

I haven't finished building her yet. Anyone else having issues with her?

Aug 25, 2021, 09:1708/25/21
Aug 25, 2021, 09:41(edited)

I observed the same as the thread-op described while levelling her at the Minotaurus. 

If not in lead she allways starts with her A2 to put enemies to sleep (what is good) and then, as scond move, she puts her A3 on the team-leader - even if he is completely undamaged and didn't had his turn so far. Her move was completely wasted, "healing" an uninjured person, and the teamleader lost his move as well due to the sleep debuff.

If in lead she still uses her A2 first (good), then puts the A3 on herself - even if she is at full health.

The above described was in the wave content at stage 1 and 2 of the fight. At stage 3 (the boss) it was even worse - she never used her healing A3 here, even if it was aviable (no cooldown) and somebody was injured and should be healed.

The champ is complete trash on auto. You can only use her doing the fights manually.

Pic 1 shows that her A3 is not in cooldown. Pic 2 was taken after her turn on auto. She used her A1 instead of healing somebody with her A3. For what reason do I need a healer that doesn't heal anybody?



Aug 25, 2021, 16:3308/25/21

Thanks Skadi. I appreciate you testing it. I will pass this along.