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Whats up with the Terrible "AI"???

Whats up with the Terrible "AI"???

Aug 11, 2021, 00:4008/11/21

Whats up with the Terrible "AI"???

So i've been debating writing and "complaining"  but without complaining nothing is going to get fixed.

Over the past several months, i've noticed what seems like the AI getting worse in battles.  Now, i say "AI" because it's not really "AI"  it's what the programmers have told the game to do.

I'll be in the middle of a dragon run, or somewhere in the Doom Tower and all the sudden one of the enemies will apply a "block damage" buff to themself.  If 1 member of the team of 5 has a block damage buff, WHY DOES MY ENTIRE TEAM START TO HIT THE ONE WITH THE BLOCK DAMAGE?  like seriously....

So i click on another enemy where the red circle/arrows is arround the champion,  but none of my champions switch to hit the one i have chosen.  they all continue to hit the one with  block damage.

OK OK,  so i understand if the entire team have block damage,  or if there are only 2 left and both have block damage,  i understand, there isn't much that can be done.  But please,  if an enemy applies block damage can we please improve the AI to not target that particular champion.  (and yes i understand if it's a retaliation, or counterattack,  they will still target that champion.)

Aug 11, 2021, 07:2708/11/21

I concur the 'AI' is awful, and have noticed that mobs with block damage applied will be targetted.

Being able to do some basic prioritising helps, but it doesnt fix the issues of targetting etc.

You can manual the game if you want to but i imagine very little funding goes towards making the champtions fight 'intelligently'.  Someone will have decided it isnt worth the time and money investment required.

OracleCommunity Manager
Aug 11, 2021, 08:4508/11/21

Hi! We aim to all make all the Champions controlled by AI to behave intelligently but with all the amount of content in the game and all the number of possible baffs/debaffs, it's becoming a bit tricky. Every time a Champion has to decide whom to attack or which ability to use, they have to consider a wide variety of factors, some of which change during the battle.

However, I'll forward the suggestion to prevent Champions from attacking enemies that would result in little to no effect. Thank you for bringing it up!

Aug 11, 2021, 13:1208/11/21

Are you sure your team doesn't have Provoke debuffs? It sounds like you're against waves that have champs which put block damage on themselves and AOE provokes.

Aug 12, 2021, 07:3808/12/21

Are you sure your team doesn't have Provoke debuffs? It sounds like you're against waves that have champs which put block damage on themselves and AOE provokes.

It isnt just when provoked in my experience?