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Better/Preferred Unkillable Setup

Better/Preferred Unkillable Setup

Aug 13, 2021, 10:4508/13/21

Better/Preferred Unkillable Setup

Hi All,

I’ve been trying to fine tune a fast Skullcrusher and Roshcard UNM setup. I’ve got Rhazin, Frozen Banshee and Septimus going with them. Though I’ve got them to the proper speeds I’m having a little trouble and still fine tuning because they aren’t lasting to 50 yet so their damage is low (sub 10 million before they start to die off).

I can 2 key NM and getting closer to 1 key with a separate group of Skullcrusher, Krisk, Brogni, FB and Septimus.

My question is, I also have Geomancer now from the guaranteed event a few weeks ago. Tower’s block damage doesn’t work with Geomancer’s reflect right?

In the end, which setup is better:

Fast Skullcrusher/Tower

1 Maneater/Pain Keeper

My other 60s for info: Krisk, Brogni, Geomancer (still 40), Rhazin, Frozen Banshee, Septimus, Arbiter, Scyl, Altan, Miscreated Monster, Hurndig, Psylar, Stag Knight, Coldheart and Kael.

Thanks for your recommendations.

Aug 13, 2021, 17:5608/13/21

I use Two Towers and WarTower teams myself.  Tower's block damage prevents a true damage reflection from Brogni or Geomancer, but those reflects can still proc Giantslayer, so it could theoretically still be a viable strategy.

I would want to see the builds I think, but as far as which one, I might start with that Budget Unkillable ME/PK and let Geomancer really show you what he's about. His damage is incredible on NM and UNM.

Feel free to show us your builds too!

Aug 13, 2021, 18:3208/13/21

How are you dealing with the stun op? Is that why you are not going all 50 rounds? You have brogni so you can put him in to block the stuns.

I ran this comp, still am but with different champs and getting a 2 key unm and 1 key nm vs void is easy enough. Affinities are another story though.

Speeds I used that worked are :

Tower 248
Dps with def down 186
Dps 177-181
Brogni 173
Skullcrusher 174

Aug 13, 2021, 18:4308/13/21

I think the Tower/Skullcrusher is better.  My bet would be lore of steel is making one of your speeds a hidden decimal that is desyncing the team.  (ie) maybe tower is 241.6 instead of 241.

Aug 13, 2021, 19:2908/13/21

I think OP is running a fast skullcrusher and eating the stun.

For evil, are u having affinity problems even with brogni in your comp?  Should be good for all affinities no?

Aug 13, 2021, 19:3908/13/21

I think OP is running a fast skullcrusher and eating the stun.

For evil, are u having affinity problems even with brogni in your comp?  Should be good for all affinities no?

This is what I was assuming as well. That Skullcrusher was eating the stuns.

Aug 13, 2021, 21:2408/13/21
Aug 13, 2021, 23:14(edited)

Ya even with brogni the only affinity that works for me is magic. Every other one my speeds desync and run falls apart. 

Edit : phone posting is such shit on these forums didnt quote you so @trips