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CB fight: Steelskull vs Narma the Returned

CB fight: Steelskull vs Narma the Returned

Aug 20, 2021, 11:2608/20/21

CB fight: Steelskull vs Narma the Returned

It's no secret that legendary champs can be worse than epic or even rare champs. I want to tell my experiences with Steelskull and Narma. 

I use Steelskull for CB since 1 1 /2 year or even longer. Since Bad-el is part of the team 20 kk points at UNM CB are safe. Then I swapped Longbeard with Cardiel and the damage increased significantly even though I had to run without weaken debuff. Altan sets ATK decrease and Martyr DEF decrease. My dmg is now about 28 kk on average (best run at 33 kk, lowest result at 24 kk).  

To improve my damage with that kind of team I thought I do need a better poisoner. Narma is a bit like Steelskull because she brings some heal to the team as well and does that spider poison debuff plus debuff extender which could mean some more damage. So I equipped her with lifesteal (at the moment > 3.5 k DEF, ~50 k HP, ACC 312) and skilled her with WM. I was thinking about booking her, but decided to do some runs before booking her, 'cause 16 (!) books for one champ without knowing if there will be any improvement could or better would led to a medium-heavy mental crises. As a well-known Raid YouTuber often stated: "It's mental.".

The results are pretty disappointing which is no surprise but I am very relieved that I did not put 16 books into Narma. The not booked Narma does approx. 4 kk dmg, Steelskull (fully booked, wich is not relevant, 'cause he does his damage with his a1 only) does 8 to 10 kk dmg at the same numbers of CB fight rounds (28 to 32).

I do not believe that if Narma would be booked that she would overrun Steelekull in damage. Vers, very disappointing champ though Narma is meant to be a CB fighter.

Any statements form the forums community?

Aug 20, 2021, 13:0808/20/21

There is absolutely no reason why Steelskull would outdamage Narma. Without getting more info it's hard to know exactly why you're experiencing this, but Narma has higher multipliers on all of her attacks AND brings poisons. There must be other factors at play that you're not mentioning.

Aug 20, 2021, 14:3308/20/21

Unbooked Narma has a six turn cooldown between her posions from the A3, and only a 75% chance for landing them. A booked Steelskull just puts out more poison. 

Probably a booked Narma would win the duel, the cooldown decrease from 6 to 4 turns is massive, and 100% chance is a lot better than 75% for landing the debuffs.

On the other hand, I don't think the difference is worth 16 legendary books if you allready have a working team. Narma's big advantage is, that she can take two jobs at once, decr. attack and poison. Her decr. attack can be booked to 3 turn cooldown, lasting 2 turns, that is good enough, as the stun-hit from CB is not atk based, so 1 turn without debuff doesn't harm you (has to be the right turn, of course). If your team allready has a atk debuffer, Narma can't shine with her full power, her atk debuff potential is wasted.

Aug 20, 2021, 14:4208/20/21

Unbooked Narma has a six turn cooldown between her posions from the A3, and only a 75% chance for landing them. A booked Steelskull just puts out more poison. 

Probably a booked Narma would win the duel, the cooldown decrease from 6 to 4 turns is massive, and 100% chance is a lot better than 75% for landing the debuffs.

On the other hand, I don't think the difference is worth 16 legendary books if you allready have a working team. Narma's big advantage is, that she can take two jobs at once, decr. attack and poison. Her decr. attack can be booked to 3 turn cooldown, lasting 2 turns, that is good enough, as the stun-hit from CB is not atk based, so 1 turn without debuff doesn't harm you (has to be the right turn, of course). If your team allready has a atk debuffer, Narma can't shine with her full power, her atk debuff potential is wasted.

You're forgetting that Narma's A1 is a debuff extender as well. That's a pretty huge factor, especially if you're running CA.

Aug 23, 2021, 06:3008/23/21
Aug 23, 2021, 14:06(edited)

There is absolutely no reason why Steelskull would outdamage Narma. Without getting more info it's hard to know exactly why you're experiencing this, but Narma has higher multipliers on all of her attacks AND brings poisons. There must be other factors at play that you're not mentioning.

I do not use an uk team and I do not have god-like artifacts so multipliers are not relevant to me. Narma's damage is ATK based so it makes no sense to me to skill/equip her like a dd at CB.

BTW: does the game shows anything about multipliers? I can't see any, sorry.

Aug 23, 2021, 06:5308/23/21
Aug 23, 2021, 07:56(edited)

Unbooked Narma has a six turn cooldown between her posions from the A3, and only a 75% chance for landing them. A booked Steelskull just puts out more poison. 

Probably a booked Narma would win the duel, the cooldown decrease from 6 to 4 turns is massive, and 100% chance is a lot better than 75% for landing the debuffs.

On the other hand, I don't think the difference is worth 16 legendary books if you allready have a working team. Narma's big advantage is, that she can take two jobs at once, decr. attack and poison. Her decr. attack can be booked to 3 turn cooldown, lasting 2 turns, that is good enough, as the stun-hit from CB is not atk based, so 1 turn without debuff doesn't harm you (has to be the right turn, of course). If your team allready has a atk debuffer, Narma can't shine with her full power, her atk debuff potential is wasted.

You're right, an unbooked Narma cannot reveal her full potential, but would a booked Narma really outnumber Steelskull by damage by far??? That is the question! What is the value of 16 legendary books measured in damage in a CB fight? After booking Narma she must improve her damage at least by 5 million to be as good as Steelskull. But of course, that's not enough.

If I could use her as an ATK down debuffer instead of Altan then I would need another champ which could outnumber Altan by damage. But then I would loose my continuous DEF increase buff (Martyr and Altan).