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review after few month of gameplay

review after few month of gameplay

Aug 16, 2021, 09:3908/16/21

review after few month of gameplay

Hello, I have been playing raid for few month now and would like to give it a reveiw.

First things first the price of everything seems to be pretty steep i spent about 2 grand on this and currently not very happy on the returns i am getting especially when i summon during 10x events, like for example my latest pull which was few days ago i used up about 250 anceint shards , 30 void and 10 sacred, i got only 1 lego champ on the list and not the one i wanted... this is extrmely frustrating as i have spent probably arround 800$ on the pull. The shards must be cheaper or increase drop rates please this is getting rediculous.

I am very happy with some of the free gifts, for example scyl and ninja are on my main pvp and pve teams i am happy to have them thank you.

Books are too expensive or hard to come by, for example lego champs need about 10-12 books, 1 book at the store is 34 dollars so booking one champ is like 300 dolalrs i think this is very expensive, so i try to get books on sale whenever possible, please do something about this its very expensive.

Energy pricing seems all right i burn about 2-3 k energy aday and ok with rebuying it no complaints here. However i am not happy with the grind even when i leave my pc on all night... maybe incorporate system where you consume more energy for more rewards per run so i do not have to overuse my new pc. Also allow for more auto battles, make them infinite please 40 does not cut it at all for the guys who spend a lot on energy.

I really hate that jewlery is split into faction its like omg hard to find good piece for the target hero, please remove faction specific jewlry and make it like gear for all factions.

There are too many useless champs that clog your summoning pool and lego dupes are a problem as well, need a way to trade champs for the one you need, for example few lego champs could be tradebale for the one you want seems fare enough same with epics.

PVP is fun no issues here, PVE is ok but needs a good set of champs to progress which is very expensive.

Silver and artifact aquisition seems alright , however i am not happy with the flat stats that plague your drops it takes few days to find something good maybe get rid of flat stats please?

market is useless, please allow for more good items and heroes to be bought from there make silver pricing steep, but make access to good gear and champs.

I hate the system of enchacement aquisition... pease let me farm it without faction wars or sell it to me please.

There are too many weak lego champions this is extremely unacceptable consideering how hard and expnsive it is to ge those. There are some rares that are stronger then legos like wtf is this...

Lack of information is also an issue, i need to know how much abilities hit for with basic stats so i can compare heroes and figure out which one is good at what, currently this information is not available in game and requires 3rd party websites for figuring it out.

I like how difficult this game is, figuring out champ compositions is very entertaining.

and few points to conlcude

i am happy with some of the heroes i got: 

legos: Zavia, scyl, ninja, dutchess, lyssandra, kymar, maybe Kryla

epics: monster, serris, royal guard,doom priest, occult brawler, stag knight and i think there are other usefull ones but did not work with them yet.

rares: cold heart, apothecary 

What i am not happy about is about 5-6 lego champs i really do not care about, about 200 epics from which only like 10-20 seem usefull the rest are meh.

shards too expensive

books too expensive

make silver cheaper for gems, though i do not need per se as i am grinding on auto a lot of stuff i could sell but for new poeple that might help

Defenetly increase events payouts, in its current form its very little considering how much resources you need to complete it.

What i will spend money and silver on thru market or shop:

1. champs i still need to feel happy about

2. books

3. gear with good stats, currently farming stage 17 due to lack of gear to progress. but 6star lego gear is not dropping ofthen, and i have a ton of champs to gear.

4. gear enchacment please let me by it from shop or market, currently i do not have 15 temas of heroes to farm effectively faction wars ugh.

5. champ and gear trade function, so i can buy champs or gear i need from other players or market/shop.

thank you for taking the feedback into consideration, looking forward for more game content and improvemetns
