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Tormin- use outside arena

Tormin- use outside arena

Aug 20, 2021, 16:3808/20/21

Tormin- use outside arena

Hi All

Pulled all my ancients, got a tonne of dupes (7 epics and every one a dupe, how is that always the way, hey ho)

Then rage pulled a void.

I Finally pulled a void lego, visix would have been the worst to pull, but tormin is my second worst choice...i am really annoyed that i broke my mercy for him.

Arena is so easy i dont need to mess. Ive finished dwarf faction there any use for this guy?

I thought maybe tag arena - do people put him in speed nuke teams instead of a second turn booster? if used on defence wont people just use dark elhain? Is he any use on doom tower maybe?

I have an entire vault full of legos and epics i dont use, thinking its time to clean it out.


Aug 20, 2021, 16:4208/20/21

The rest of us are cursing you for cursing pulling Tormin :)

Unless you have just a ton of awesome champs, I can't see any reason not to use him on one of your 3v3 teams. Heck, I can't see any reason not to use him on your main arena team either. He's 100% worth putting on arena defence at very least, but he's also just amazing period for arena. He completely shuts down speed nuke teams. He should definitely be one of your saved teams to counter those speed nuke teams you can't out-race.

Aug 20, 2021, 16:4608/20/21

Build  his  crit  and  cdmg,  put  in  a  stun  set  and  pair  him  with  an  aoe  hp burn  if  you  have  issues  clearing  waves  of  something

Aug 20, 2021, 16:4708/20/21

The rest of us are cursing you for cursing pulling Tormin :)

Unless you have just a ton of awesome champs, I can't see any reason not to use him on one of your 3v3 teams. Heck, I can't see any reason not to use him on your main arena team either. He's 100% worth putting on arena defence at very least, but he's also just amazing period for arena. He completely shuts down speed nuke teams. He should definitely be one of your saved teams to counter those speed nuke teams you can't out-race.

Not sure how to use in arena, seriously

Currently i run a very fast arbiter, into a fast seeker for a big turn meter boost, then i debuff and my slow nuker hits....if facing a single turn meter team i might take seeker out and put fu-shan in for extra damage and the stuns.

Would i take out my second turn meter (seeker) and put him in there, denying turn meter boost to the opponent for defence?

So run arbiter, turn meter, debuff, nuke with tormin sitting there for his passive?

And isnt dark elhain or immunity set a counter?

And i know i seem ungrateful, it just took so long to get a void lego lol, and for one glorious moment i thought i was getting a krisk 😂

Aug 20, 2021, 16:5708/20/21

I use Tormin in Doom Tower all the way up to 120. (Some places I replace him, especially those Dark Elhain stages), he is an absolute monster of a champ.

Paired with Elder Skarg there's little issue on the waves, beating everything on auto.

Amazing champ. 

Aug 20, 2021, 17:2008/20/21

You folks and your Tormins. Def not jealous, not jealous at all.

Aug 20, 2021, 17:2108/20/21
Trevor Wilson

Not sure how to use in arena, seriously

Currently i run a very fast arbiter, into a fast seeker for a big turn meter boost, then i debuff and my slow nuker hits....if facing a single turn meter team i might take seeker out and put fu-shan in for extra damage and the stuns.

Would i take out my second turn meter (seeker) and put him in there, denying turn meter boost to the opponent for defence?

So run arbiter, turn meter, debuff, nuke with tormin sitting there for his passive?

And isnt dark elhain or immunity set a counter?

And i know i seem ungrateful, it just took so long to get a void lego lol, and for one glorious moment i thought i was getting a krisk 😂

I wouldn't replace your current team setup. Tormin doesn't fit into your speed nuke team. His purpose is to be there for teams you can't win the race against.

I don't know what speed you have on your Arbiter, personally I have 307 speed, and I usually avoid other teams with double speed boosters because it's just too much of a coinflip. But if I had Tormin I'd 100% put him in with a team vs those.

Assuming you have Rhazin, an example of a great arena team with Tormin would be Rhazin lead, Miscreated Monster (or some other HP-based champ) in a Shield set, Brogni, and Tormin, all running 300+ resist. You'll just rip apart other speed nuke teams.

And, yes, Dark Elhain counters Tormin - but that's not really a big deal. You win against pretty much every other speed nuke comp.

Aug 20, 2021, 17:2708/20/21
Aug 20, 2021, 17:30(edited)

I wouldn't replace your current team setup. Tormin doesn't fit into your speed nuke team. His purpose is to be there for teams you can't win the race against.

I don't know what speed you have on your Arbiter, personally I have 307 speed, and I usually avoid other teams with double speed boosters because it's just too much of a coinflip. But if I had Tormin I'd 100% put him in with a team vs those.

Assuming you have Rhazin, an example of a great arena team with Tormin would be Rhazin lead, Miscreated Monster (or some other HP-based champ) in a Shield set, Brogni, and Tormin, all running 300+ resist. You'll just rip apart other speed nuke teams.

And, yes, Dark Elhain counters Tormin - but that's not really a big deal. You win against pretty much every other speed nuke comp.

My arbiter is 331 speed (not amazing, but decent) and i always attack teams with lyss or fu shan, gorg or any speed lead less than 30% 

In tag team i run rhazin, mountain king, miscreated, scyl as my 3rd team .... i could take scyl out maybe and run tormin 

Aug 20, 2021, 17:2908/20/21

I use Tormin in Doom Tower all the way up to 120. (Some places I replace him, especially those Dark Elhain stages), he is an absolute monster of a champ.

Paired with Elder Skarg there's little issue on the waves, beating everything on auto.

Amazing champ. 

Thanks, i dont have elder skarg, but i do have an achak i keep meaning to level, they might pair nicely?

Aug 20, 2021, 18:2908/20/21
Aug 20, 2021, 18:30(edited)

During my early to mid game progression, I build him as a nuker. I used him to clear nightmare campaign. And if I remember it right, I also used him in some of my early teams in stages of Ice Golem. 

And before I get Arbiter, I run Gorgorab, Doomscreech (being the fastest in my team), Drex and Tormin (both of them are build as damage dealers) in my offense as my speed nuke team. I don't use decrease defense that time as I know I am not able to have good accuracy so I have 2 damage dealers instead. 

Aug 20, 2021, 18:4008/20/21
Trevor Wilson

My arbiter is 331 speed (not amazing, but decent) and i always attack teams with lyss or fu shan, gorg or any speed lead less than 30% 

In tag team i run rhazin, mountain king, miscreated, scyl as my 3rd team .... i could take scyl out maybe and run tormin 

331 is quite good, and I'd guess you probably do win the speed race most of the time then. However, you can probably also go up against 30% lead teams - at 331 you'll win probably around 75% of the speed races. The 25% you lose, you can run the Tormin team instead. Rhaz, MK, Tormin, Scyl would be very, very strong.

Aug 20, 2021, 18:5308/20/21
Trevor Wilson

Thanks, i dont have elder skarg, but i do have an achak i keep meaning to level, they might pair nicely?

Any aoe hp burn champ will do well paired with him. However Elder Skarg is the best since he has other things attached to him (taunt/fear etc etc) for DT specifically. 

I built mine in Stun gear focusing on crit / crit damage and def with 250 speed, 250 crit dmg. I also use him in 3v3, arena and FW.

Aug 20, 2021, 20:4008/20/21

The rest of us are cursing you for cursing pulling Tormin :)

Unless you have just a ton of awesome champs, I can't see any reason not to use him on one of your 3v3 teams. Heck, I can't see any reason not to use him on your main arena team either. He's 100% worth putting on arena defence at very least, but he's also just amazing period for arena. He completely shuts down speed nuke teams. He should definitely be one of your saved teams to counter those speed nuke teams you can't out-race.

Shuts out speed nukes?

My leorious/dark elhain would like to speak with you about that.

He is still a top tier arena defense champion imo and wouldn't mind having one myself.

Aug 20, 2021, 20:5008/20/21

Shuts out speed nukes?

My leorious/dark elhain would like to speak with you about that.

He is still a top tier arena defense champion imo and wouldn't mind having one myself.

Thats the thing, to be honest i just skip tormin and mashalled teams in arena as im too lazy to bring dark elhain in for tormin and ...well i hate mashalled :)

If i put him in defence isnt he gonna get hit endlessly by people who are not too lazy to slot in dark elhain?

Aug 20, 2021, 21:1008/20/21
Trevor Wilson

Thats the thing, to be honest i just skip tormin and mashalled teams in arena as im too lazy to bring dark elhain in for tormin and ...well i hate mashalled :)

If i put him in defence isnt he gonna get hit endlessly by people who are not too lazy to slot in dark elhain?

Of the players who will potentially fight you, the percentage of them that are running Dark Elhain is quite small. And even if they are - honestly, who cares? Yeah she gets a bunch of bonus attacks, but the rest of her team is frozen, and she can't kill you on her own.

Aug 20, 2021, 21:3508/20/21
Trevor Wilson

Thats the thing, to be honest i just skip tormin and mashalled teams in arena as im too lazy to bring dark elhain in for tormin and ...well i hate mashalled :)

If i put him in defence isnt he gonna get hit endlessly by people who are not too lazy to slot in dark elhain?

It's one more thing to deter attackers. I used to ignore tormin teams, but after I leveled dark elhain they weren't as bad but still a nuisance to fight, and still not a free win as my accounts gear is bad.

Now I have two champions that are immune to him so I actually attack almost every single tormin team I see. Not sure how many people are in the boat where they want to fight him though tbh. Obviously the higher in G4 you go people are going to have bigger champion pools to shuffle in and out of comps, as well as higher ress and immunity sets.

I'm still gonna say he is a strong arena champion and as pointed out he can make waves in DT easier. Build him out if you have the food or don't have someone else you think will help more atm.