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Aug 23, 2021, 07:3108/23/21


I just want to put this out there because I just wanted those people, you'll know who you are when I'm done, out there that use Paragon, they are cowards, straight-out cowards who hide behind Champs that use the one and only talent they have that is worth nothing except to keep themselves alive because they can't fight battles on their own with the champions they have because they are horrible at this game. To hide behind Paragon and to continously use his one talent to not be killed. To continuously use it over and over to keep yourself alive aned in a game you have no idea how to play. Yes it is frustrating to go up against players like you but as frustrating as it may be I will still destroy you and your champion because I have the desire to play this game and not hide behind one champion. So go ahead laugh at how much you have frustrated me and how long it takes me to end the battle. Know this, I will not stop attacking I will not stop for one second because i know in the end I will win and you will lose. So go ahead and laugh your little childish cowardly laugh for you may get the first one but I, I will get the last and the triumphant laugh of watching your champion do absolutely nothing for you.

Aug 23, 2021, 08:3008/23/21

Let me have a guess: you ran into a single champ Paragon boobytrap noobytrap in the arena.

Take the experience. And I'm not talking about exp-points in game, but the player-experience. We all had arena fights like this when we started the game. Raid has much more complex strategy than you will think on the first look.

Paragon can easily be beaten with champs that remove debuffs. Skinner (Skinwalkers, campaign farmable in Act 2) is a good first start for that ability. You want that debuff removing ability among your champs anyway for the Magic Potion Keep. Later on you will get better champs with that ability than Skinner, but he should be good enough for the start. If you ever meet such a single Paragon again in Arena, throw in your debuff removing champ and take your easy victory.

Aug 23, 2021, 09:1008/23/21

Skadi, I know there are a lot of ways to defeat Paragon, and as I said in my comment, they may frustrate me for the time being but that was it. I fought, lost some time, I won, they lost. Moral of the story, their stratagy didn't work, mine did. But thanks again for reminding me that there are still Champs out there that can strip another Champ of their Buffs or get around another Champs Buffs.